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hi jas3n - i heard from maskd2003 that you have checked out some korean clinics in person- can you share with me your findings - have you visited dr park at the Oz clinic - he's really the only korean doc i've found that is thorough in his online consultation - yet i am surprise no one has tried him. i am interested in redoing my eyelids, the first one done didn't went to well...

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Hey Jovinliu,
I would like to know....did u have the 'I' implant or the 'L' implant? If u had the 'I' implant, can u still move ur nose as much as u used to? U c, I want an 'I' implant with cartilage for the tip, but I hear ppl say u cant push ur nose tip up like u used to nor move the nose side to side? Is that true? I have to consider these issues cause I play a lot of sports, and its inevitable its gona get touched (and maybe even knocked) by someone during a match, and I wana know how fragile it is. I mean do u have to be really gentle with the nose? or can u just treat it like ur old nose? I always have this thought that if u push the tip about (to the pt that in the case of a natural nose, it will be ok), the cartilage graft might fall out of place or something. Also, if u had goretex implant, by feeling ur nose, can u tell its an implant? Can others tell? Because I only want a small enhancement, I want a 2mm implant, do u think its big or is it small? Do u mind tellinig us how big was urs and do u think its given u a nose that is bigger than u had expected or smaller? I apreciate it if u cd just tell me which parts I said wat true and the parts that were not. Thanks
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ahh! I post way too much of my opinions... nonetheless...

anyway, I feel like a few of the Korean doctors that I conversed with are money hungry. I sent in a pic of myself to two of them to see what they would say.. basically said, "what do you think I should get done?" holy cow... epicanthy (lateral and medial)... zygoma reduction, mandible reduction, botox, heighten and nose job... I mean they wanted to change everything! I further on went to ask them the risks involved... they said very low, and to top it off, they said 2 weeks to look normal with all of that!... I say to that bull****! Bone contouring is SERIOUS! you have to be on a soft diet for at least 2 weeks, whereas, for the nose you can go to the mall the next day...

I've informed myself by reading papers... it seems that mandible reduction and zygoma reduction are supposed to reserved for severe cases... It's not to say that my face shape is perfect.. but it's not very far from an oval...

I even asked if I were to choose between the face contouring procedures which one I should do... and they chose the most expensive and dangerous one!
Anyway, I am a bit ashamed to say this, but it actually made me question myself for awhile...

be wary... stick to your guns of what you want!
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awww maskd2003 don't ever think you post too much of your opinions up - these forums are designed for that so post away. I JUST LOVE your posting ok hunny :smile:

Been abit quiet lately, been hit by the flu virus - yet during chinese new year and even till now - cough splutter (hope I dont get ill before I fly and have PS done when the time comes!!)

Seems like we're all going to different countries now.. korea, japan, taiwan and even the states! All good really, it just shows we are considering all our options. At the end of the day you have to go somewhere where you are most comfortable and which surgeon you 'trust'. Its pretty hard for us we we wont have the opportunity to meet surgeons before and we have to rely on internet postings and hear say. Either way I hope we do eventually find a good surgeon!
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wow, i can only imagine what that dawn yang girl went through for her surgeries---she got like jaw reduction, cheek reduction....prolly had to eat only soup for weeks.

I'm definitely doing botox for the jaw!
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Attitude? So if I disagree with your views I've got an attitude? Maybe you should re-read about those negative comments of yours. Calling people ugly and saying they looked SO much better after surgery isn't exactly the most positive thing to post. Like someone said earlier, I was only pointing out how *possibly* hurtful your message could be. Someone could be reading and say, oh my god, if they call that celebrity ugly (which they weren't to begin with) and then think that because of that, they need surgery.

And please dont use this other argument over jovinliu's picture as an excuse to flame me alright? This is an entirely different issue and I'm sorry if you you think I dont like you personally or something. I dont know you well enough to make that kind of assumption. And just to clarify. I'm not tearing you down alright? You made interesting posts and you're bubbly, thats great. I just wanted to make my point.

Not a friendly forum? Well if you think its friendlier over at SGexpats...why are you here? Just here to tear me down?

And you don't want to share information with me or help me? :crybaby: Why are you getting so childish? I've contributed and so on..but with all the things that happened so far, I would say no one here is being mean or negative. Even over the pictures, I don't blame jovin for getting mad, or that qq guy, but you. You... you are a different story.
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:yes: *Nods nods*

Well no hard feelings here, I know 17 is a bit young, but I'm going to be turning 18 in a few months anyway. And I don't know if you live in the states, but there are quite a few nose jobs done on teens here (amongst other procedures). Actually I have this one friend, she just turned 16 in November. Got her nose job as a birthday present! and it looked good. (But shes Jewish so different from the flat Asian nose).
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Ouch. Uh, why are you playing it out like I'm some sort of rich preppy snob? If you look at previous posts you'll see me asking for financial advice..xD. Anyway, I'm guessing...just a guesss.. that you think I'm making fun of QQGuy. Well.. I'm not. I was just honestly asking ok? A lot of forums have international members (the beauty of internet), some of whom are just learning English, its nothing wrong with me asking is there? Maybe I could have phrased it better. But I mean..I asked... " Can you ... speak English? I'm sorry its just really hard to understand you." I don't know any other way to phrase it better ok? And it sucks you hate people like me. I kind of like your personality.

And speaking of beauty. This is a bit off topic but..it kinda relates. I really like spoken word, and I found this on youtube: YouTube - Slip of the Tongue . Just watch it, Jovin's last comment reminded me that I had to show you guys this.
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Girl, is Jovin's last comment too subtle or what? She's referring to you. minus the flowerpot. :roflmfao: & I thought young girls are really sensitive?
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^ Oh so you just want to be nasty here now? Maybe I'm having a little bit of class and not trying to start a flame again. Does she really know who I am personally? This is the internet, it can get impersonal. So why should I be "sensitive"? Do you want me to start whinning and acting like a child? I'm sorry if thats all you see around you, but you just want to add fuel to the fire.
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This *8947* is getting off topic. :back2topic::

Good luck on your whatever surgery too jedi.

Is anyone else concerned over the medication? Ie, creams, oils, gels, etc that you might have to use? It sounds somewhat confusing and too much running around to get this and that.

And Dawn Yang...that girl just looks scary to me. Its not like she looked bad to begin with (but to be fair I only did see ONE before photo). But now she looks... European. I would have NEVER guessed her to be Asian. Thats the kind of nose job I would never want. But goes for Wendy's too.
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