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I've heard that it is better to wait for a year to see the nose settled.
Three months - a nurse told me that it is better to wait 3 months in between for surgeries, for the body to recuperate...
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Hi everyone,

I'm new here and I've read some pretty interesting things. Everyone has been helpful sharing their experience, I appreciate that. Since I was a kid I noticed that I had a square face and didn't like it, so I'm planning a trip to Korea probably in Sept or Dec to have multiple procedures done. They are:
ostectomy for wide mandible
zygoma reduction
lateral osteotomy for wide dorsum/ & bridge
lower blepharoplasty
lower eye alloderm
& cantoplasty

Yes, I know it's a lot of procedures but I've been patient and been waiting for the longest time to save the money.

I'm Asian but I don't speak Korean and I only know English. So far I have looked into the BK Clinic, Iaan Clinic, Oz Clinic, and some other ones. I'm interested in Oz Clinic because I find that Dr. Park is very thorough and specific when explaining the procedures and he has good English. Not only that but he answers all my questions and concerns and revisions are done at no cost. Though it is just emails, I feel more comfortable with Dr. Park than Dr. Kim from BK Clinic. Also I like his work and his price are reasonable for my wallet.

I am going alone so if anyone is interested in going together please do let me know or email me. It would be nice to share time with someone while in Korea. I live in the U.S. by the way.

Feel free to update me on anything or give me your opinion. :smile:
Oh, and those of you whom had rhinoplasty, please send me photos?
So I have an idea of what I should get. Thank you everyone in advance.

[email protected]
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YES! thank you so much :biggrin:! that's EXACTLY what i was hoping for, since I got it done in june, and i'd been hoping for a september surgery before summer's over.. :smile:
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$1500 for a nosejob??!?! That is cheap...a little too cheap IMO. DId it turn out well??
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Oops, let me make myself clearer , the nurse means 2 different types of surgeries , not the same type.

As for your nose, it is better to let it settled because 3 months is a bit early to tell....er..why not ask your surgeon ??? He is the best person to advise...
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Please see my above second post.
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also, i've been reading up to about page 125 rite now and maskd2003 you know how you had to go to Dr. Kim to fix your nose after getting it done by Dr. Chuang, what was wrong with it? Like, do you regret getting it done by Dr. Chuang or was it just a simple problem?
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HEY Kimosa!

I was wondering how much your surgery cost altogether?
Ive asked Dr.Kim about price ranges but i also heard from other people that he also adds on consultation fees etc when you get there so i was wondering is this true? and is it a lot? because so far my surgery is going to cost like 5000US$ (roughly) for eyelid revision and rhinoplasty but if thers like added fees i shoudl know now so i can tell my mum abot it!!

haha, thanks for ur help :biggrin:
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well my nose is a caucasian nose, but not a pretty one like angela baby's or janice man's..think http://www.staralicious.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/070802_b_conrad.jpg

so even if it settles, it's not gonna look good with my face..i don't care, i'll risk the infection!
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dr toriumi in chicago does it well, is considered one of the best in the world. however, expect to pay a heavy premium, he charges more than most due to his high demand (around 20-25k). His style is "natural but better" (similar to his beverly hills counterpart that did jennifer aniston and ashlee simpson), so if you are looking for a drastic change, he probably will not be for you.
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