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Hey girlies,

I know it's been ages since I last wrote on the Board but I promise i have been keeping up to date with my reading:smile:

Well I am currently in Taipei city recovering from my nose job. I came on Wednesday with another girl from the forum.

We consulted with Dr. Chuang Wednesday night (and I also consulted with Dr. Jong on Thursday morning). We both had surgery with Dr. Chuang on Thursday.

I had originally planned to do:

1) Nose;
2) Chin augmentation;
3) cheek augmentation;

with Dr. Chuang


1) Levator muscle surgery; and
2) Eyelash implants

with Dr Jong.

However, Dr. Chuang did not seem to think I really needed much done (even nose!!) so I decided just to go for nose in the end.

Dr. Jong said I definately did not need the eyelash implants because my lashes are already really long and dense. He also didn't think I needed the levator surgery, but suggested i might have an eyebrow lift instead.

For my nose with Dr. Chuang I had to undergo general anaesthesia. My surgery was about 2 hours (i think). I had:

a) Hump shaved down;
b) Osteotomy *to make the bones on either side of my nose closer together
c) Tip refining (to make the tip less broad)

I get my splint off today (Saturday) so Dr. Chuang can check that everything is settling right.

I will try to log on a bit more in the next couple of weeks to update on my healing and in case you guys have any questions!

The least i can do considering how much help this forum has been to me over the last year and a half! :tup:

PS. I ran into another Australian girl from the Forum who was in recovery from her surgeries in Dr. Chuang's clinic ...if you are still on the Forum let me know!! :smile:
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did it hurt to get an osteotomy and your hump shaved down?
i heard it could be dangerous??
and did u get a silicone or goretex implant for the nasal bridge or was the bridge shaved down only?
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hey, can anyone here explain the concept of scar tissue? i emailed Dr. Park from OZclinic and he said that if I really, really want a revisional surgery for my nose, he can do it right away..is that too good to be true?
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Hi aznpurse,

It didn't hurt to get the osteotomy or hump shaved because I was under GA. I honestly did not feel a thing. When I woke up it was a little painful, but that would be the same with any surgery.

I got a layer of goretex to ensure the integrity of the bridge after surgery, but I didn't actually need it for height.

If Dr. Chuang has to alter the bones on your nose structurally, you will have to undergo GA - its too dangerous otherwise. I don't think osteotomy is 'dangerous' per se though - this is quite common for caucasians to undergo

Hope that helps!
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Do not get your nose done with dr Kim. I have it done with him 3 times and it still not how I told him. There are excess skin(scar tissue) that I pointed out to him but he said it will go away which never did. I hated my nose. I check around and for revision rhino will cost me 5k-7k which is a little much for me. I'm looking to travel to Tw or Hong Kong to get it done. Any referral????
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Hello guys this forum has helped me so much and I would first like to thank all of the people who has shared there experiences. I would like to contribute to this forum by sharing my experience in rhinoplasty to thank all of who had the courage to go through the procedure and share it. Going through the procedure myself I must say I found a new much deserved respect to all those people who went through the surgery. Mentally it is very nerve wrecking. Let me share my story. First let me say I done my homework on researching plastic surgeons/risks/pain/ basically much as I needed to know to go through the surgery. Im probably the same insecure person as many of you who wants this surgery but before you go through with it do your damn homework so there wont be a problem. Most of the horror stories I read about "nose job" coming out bad, 99% of the time seems to be directed to the plastic surgeon who people chose to have there procedure done by. Im simply amazed by how people can even think about the financial issue when your getting your nose cut opened and getting it changed. Its ridiculous. If your looking around for the right "price" then seriously I think you should ask yourself how much does my face really cost? Rhinoplasty isn't a very serious surgery. But the risks are there and finding the right doctor will keep that risks very low. Rhinoplasty like all surgical procedure have about 1% of risk. I had my rhinoplasty done in korea and i am very glad I came here. Every damn block in korea has a plastic surgery clinic. If America is the superpower of arsenals then korea is the superpower of beauty clinics. Seems like the competition of beauty is fierce in korea. I highly respect those who has changed there faces dramatically. Ah the damn pain. Cant even imagine. But anyways I went to Dr Jung (www.nose.co.kr) to get my nose "done." As badboy pg36 said. Nurses are sweet and Dr Jung is a very respectful guy. During the consulation I explained what I wanted and Dr Jung explained the procedure and showed me many before/after pictures. Since this was my first time and Dr Jung is the only psdoctor I personally met I cant really say that he is the best directly but in my opinion he is. All I had to do is meet him once and bam, surgery... Man I was so nervous. First the nurses take you to a room to get your blood samples and use this machine to check your heart rate. None of it hurts . Then they give you those hospital clothes to change into. During that time im sure all of you will think holy **** cant believe im doing this. Thats what I was telling myself. The Iv was next, hate needles but thinking about the real procedure no needles scared me. After that the final consualtion with Dr jung will be talked and final briefing of what you bascially talked about before. I was so nervous that I cant really remember much but telling him "lets do this." Man I wanted them to put me to sleep quick. Finally they take you the operation room. Thank God I wear glasses. I barely saw the tools they use, it was blurry and I did not want to see those knives. By this time they make you lie down those operation chairs and clean you up. To be more specific they clean your face with some kind of liquid thats kinda sticky and
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put this gown to cover your hair. The last min before I feel asleep the nurses put this ointment on my eyes covering my eyes with this tape and they put this hose thing in my mouth telling me to hold it with my teeth. The gas was inhaled and next thing I know i woke up in the resting room. When i woke up i didnt feel any pain on my face but felt very groggy. The nurses came to check up to see how i was doing. At this point i was thinking "thats it?" very simple. i was honestly very surprised but well prepared since i read many other peoples experiences.It was a 3hr procedure which i didnt understand why it took so long until dr Jung came in and told me everything went fine but funny thing happened. He asked if i had any breathing problems. I was very groggy and couldnt really think straight but i told him yes but i dont think it was too serious. He explained to me that it was indeed pretty serious. I dont remember completely what he said but something about cleaning my nose so now i can breath much better now. Also I needed to get rhinoplasty sooner or later. haha what a damn coincidence. I felt ok until I went back to the hotel to rest. first night is the hardest. Its not the pain but its very uncomfortable. Your nose is completely blocked so i had to breath through my mouth but from my mouth i kept spitting out blood. Also you feel like right before your about to catch a cold. Just felt very fatigued and kinda dizzy. I could not sleep. Blood pouring down my nose and not able to fully breath. Wasnt like so bad i wanted to die or anything but its just a ****ty feeling. I finally fell asleep and next day I went back to the clinic to get these cotton ball things out they shove up your nose . It wasnt too painful or anything but it was a little sting. But man i felt better after. I barely was able to breath through my nose after that but it was better than nothing. After that it only gets better. 3rd day youll feel alot better. Healing process for me was relatively quick and after that you get your stitches taken out your cast on your nose taken out. You look at yourself after and just smile satisfied and go home ;D. Now im feeling great did not know you can breath so clear! I think im going to go run a marathon... Dr jung did an awesome job and im very happy now. But to those who wants to go through this procedure. As i said do your hw research research and financially/mentally/physically prepared before you go through it. Sorry that Im not to specific on the details on myself but this is really pushing my comfort zone ;[. I hope everyone who wants to go through this procedure will all come out without problems. p.s dont watch those nose surgery videos. scary as **** you dont need to even see it lol it doesnt help one bit. You wont feel any pain nor remember during it anyway.
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Hi, Im new here

Im Ms. Che from Indonesia and just wants to share my experience about rhinoplasty. I had mine done by Dr. Levi of ShimmianManila and it has been 3 months now and the result is simply amazing.
Before the surgery I am very anxious since I would be operated in a foreign land nevertheless Dr. Levi explained the procedure very well and even performed a before and after computer imaging on me.
During my surgery my last memory was the insertion of a needle which is a little painful I would say since Im also afraid of needles. Then I woke up with a plastic bandage on my nose and advised to come back after 6days for removal of the yarn(stitches). There is not much pain but rather discomfort since there is some obstruction on my primary breathing organ. I looked scary at first but after 2 weeks the beauty starts to show and it reflected on my work and relationship with others. Some says I have renewed confidence.
For all those who are thinking on doing it, Its really a life changing experience!
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hey yooniebonie, I m planning to see dr jung in August.
I would like to know if he met your expecations in term of beauty of your nose.
Where did you stay and how long did you stay in Korea?
I would like to see the results, I am so scared he doesnt understand what i want for my nose and what is appropriate. I dont really like the results on his website...do you mind sharing pictures?

Thanks a lot
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Hi Im also new here.
I was wondering if anyone has heard of Dr. Nazih Haddad in Newport beach? On his website he has published articles on specializing in asian noses and asian eyes. surgerybyhaddad.com
His pictures look good. http://www.1cosmeticsurgery.com/Nose_Surgery_Picture_Preview.shtml
They look very natural so not drastically different. So he's good for little improvement. So far I like Dr Charles Lee and him for my nose job. Didn't make an appoint for my consultations yet. So has anyone heard of him? Also what about Dr Lee? :smile:
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hey wankoreanose let me tell you this. Dr jung will do precisely what you want. He exceeded my expectation, i mean look, he does this for a living and performed over hundreds of thousands of people. Im sure that most of us all have the same ideal perception of beauty and trust me that he understands your nose better than you. The reason why you dont like the results in the website is cause those are what you call "natural look". In my consualtion we had a talk about the trends. Right now you might think those high bridge sharp noses are beautiful in your eyes but think about in the long term. Fashion changes quick and who knows maybe many years later some celeb with a bublous nose might pop up and make that the new "look". Of course i love my nose and im even more happy that its not dramatically different. Before surgery I really hoped it wouldnt change too much because i mean.. i was born with it. Its me, and I like me if u know what i mean. Trust me you dont need a sharp high bridge nose for to look beautiful. What is important i think is to have a nose that is in harmony with your face and dr jung achieved that for me. Finally the confidence i needed ;]. Hotels and transportation can be all scheduled with dr jung. Dont worry about him not understanding what you want cause he will do exactly what you want if you want it. Sorry but i want to keep my privacy on pictures.
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I agree with Mr. Yoonieboonie
Good job to the doctors of Shimmian (Korea and Philippines)
Hopefully there would be a branch here in Indonesia too.
I would like my eyes widened next time
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thanks yoonieboonie for sharing that with me. thats ok, i understand, did you look ok after 2 weeks? I was planning to go on holidays after the surgery to celebrate it...
I will go to Iianclinic first ,then see dr jung, and other clinics i booked for consultations where I liked the results....iam happy that you have the nose of your dreams now...congratulations!!!take care
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