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Hi All,

I have a few questions:

1)Anyone heard of a mandible implant? I can't find any before or after photos on google or really much info on the subject. Basically it lifts the lower base of the nose.

2)Also, I was wondering about the long term effect of lengthening the nose tip where they use the septal caritilage or the area behind the ears. What happens in the long run? Does it start to sag/rot away or does it become part of your body and start regenerating?

3) Anyone know of someone who had a silicon implant on the nose bridge with "lasting" results?

4) My sister is looking to fix the crease on her eyes. Know of any good eye fold surgeons in NYC?

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I think once you get your stitches out it will be fine, usually on the 5th day you take them out, but it will be a HUGHE nose so don't be surprised if you feel like he did a bad job or something. It will be swollen.

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So... I had surgery last week exactly and I had the implant removed yesterday. GORETEX. (it took about 5 min to remove it, no kidding) Not because it was a bad nose, not by all means, most people would not mind having the results I had. But I had an identity crisis and needed my old nose back lol. I honestly looked "white" or "eurasian" but more on the white side!!!!! so it needed to come off. I love being Asian that's who I am, I didn't go there to not be one, honestly I might have paid whatever money I paid, but I learned so much about myself. I learned to love myself for who I am and who was before, and learning to love yourself is worth a lot more, befoe surgery all I saw was someone that could be "better."

I will be removing my chin implant next week. Because it is still swollen.

PS is great, but it is just not for me. This whole experience has made me value things so much more and myself more. Which I never thought was possible. "Lukily" with asian rhinpplasty you only augment your nose, you can sort of "go back" you can say because of the implant inserted. Right now my nose is not the same because, where the implant is located, it is extremely swollen. If you press it, it hurts and swollen and when you do press it you can feel all the liquid thats theres from the swwelling. I think it will take a couple weeks before the bridge is back to what it was. My tip was slightly changed, but it looks more like my old nose and I too find it hard to distinguish it from my old nose because it looks similar (just swollen).

After all is said and done, don't let my experience with rhinoplasty scare you. But always love yourself now and who you will become =)
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A huge nose? That means I will not be able to return to work on Tuesday (5 days after surgery)? I'm sorry, I know you've taken your implant out, but might I see your nose on the 5th day (just the nose part is fine).

Thank you for answering my question, I hope you all the best.
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Good to see you are back!
Despite some people talking about bad after care at BK, I think you should really check it out there. They are going to be moving into a larger building in the winter I believe. but they have like 120 or? 220 people on the team. A lot of people have been very happy with results/outcomes.

Dr. Kim's english is very good. some staff also speak chinese and japanese too.
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I would give it at least 7 days but would recommend 2 weeks if you don't want to get stared at. I was so swollen for the first several days. I started to look better after 1 month. What are you having done to your nose? I think my swelling was on the extreme side since I had my nasal bones broken. My cheeks were swollen for over a month. It looked like I had cheek implants or chipmunk cheeks. My nose was HUGE after the splint off at day 5. I looked like the Lion King.
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did you by any chance take a picture of the "eurasian" nose?? im thinking of getting one, but i'm afraid that i wont like it because to be honest, i actually like the way my nose look except it tend to get too wide when i smile but other than that my nose isnt too bad. i don't know if it's worth it for me to go through a drastic change or how good it will look with my face :S but you said charles lee is a good doctor then?
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yes he is a very good doctor :tup: his clinic is great and staff.

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i had silicone and my nose shrunk A LOT at 3 months, goretex has a higher shrinkage rate, which means whatever u have now, will shrink tremendously at month 3 even more than silicone, I don't know why goretex seems so much bigger after surgery but don't worry. Your eyelid will lower much more as well, to the point where u want a revision to increase it again (arg), and your chin will take the longest as there as SO many nerves involved down there. Trust me, when i first came out of surgery I looked white too, but now I look like the prettier me :P

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I will have my bridge, tip and nostril done... I don't know what to do now, since you said my nose will be swollen like Lion King... 3 days + weekend are the max. days I can't take off work... Do you have your 5th picture I can look at?

Also, Dr. Lee's assistance Ruby told me I can take some kind of pills to eliminate the bruise and swelling before and after the surgery. Is that true?
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I never took any photos since I was soooo upset and depressed.

I took some Presurgery Vitamins with no Vitamin E 2 weeks prior to the surgery. I took Sineech Arnica 24 hours before surgery as instructed and continued for 5 days. I started Bromelain 5 days before surgery and continued for 1 month. They help with the bruising and swelling. I also started applying Arnica cream and Vitamin K cream to the areas where I would be operated on. I wonder how much more swollen I would have been if I never took those supplements?
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Its been 5 days post op for me. I had implants for my bridge and tip. I just have a question, I know its really supposed to swell a lot but Im worried than mine is swelling a bit too much.

Compared to day 1, today looks even bigger! And I only got imlpants! Im so worried...

So how much swelling is there really supposed to be? Should your nose look bigger than it was BEFORE surgery? O_O What is the average time of "De-swelling" to those who gets implants?

Thanks sooo much in advance!!
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the swelling is going to be more day 2-3 than the first day.
don't worry. ice for a week. then switch to warm.
it may take a couple of weeks before you look 'de-swelled', but the nose may take about 6 months for it to fully deswell.
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I was told about 4 - 6 weeks for implants. For me, I think it was around week 5 or 6 that my nose started to look good. Before then, my nose looked really Middle Eastern.
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