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hi chiluvskk,
I have had 4 nose jobs done. Trust me...I know of all the worst things that can happen.

1) regarding the dried blood, usually the doctor would have given you a saline wash with a syringe to clean your nose. What I did also, was AFTER softening the hard dried up blood with the wash, was to use a q-tip dipped in the saline, and then cleaned my nose with it. Be careful when doing this cos the nose is still raw inside.

2) the nose will definitely get smaller. you will see a big change within after the 4 week mark. 2 weeks is still swollen.

3) Leave the blackheads alone. as much as u can, dont disturb the tip. I had disturbed my nose quite a bit in the first 2 operations, and as a result, when it became "fixed" in place, it was fixed out of place due to me constantly moving it. Dont make the same mistake i did.

4) Stinging inside the nose might be just the wound recovering. if its really painful, i would suggest going back for a checkup to check that the stitches are ok, and that the wound is recovering properly. the last thing u want is an infection.

Hope this helped.
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thanks a lot EL66!
i guess i'll have to buy some saline solution then because my doctor only gave me antibiotics and tylenol, nothing else T_T. thanks for warning me about the tip thing, gosh i've been touching way too much when i wash my face, especially since my doctor told me i didnt have to be careful. urghh!
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You might also want to try Hydrogen Peroxide to clean the dry blood with a q-tip. That's what I used.
I'm am 13 weeks post-op now, I have noticed my tip has become less bulbous since a couple weeks ago.

For blackheads, you can try a cleanser that contains Salicylic Acid. I just saw a commercial on TV for blackheads called Blackhead Eraser by Clean & Clear. They sell it at any pharmacy. It's a battery-powered applicator with pads that contain Salicylic acid and another oil dissolving ingredient called Acelera. I don't know how abrasive this is since I haven't tried it. I'm curious to give it a try. I've been gently squeezing mine out but it's leaving red marks and then my skin hyper-pigments and I get dark spots on my nose which take a week to fade away.
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thanks again guys!

yes, my doctor is qualified lol. i just don't know why he's not very detailed about the aftercare. but otherwise he did a very good job on my nose. he's a very popular doc in my community, seriously he's always busy when you go to his office. he also won a bunch of awards like america's top surgeons of 06, 07, 08 and stuff. so i checked him out pretty well before going to him. it's just the aftercare that's not very good lol.

by the way, is it okay to wash my nose with saline without suing the syringe? (i don't know where to buy syringe)
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I can not say I am truly happy about how I feel about my nose. If it was another 2 mm higher at the tip and the wide of the nose is 1-2 mm in, I think am truly happy. With this said, I did had a complicated nose to begin with and so i don't know if the doc was able to prejudge how much my nose will shrink once he took out the stuff inside my nose that was not suppose to be there. He's a bit of the safe/conservative side and so he will stick to making an Asian-like nose if you don't tell him what you really want. With all said, I am well please that there were no complication and that I can be relieve from the turmoil I went thru.

Here's another thing, I get alot of compliments from co-workers at work especially the recent haircut I got that . The bang really added the touch for me. Even the COO said to me today that "maybe i can lose the eye glasses" and thats only his opinion but he thinks I looked great :smile: I can't count the number of compliments I have received since my hair cut but still its not the nose they are compliment but the overall look.

I still want to get it touch up with the same docter because I trust his skills and this time round I will know EXACTLY what I want.

Hope this help.

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Do your coworkers know about your nose job? Most people won't know that you had a nose job if it was done well and will assume that it is the haircut that is making you look good. I visited the surgeon who did my eyes after I got my rhino. He thought that I had gotten a new haircut...so it's good to know that even another plastic surgeon can't tell.
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I am going to fly out Friday, Oct 24. I plan on staying in Human Starville but if I can get a roommate I wouldn't mind splurging on a nicer hotel. Although, the pictures of Human Starville make it look like a nice place...

Has anyone here stayed at Human Starvile? Dr. Park from Ozclinic recommends it...
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Hey, mizliz I pm you did you get it? Have you decided who to go to or when you are going.
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Hey want2change, did you go to dr chuang of wishclinic to get your surgery? how long has it been now?
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Nope I haven't gotten your pm.

I'm planning to leave Dec. 10 as this will allow me some more down time before school starts again. I was planning to go to Chuang from wishclinic but now I am trying to look for other surgeons
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