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I'll be having a consultation with Dr. Chuang on 21th August. Would update you about the clinic and the procedures / fees after my visit.
Btw, I saw he is more keen into doing boob job recently..I am not sure whether it will influence his skills in nose job or not..
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Awwwww, man. I missed your pics. Do you think you could send me the link? I would love to see the before and afters. =)
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Were you happy with the results? Do you have any before and after pics? If you don't feel comfortable sharing, I'd understand.
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There has been some unsatisfactory work done by Dr. Chuang as seen on the singapore expat forum. Don't get me wrong, he's still a possible surgeon for me, but i'm just looking for more options.
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For people who got their noses done, was there any serious complications after the surgery? [ie. breathing problems after the recovery and etc.] I have relatives who live in China and they've watched documentaries on the aftermath of plastic surgery because I told them how I wanted to get my nose done. Boy, I got the chills when they told me all the horror stories from watching it.

They told me how many countries in Asia aren't really certified doctors even though they have documents on display. [ie. Some doctors who perform the surgery may do a good job on your nose but they don't have the actual license to do it and may have breathing problems and much more.] My cousin said that in Korea, they are more qualified in rhinoplasty expertise but you must find a certified doctor and stuff.

Don't get me wrong. There's alway countries who have certified licenses to practice. Just thought I wanted to shared with you guys. :Push:
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Hey everyone. (I'm imjase)

Just wanted to say its been nearly 1 year and 5 months now since I did my surgery with Dr Chuang.

If you want to see everything I went through then feel free to check out my blog although I don't update it anymore I'm sure I can give you comments/answer questions if you are curious about anything.

my blog of my surgery:


With my nose job I had gortex implant. Like I mentioned its been about 1.5 years now and I have had no complications with the implant. However I do experience some pains waking up in the morning sometimes the nose is slightly swollen or my implants hurt but nothing requiring doctor attention or pain killers.

I recommend the after-care service from Dr C. I can say he won't let you leave the country if he does not think you will heal properly.

Also regarding bone shaving. The 7-10 days is very optimistic. I am a natural fast healer/recovery in wounds etc... I would say it was at least 2-3 months before I felt I recovered properly. In 2 weeks you won't be ready for work or anything like that if you planning to do this type of surgery then I would at least plan 1-2 months at the minimum off. I did talk with someone who had a type of jaw surgery also and she recovered around the same kind of time scale.

So I would say for bone shaving. You be walking about and mobile after 2 weeks but you practically can't do much for 1-2 months.

Gortex my implant hasnt bothered me. I might go and get a check up with Dr C after 2 years just to make sure there is nothing crazy or malfunctioning but I am happy with my results.

The only downside is I got chickenpox (didnt have it when I was young) about 3-4 months after my surgery and it has left me some chickenpox scars on my face which I have to sort out some point.

Oh and I had laser done recently to remove some beauty spots on my face which is healing currently!!! I don't know if I do more surgery but end result is I am happy with my new face and have not really payed much attention to it. I still miss my old face but nearly all of my friends don't even mention or ask if I had surgery so I guess the changes you see yourself is hugely magnified compared to how others see you day to day.


Just send me a pm if you have any questions I might actually even go back to taiwan next 2-3 months
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Okay i'm about to go off topic here, only slightly though....but you guys seem very informative so i feel i can post here.

I'm about to get my eyelids done, and i was wondering, since many of you have gone through it, how does it feels afterwords??
Does it hurt alot? (i'm good with pain) can you see? how long before you can look "okay" without obvious signs of surgery? 2 weeks? 1 week?

I'm also planning a nostril reduction later, and he might be making my nose thinner(slightly), so i dunno if thats bone shaving or not?

How painful is that one?? My nose bridge is already naturally high, so i dont need an implant, which i hear is painful for alot of you?

Yeah so help ...
I'm all new to this.
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I've had lower eyelid surgery to remove excess fat and I barely felt a thing. that was a breeze.
The nostril reduction isn't very painful. You just feel some very mild stinging from time to time when the stitches are in (that's only if you touch it or try to smile which I couldn't because of the chin implant.) After the stitches come out in 4 -5 days, you will just feel stiffness/tightness. I am almost 14 weeks post-op and I still feel a hint of stiffness on the base of the nostrils. The only pain I felt was where the bones were broken on the sides of the nose. That only lasted a couple days. I felt some soreness for a couple weeks where the silastic implants were placed. The most painful part for me was my chin implant. Dr Lee used a needle the day after surgery to extract some trapped blood...OUCH!!!! After that, the pain went down considerably. I still feel a very slight soreness on my chin but that's only when I tighten the muscles there deliberately.

You ladies shouldn't worry so much about the pain. I'm a guy and we guys have a much lower threshold for pain than you ladies.
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For a couple weeks after the surgery, I only experienced congestion/stuffy nose since I couldn't blow my nose and also because the inside of the nose was so swollen. I'm 14 weeks post-op and I have to clean out my nose daily with a qtip. But after I clean it, I breathe fine, maybe even better than before the surgery.

I was told that there is a risk for breathing problems in Asians if the nasal bones are narrowed. If your nose doesn't naturally have the proper height, it could collapse if it is narrowed.
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At 14 weeks post-op, I am very pleased with the results. I just can't stand getting the occasional blackhead and not having the will power to resist squeezing it out. I keep telling myself to leave them alone but I never listen and I end up with marks on my nose that take a week to fade out...but it is satisfying when you squeeze one out.

I'll have to think about showing my photos. I wish I was comfortable showing them as I think the results are pretty remarkable.
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eyelid surgery is no pain. your eyes will be numbed during the procedure, but you can somewhat feel the cutting or the smell of your fat being lasered off.
I did eyelid surgery, the non-incisional method.
if anyone has questions then feel free to ask..happy to help
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It depends how deep the beauty spot is. They put on this cream which numbs the area a bit and you just get a burning/smell sensation. If they don't have to go deep with the laser it doesnt really hurt at all just slightly tingles but one of my beauty spots was pretty deep so when he lasered it out it did hurt but same pain level as say getting your teeth cleaned by the hygenist. I think women might not think its any pain at all but maybe I didnt get the anthestic for too long. You can always ask them to put on more if you can't deal with the pain.

This isnt bone shaving. Bone shaving is cheek or jaw reduction procedure. To make your face either thinner or sharper. If you just getting nostril reduction then its not painful at all and the recovery process is pretty quick. The only thing you have to be careful of is if the nostrils are reduced too much it gives you trouble breathing in the future but you should consult and ask your doctor this before the procedure.
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LVLUV, is that you on the runway? Thanks, I feel better now how people say its virtually painless... I got quite worrisome after the doc prescribed me t-3's and whatnot...

Jez, really? that isn't bone shaving? how is he going to make my bone smaller then?
Cuz he said he'll have to make it thinner around the bridge area, not only the nostrils?
And he said hes taking off my dorsal hump slightly, since its barely noticable, just for overall smoother appearance.

But Nose is later, i'm just getting my eye's done 1st... I dunno how some of you get like 3 surguries simultaneously ! I'm not that grand on bravery when it comes to surgery, not to mention my finances wont allow me either haha!

So anything else i should know about the eyelid surgery? any surprises i'd encounter along the wretched path to recovery?
Please do share.

Thanks Mkcryu,Jes, and Lvluv.
BTW, My Doc charges 2Gs for eyelids, and 4Gs for Nostril reduction+Bone thinning Nose job... Canadian Dollars, incase any of you are planning a trip around here.
Would have gave me 500 off for combined procedures, but you know where i stood on that.

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