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jas3n, I'm so glad that you've returned to making detailed posts.

I see that you're from Australia too, have you checked out or heard of any surgeons here?
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I'm planning to get a chin later on too... is it really that painful? Like i don't have a receding chin, I have an okay chin already, i'm just very very vain, so i want that extra CM there...

Does the pain vary by degree of implant size? or is it going to kill no matter what?
What are the chances of extrusion? will it stop my sports life?
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Dear Jez,
:tup: YOu look awesome!! Thanks for sharing, can I know when the time u were having your n.j. done by Dr. C, was he using the ear catrilagde to define your tip?
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Haha thanks for compliment :shame: - Yes I think he did. I did have some bleeding in the ear etc for about 1-2 weeks.

He most likely is going to break the bone and make it higher I forgot the exact name for this procedure but thats what then normally do to make the appearance than your nose is thinner. You have to heighten the bridge area. This procedure I had done to my nose. It gives you swollen eyes. I couldnt see out of my eyes for about 2 days and I looked like I did 10 rounds with tyson when I had this done. Had to do loads of ice packs to reduce swelling. :P
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The girl on her display picture is Miss Seoul 2008
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It felt really sore for the first 4 days. It just hurt when blood was being extracted because Dr Lee had to press and hold the chin area, which was really sore and use a needle to extract some trapped blood. It took less than 5 mins to do.

I think a strong chin makes such a big impact. I had an ok chin to begin with and most plastic surgeons I consulted with recommended that I get the tiniest implant to just augment it from the side view. Dr Lee gave me a medium sized implant which gave me a great profile and also slightly lengthened my face making it less round. I have a better jawline now and my face has better balance and shape. He said that the large-sized implant would be ideal for me but doesn't recommend it since the swelling from it takes a year to go down. He said I would look like Jay Leno for a year. So So maybe the larger the implant, the longer it takes to recover?

I think that implants are pretty secure. Some surgeons use screws to secure the implant. He told me in regards to my nose, that it should be just as sturdy as my original nose. Unless you're a boxer or martial artist, you should be fine. I don't think extrusion is a risk but you should ask your surgeon.
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Wow, so hes going to break my nose? And it heightens it too? wow...
I'm just wondering how he'll heighten my nose without implants, cuz i'm not getting implants in my nose?
He can just mold it like play-doh? lol

Mkryu, Thanks for the chin answers.... mine too will be a tiny implant, i already have a nice jawline, its just the side profile is like 80% when it should be 100%..

So could you eat right after surgery? or talk for that matter? and how long did you have to wear that...scarf wrap thing?

I'm going to keep asking you Mkryu, since we're both getting same type of implants =P ..sorry hahaha

Thank you,Thank you
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hey guys..
I was wondering if any of you paid for the procedures in either taiwan or korea with a credit card? Im hesitant to be carrying this type of cash around. Are the docs over there ok with credit cards? thx
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Actually, I got a medium sized implant. I had tape for support. I can't remember if he took them off on the second day or the fourth day. The scarf wrap I think is for when you get your jaw or cheeks shaved.

It was hard to talk clearly for a while. I had trouble saying 'six' for 2 or 3 weeks. You can eat the day after since the first day you will be sleeping from taking pain mediciations. I just had some protein shakes but surprising it's was fine to eat solid foods even with the incision on the inside of the mouth. You just should stay away from hard foods like nuts and potato chips. It was a little awkward eating solid foods because sometimes food particles would get stuck behind the lower lip and since you don't have full mobility of your mouth, you have to remove the food manually. Chewing was a little hard to do for a while. I think full mobility returned to my lower mouth in about 3-4 weeks time.
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For those that know about eyelid and rhinoplasty, assuming i was to have the procedure at the same time, how would one look after 1 months recovery? I have one month off and wanna get some stuff done, but will have to be back at work and dont want to look like the great pumpkin...can anyone give some personal or 2nd hand knowledge about this?
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does anyone know a place to stay in taipei?
jez where where you staying at?
I'm at this hostel now it's cheap, 500NT a day with air conditioning only after 11.
Not as good as i expect though honestly
I'm glad i'm only staying here until the 25th
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