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I just got quoted $4800 for 'nasal reconstruction' (what does that mean??) at dr preechas institute in thailand! I thought it would be half that! Please help me girls!! Is that a good price or am I being messed around? I want to spend no more than 3000, help help help! Does anyone know any good doctors in thailand?
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Hi Desty thanks for your reply. Honestly I'm afraid that my second rhino will end up having bad results as well. Plus there's always more chances of complications. I don't know if I can go through all this again. Just like you, people can tell I had work done I find myself keeping my head down most of the time when I see asian people.

So have you had any revisions done? Do you like the new results?

Thanks again.

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Hey Silverlight,

Did you just have an implant for the bridge or was it to your tip also? Is it the "L" or "I" shaped one?And did you get it done in the US or in Asian? By who, if you don't mind my asking?

I'm sorry to hear that you're not satisfied with it. Have you thought about rib grafting?
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It was an L shaped silicone implant with cartilage from the ear for the nose tip. The result is an operated look. A lot of ppl have noticed the implant. It's very sharp which might be fine for some people's nose but in mine it looks very out of place, doesn't flow with the rest of the nose / face.

In certain lightings indoors the lines of the implant are very visible, that's another reason people can spot the implant. I've also heard comments about how unusually straight my nose is, so it must be fake. I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about.

Someone linked to my doc's website b4, it's Dr. Joseph Wong. I would not recommand him because he just cared about the money and didn't explain all the risks to me properly. He told me the implant would not move, but in fact my implant is very mobile. He didn't explain the complications that could occur either.

I went back to him this year to talk about a revision, 'cus I thought my nose is too high and "white" looking. He's response was: "Well you look mixed! That's good, that's what people want". I don't want to look mixed! This guys doesn't get it, so I'm going to consult with another doc.
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Oh my gosh, I feel like you're talking about me because I am facing the same problem. I don't know what kind of shape of the silicon that I have, but it doesn't look good on my nose. Dr. Kao suggested to use rib to correct my problem while Dr. Jung mentioned Gortex. I don't want to have another scar/cut on my body using rib and don't know how to explain it to my husband. But then, I don't know if the Gortex implant will be visible on my nose after the surgery since I have thin skin. Does anyone know? Please share the info.
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My trip day is not set yet. If I go to Korea, it's more likely to see Dr. Jung. I will let you know once I convince my husband to let me take a month trip :sad:
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What doctor did you go to before?
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Asianfox and easilyobsessed,

Hey guys, i had silicon I implant and septal cartilage for tip from Dr Chuang of wishclinic in december of last year. My nose looks OK. It does not look fake or anything but for some reason i feel like it could look better. The side profile is too curvy because before i had a saddle nose and i guess even after he put the implant in, i still have that curve but its too much of a curve. So im planning to go to Dr.Kao for a revision this December and im going to get rib cartilage. I was really afraid of getting cartilage from ribs because it is a more complicated procedure then just regular nose surgery. After doing research, i am convinced to do it because the results look very natural even if the bridge is high and theres no way you can achieve that with silicon. Gortex will make your nose natural but wide. I'm still in the process of saving money since its aorund 4000 plus plane ticket and accomodations.

I sent Dr. Kao my picture and pictures of the nose that i like and he said that silicon and gortex cannot achieve those results only rib harvesting will be able to achieve it but look natural at the same time.
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Hello everyone,

I'm new here and so glad that I found this forum. It took me weeks to finish all 300+ pages! yay!

For the past year, I've been doing lots of research and plan on getting a nose job sometime this year. The delimma is I'm still debating if I should do it in the states or travel to Taiwan. The US doctors that I'm interested in is Dr. Rollin K Daniel (Newport Beach, CA) or Dr. Hillinski (San Diego, CA). Both doctors seem to have all the qualifications that I have been looking for. On the other hand, I'm stuck in between because I feel that I might get a better result in asia because of their expertise in asian noses. If I plan on traveling to Taiwan, I am set on going to Dr. Chuang or Dr Kao.

Nevertheless, if anyone out there have any experiences with the doctor listed above, please let me know. Thanks!
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I heard very good things about Dr. Charles Lee. He was on Montel, search youtube you can probably find a clip of him & a patient on Montel. Her nose (the patient on Montel) looked very very good. I can not tell she had work done (and for someone who knows what to look for this means the work is very well done).

I would first think about if you really want an implant. Seriously blance out the pros and cons. Having silicone (or any other implant) means you'll have to be extra careful around your nose for the rest of your life.

I think one thing I learned through all this ordeal is to love yourself, I'm pretty sure your nose is fine in someone else's eyes. We judge ourselves 10 times harder than anyone else. I'm not trying to stop you from getting a nose job. I'm just speaking from my own experience.

It's interesting to note that most people miss their old nose after augmentation surgery. I would reommand small changes rather than drastic changes that you will have a hard time getting used to. Stick with Asian, not Caucassion as your goal, and discuss this with your doc, make sure he gets it. (My doc doesn't get this, he thinks looking Euro Asian is good. I suggest you find a doctor who understands what you want. A lot of them just think you want to look white which is not true for most people.)

Most people under-estimates the psychological impact of cosmetic surgeries. I think a nose job is more than just infection rates, excursion rates etc. If it's not done right, even without any complications the psychological damage could be a serious problem. There's someone here who took out her Gore-tex a few days after she got it. I know how she feels, I still can't get used to my nose 4 years after my surgery. But I think that's because the change was too drastic for my taste, I 'm sure if it's done right I wouldn't feel the same.
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I actually posted that Youtube video a couple of pages back, lol. And I actually don't know what to think of her nose...sometimes I think it looks pretty good and sometimes I think it looks off and like a popsicle stick.

I can live with being extra careful around my nose forever, but I'm just scared that the implant will show through, move, or look very fake. Is there any chance it won't be like that? It seems like most people experience that.

Thanks for your help.
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For those who have had the eyes done...is it normal for them to look uneven?
I'm like on third day of recovery....

I'm paranoid about them being uneven....but then again i know its just the swelling..and i still have my sutures in them.

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hey so you got yours done with dr. joseph wong? do you have any pictures?
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I also went to Dr Charles Lee. He did a great job with mine. I had a silicone implant to raise my bridge. My friends did notice something different about me but they thought I had gotten a new haircut. They can't tell I had work done on my nose. For the 1st month and a half, it did look operated but Dr. Lee and his staff told me that after 4-6 weeks, people won't be able to tell that I had surgery.

Dr Lee told me that my nose should be as sturdy as my original nose. When I go back for a follow-up, I will ask him again. I just feel that I need to be extra careful.

Very true. People would tell me that my nose was fine. Most of the doctors that I had consultations with told me that I was very attractive to begin with and to be careful not to do anything extreme that would ruin my looks. We are our worst critics. I get one pimple and I feel that my life is over!!

I don't miss my old nose at all. My new nose is 1,000,000x much nicer. You really have to find a good doctor that has good taste and lots of experience with asian faces. I originally wanted a higher nose bridge but I'm glad I let Dr Lee do what he thought was best because I got to see what a higher nose looked like while I was swollen for the 1st month. It looked really unnatural. My goal was actually to look more "Globally" attractive like most Asian actors/actresses.

Right on! I'm still paranoid that I might get an infection and have to get my implant removed. I definitely will talk to Dr Lee when I see him in a couple months about any potential risks later along the line and what to do to prevent any complication.

The person who got his Gore-tex implant removed after 4 days is a male, like myself. I think if he would have waited until the 6 week mark, he would have like the result. It takes time for the initial swelling to go down. The first week is definitely the most depressing. I looked so weird...like the Lion King, kind of like a cross between a cat and a human.

The best thing to do is search for a few doctors with lots of experience with Asian faces and have consultations with them. You will know when you meet the right one when you feel comfortable and can trust them.
If you are not crazy about getting an artificial implant on your nose, then look for a surgeon who is experienced with donor material (rib or skull cartilage). There are also complications that can occur with Rib cartilage grafts. Warping can be an issue...or worse...like in this case: http://www.nosejobgonebad.com/
Dr. Toriumi of Chicago is considered one of the best for successful rib cartilage grafts. There is a photo of an Asian woman (possibly Filipino?) who had a revision with him. I think her nose looks amazing. Take a look. Her photos are located about 3/4 down the page.
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