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Does anyone know how long you have to not hit your nose for after septo-rhinoplasty? A dog bumped into my nose today. It wasn't really a hard bump, but still, it hurt. The same thing happened a week ago. Do you guys have anything experience with post op healing and accidentally hitting your nose?
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Does anyone know how soon did you go out in the sun for a long period of time after a rhinoplasty? In my aftercare instructions it said to avoid the sun or tanning beds after the surgery, but I can't remember how long it was suppose to be.

CrazyGirl1, I had that happen to me, my son actually kicked my nose 2 weeks after surgery it wasnt a hard kick but it still hurt. It seemed like each week something hit my nose since then. I actually had a nightmares that my nose was messed up and I kept on looking at my nose to see if anything was crooked or out of place.. well it didn't do anything. Your nose actually gradually looks different and some say it can take almost a year or sometimes longer for you to see your final results. I don't think it should effect anything unless it was a really hard bump or hit.
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Hey CrazyGirl what did you use for your nose job? Rib?
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Whattodo Thankyou so so much for replying. I was getting worried. Yes, at 2 weeks, a dog bumped into my nose tip (the part that was sculpted) when I was petting it, and just yesterday (at 3 weeks) I was taking a walk through the park and petting a Corgi and that short dog bumped into my nose too!!! I was so upset. It wasn't hard but still it hurt both times. I hope nothing happens at week 4. Geez.

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Hi guys, I have been following this thread for a while and have decided to go to Dr. Charles Lee in Beverly Hills for my rhinoplasty. I have scheduled the surgery at the end of this month.

The reason I chose to go to Dr. Charles Lee is because I live in California and it is the most convenient. I am a little scared about going overseas because I do not know what kind of care I will receive, and what I would do if something came up and I wanted to stop by the office and have my nose checked.

I am nervous and excited about the surgery, and really hope that it will turn out well. Dr. Lee appears to be a very experienced and reputable doctor. I am paying $7900 so I expect it to be good work...

Does anyone here have experiences to share about Dr. Lee? Please PM me or respond here if you would like to chat.

I also want to mention that I received botox jaw reduction 3 weeks ago with Dr. Charles Lee. The difference is not drastic, but my jawline is a little more refined. I paid $1100 for a full strength injection and am not sure if I will do the treatment again since the difference is not huge. However, it's possible that the results are not complete yet because it's only been 3 weeks.
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I had almost schedule my appt with dr charles lee. i decided not to because i live in Louisiana. Looking at his website i love the after picture but i did a few research on him and he had cut some1's nerve while putting in the chin implant. But every1 makes mistakes and eevery surgery place youll go to have its cons and pros and bad reviews. I think he does a very good job but i think in the long term you will have to get a revision. he only use silicon and sometimes gortex.

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ANy one got a nose job with silicon implant and caritage as their tip? im getting it in december and im very nervous. please let me know how it went with you guys if yall liked it or not? i have school a month after surgery! i hope ill be heal enough to gooo!
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what do you mean that in the long term i will have to get a revision? is it because of the implant? i hope my nose wont start to collapse after a few years and i have to spend a few thousands dollars to maintain the nose job.

this is actually a question i've wanted to ask about nose jobs... are they permanent or do they require maintenance, especially if an implant is used? i really like being low maintenance and wonder if its possible to just have it be a one time deal. i dont mind going in for a check up every now and then, but i dont wanna go under the knife more than once.
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Sliverlight, I only had my cartilage sculpted at the tip. The front and a bit from the sides, so that it looks less flat. That's all. I didn't use any implant of any sort. That's too high maintenance and too much stress for me.

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I've read that implants in the nose do not last forever but last for quite along time, suppose just like breast and chin implants.Ive got breast implants and never really thought of the maintenance of them, cant really imagine being 70 with big boobs lol. But as we get older the face looses collagen so the implant might become more prominent on the nose especially if the skin loosens and sags, but dont quote me on that it was something i vaguely remember reading about in a surgery magazine.

hth x
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is anyone going to korea/taiwan/japan for surgery this summer??? i'm 80% sure i'm going just don't know where yet...korea or japan the most likely since ive never been there and i want to travel...if anyone's interested in going in the summer let me know :smile:
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That's nice! I think that's the best way to go! No implants just reset the bones maybe a little grafting at the tip.
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