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Sliverlight, if you break the nasal bones and reset them, you have to make sure that your surgeon knows enough about nasal anatomy that you won't have occluded breathing as a result!!! You should probably go to a plastic surgeon/Ear Nose Throat surgeon.
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I would like to go to taiwan summer 2009 for surgery. Still researching though. What procedures are u wanting and where are you based at?

I'd be interested in Korea if i can find somewhere they do eyelash implants too. Main reasons for choosing Taiwan is down to this and good reputation with some of the Drs.

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hey everyone

I have arrive in Korea on October 8th and had a consultation at the BK clinic with Dr K im Byung Gun the very next day. We are staying at Youngdong hotel which is about a 10 minute walk to BK Clinic. Everything is close by. restaurants. subway,convienent store, bk skin clinic, and the surgery clinic, few bank. 24hr restaurant ,everthing!.
About Youngdong:

The people here are quite friendly. The pick up service at the airport was phenomenal. He was very easy to find him since he waited outside the gate with a sign that had our names on it. It took us about an hour to get to the hotel. The guy that drove us was really nice. He came back from studying in Georgia, U.S. about few months ago so his english is good. They do have Canada/U.S plugs here (you just have to ask for them). and Internet wire that you can plug to your laptop.
Food is about the same price as Canada and U.S. Prices for daily essential is really cheap and very cute.

Bk Clinic:

I love the Bk clinic. The service was AWWWSOME! We arrived there at 8:30 even tho appointment wasn't til 9am. I had coffee with another girl from this purse forum when we arrive (coffee was really good there). We were ask to fill out a form (name, duration of stay,address,phone number, etc) The consult lady (her name is Misna..i think) she was really nice. She can speak a little english which we were able to understand. She had write down what we wanted and and made sure we know what we wanted! we were sent to another room to see dr kim. he review the paper and then went through them with us (one at a time of course) questions and DID NOT RUSH THE CONSULTATION!
He had answer all our Dr.Kim spent a great deal of time with us. He had explain everything thoroughly. His english is really good! Everyone that works there is very kind/gentle. We later went downstairs to get the computer stimulation done. That didn't take to long. It was about 1/2 for them to do it. During that time we went back upstairs with Misna and look at before and after of other peoples picture. Every office had a bowl of people bones from mandible surgery and cheek bone. It was to give people idea all the different size shape of those surgery. Dr Kim had Misna escorted us to the Bk Skin Clinic (5 minute walk i think) after we saw our stimulation. She waitted for us about 30 minutes while we were getting a consult there for our skin. Did i mention the office there is really really nice. very modern/sophisticated looking. So now we are also getting stuff done to our skin (im getting treatment for my acne prone skin 300,00 korean won and maybe fraxel 400000 korean won). We had to come back to the clinic after lunch to confirm our surgery date for October 10 at 9am. Thank god we had a consult appointment at 9am. cause the office was LITERALLY PACKED WITH KOREANS in the afternoon. There was at least 10 people waitting there. Some were there for post op consult, remove stitches or planning to get it done. The lady that sat beside us had a open rhinoplasty. her scars are fresh but it was fading away. Her nose was sooooooooo nice. She look like a movie star. there was also a lady there who was 7 days post op. she tried to cover herself up with a scarf and hat. she probably came in to get stitches/cast thingie remove. We were able to ahead before everyone else. I also took a glance of the ladys nose. she had a open sugery to since i can see the black stitches. She was wondering why we were able to go before her. Came inside the office and set the date and we were ask to desposite 10% (600,000 won)

they discounted us $300each. Both getting nose and chin.
Im getting devitation, ear cartlidge grafted to the tip, base reduction, open rhino.

bumped into dr kim on our way out and he said goodbye. We spent the rest of the day shopping at Coex mall and buying some things for our hote

came back and slept til 4am

it is now 6 am on the dot. My surgery is 3 hours away. Im planning to go order some food at the restaurant so i have food to eat after surgery. Remember no drinking alcohol or smoking 1 week prior to surgery. Make sure you pack bromelain and arnica to help with speeding the recovery. I hope this help for whomever is planning to come to BK CLINC IN KOREA.

I will keep all of you posted

Since I have all the time in the world after surgery
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oh i forgot to tell you Bk clinic is currently building a huge huge building beside the one they are in now! ITs suppose to have everything you need. skin, dental, cosmetic.. etc. by early next year it should be done. His clinic ad is everywhere! Most famous/biggest clinic in korea. Bk has 100 worker alone excluding the 12 surgeon that works there.
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i don't think i'm doing a nose surgery to be honest... i really wanted too but the thing is my face is a bit asymetrical and one side of my face looks pretty bad and the other side looks good/decent. it gets to the point where i'd purposefully stand on ppl's right side just so they'd see the "good side" of my face...but maybe i'm just paranoid my mom saids you can't really tell the asymmetry but i definitely can. i'm thinking of doing jaw surgery to fix the asymmetry and make my face smaller at the same time. the thing is, it costs about $4500 to do jaw surgery even in taiwan or korea so i don't think i can afford an additional $1000 on nose job, my nose is a bit asymmetrical too and when i smile it can get really wide. let me know where ur thinking of going...maybe we can get a discount if we e go to the same place???

p.s. i know mandarin so if i do go to taiwan i can at least understand, but going to korea would be a different experience and u get to see another country
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I do know some asian coleagues with naturally nice noses...High bridged, Thinner, and non-flared nostrils...

Flared nostrils are probably the most common problem for asians...

As for celebs..i dunno enough about Asian celebs to comment..but i do know that even in hollywood, Nose jobs account for a huge percentage of the stars...
But we only know about the really high profile ones.
Plus...we tend to assume most caucasian actresses have a natural perfect nose..which is not true lol..

Caucasians have big noses, usually depth wise, asians have it big width wise.
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Yup...there is the universal beauty that the world agrees on...
It is more of a western look, but i wouldn't say it IS indeed a caucasian look. Its like 60/40 of that look belonging to westerners more.

Every celeb in every country now, has the same phenotypes. Ofcourse every country differs slightly, but now we see it more in common than ever.
North Asian celebs(light skin,Taller) South asian(darker skin) Indian celebs,Arab Celebs,Northern Europe celebs(light hair &light eyes),Southern Europe celebs(dark hair & dark eyes),Latino Celebs, , African celebs,American Celebs..all share that same "look" now.

Thin profile nose,a seductive gaze,essentuated cheekbones,shapely chin, and the same threaded eyebrows...
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Hey silver, Dr J.Wong of Toronto??

I find his work to be amazing, and he cared about my case alot, even gave me discount. But thats just my opinion..
I haven't gotten my nose done there yet, but when he showed me what he was going to do, It was very nice. Very natural...he even stated that he doesn't like going for plastic look, and kept explaining whats best for MY face & my nose

Then again,in my situation, i don't need an implant, My bridge is decent, and my point is there, its just minor changes to make it look perfect.
And a nostril reduction..so i can't really argue on this...

He really said that? wow... what did you say in return?
And is it really that bad that you can spot it a mile away??
Plus..do you have like a very round face & round features?so the nose looks out of place ? or is the implant just bad, and your face could suit it?

I need to know bcuz i'm going there for my nose, and you got me paranoid lol...so please talk with me..
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Hey Guys.
I finally got my alar reduction done 2 weeks ago in toronto by Dr Rival whos really talented but never tell him to make it almost undetectable cause thats what hell do!seeing how nobody who wasnt really close to me, noticed, i could have gotten away with alittle bit more taken off--so i will get the whole thing done next time ( surgery wasnt as scary as i thought it would be)But first im getting my masseters injected ^__^ with Rival as well.

By the way--something cool happened.
I took some board member's advice from here and started taking 1000 mg Vitamin C every day for a month before and after the surgery, and these stretch marks i had on my thighs for years--suddenly dissapeared--you cant even see that they were evr there unless you stretch the skin with your fingers.
Anyways thought you might want to know that.

Might get my full rhino done overseas.
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is dr. joseph wong expensive??? i've seen his website and i live near toronto but they dont do email consultations and i'm afraid to call incase they call back or sumthing and my parents answer :S
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sounds great. Congrats and let us know how it went :smile:
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Hey adorissio, Dr. Wong wasn't a "bad" doctor. He's technically proficient. It's just that I felt like I was talked into this nose job, because he kept saying good things about it. I asked him if the implant will move, he said of course not. Which is obviously a lie, because silicone is known to be mobile in a lot of cases.

My nose is too high for my face and so straight and sharp. I do have "round" features. My face is oval and sort of "full" not boney. Say in the subway I've heard people commenting on my nose about how it's fake. In a restaruant I've heard someone say, that must be fake, real nose have curves. Right now I'm avoiding all public place that have alot of asians. But unfortunately I live around lots of Koreans. We all know they can spot a fake from miles away.

Trust me when I saw the pics he show me, they all looked great. But the thing is cameras don't pick up everything. Especially with falsh photography, it hides certain things. Plus everyone looks different, I think he give me almost the same nose as one of the pic he showed me. But what looked good on that person, doesn't fit my face.

My nose looks pretty if you look at it by itself, but if you look at my whole face, it's so out of place. A stick in the face is what I call it.

But again, you are not going for implants. So I think you are fine. I just regret putting a stick in my face. I should have taken it out sooner. But he told me I'll look better and better in 5 years. So I waited for 4 years. And no it didn't get better. So I think he's full of it sometimes.

Anyway, when I went back to him, he refused to do a revision by replacing the silicone with a softer material. Told me looking mixed is good, 'cus you are in Canada. This way when you go back to China, people will believe you are from Canada, 'cus you look mixed! What ever the hell that means!!!
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I think a nose job 4 years ago cost $4000. They give discounts if you do more than one together. (Fixed cost for nurses and stuff so cheaper to do two at a time).

Are you getting a nose job? Make sure you ask him what implants he's going to use. When I went back for a revision consultation, he said he could use an implants that's less mobile than silicone. I asked if it's Gore-Tex, he said no. I'm guess it might be Med Pore or something...

And make sure he knows what you want. Don't just go with pics. Everyone's face is different. But again, HE's the doctor, so he's aesthetic sense must be good to be able to find beauty in different types of faces. After all you'll be knocked out on the table, and he's the one with the knife.

After all most people don't really know what they want done. Most people just think oh my nose is too flat, I want it higher. But most woudln't know enough to say I want 3mm at the bridge and have the tip extended 1.5mm. A lot of things are up in the air for the surgeon to decide while you are on the operating table.

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