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It was one of the first photos that came up when used google image... but you're right, I made a mistake. I hope an admin takes it down as I am not able to edit my post. Sorry :sad:
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My splint fell off 4 days early but Dr. Lee told me it was fine. It's because we have oily skin. Just be careful not to disturb the area. Sleep elevated on a couple pillows and when you use ice packs or warm compresses, apply it to the sides of the nose and not directly on top of the nose.

The swelling will continue to migrate downwards. The bruising migrated all the way down to my chest.
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Hi Asin - Are you feeling a bit better. The swelling is normal and usually spills all over. I was really swollen, my face and head looked huge but it will subside. Nothing was compromised...just remember to ice where you can and sleep elevated on your back...hmmm, hope you don't mind that I seem to be constantly posting after mkryu and saying the same thing(not intentional). mkryu is right, follow what she says. oh, also preparation H cream might help with the cheeks and chin.
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I'm a guy, but thanks.
Don't use Preparation H! They changed their ingredients so it's no longer safe to use for swelling on the face. My friend is a doctor and he told me. The best remedy for swelling is ice/warm packs. Arnica cream/gel can also help.
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Oh cool! I'm thinking about getting it done by him too since LA is much closer to SF than Korea is. About how much did yours end up costing you? If you dont mind me asking...
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Hi everyone,

so, i had my nose done with Dr. Jung yesterday. It's still swollen that I don't know how my nose looks like yet except I look like a cat woman. The surgery took about 2 hours, and they led me stay in a recovery room for almost 6 hrs before letting me go back to my hotel. One of Dr. Jung's fellow doctor took the super long gauze out of my nose before I left. It was odd because I thought they would remove it the next day according to other people's experience if I am not mistaken. The blood is still dripping down my nose. I am also experiencing sneezing and having a stuffy nose. I can't breathe through one side of my nose. I hope it's normal. It seems like Dr. Jung only does the main surgery part, and his fellow doctors and nurse will take care of the patients afterward. I didn't see him after my surgery. He was in his office though.

Before the nose surgery, I had a revisional eyelids with Dr. Park from Oz clinic to make the creases 1 mm smaller. One of my eyes looks nice. BUT, I think he messes the other eye up because it's more shallow (it doesn't create a nice crease like the other eye). It also forms an extra fold above the incision. This was what I notice and planned to ask him. After removing the stitches today, the nurse noticed the extra fold on my eyelid and went to get him. In addition, the incisional crease that he created doesn't form a crease. It's like there's a cut on my eye. So, he put a piece of tape the eye hoping that it would make the "extra fold" disappear. I will go back tomorrow for a checkup. If the tape doesn't work, he says that he will create a small incision to elevate the muscle. OH MY GOD!! I am so worried and disappointed. Please pray for me.
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i went back to the doctor today and he literally saw me for a minute or less. he says the surgery went smoothly and apparently my nose is healing nicely. that was it. i'm supposed to go back in 2 days to get the sutures removed.

i think i mainly look like a freak because of the swelling on my bottom cheeks, which i've concluded may be due to an allergic reacton to the antibiotics. i've also developed a big itchy rash/hives on my forearm. i've stopped taking the antibiotics for almost 24 hours now (dr said it was ok) so hopefully the potato face/rash will go away soon.

shoegirl, the surgery cost me 7900 total. i considered doing it overseas but opted to do it in LA because it was more convenient.
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Hey Asian Fox, I was wondering about you a few posts earlier. How does the new GoreTex feel compared to your old silicone? Hopefully when your nose is less swollen you can tell me more about how it looks. Is it a big difference that people can tell your nose changed?

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I have an extra crease on one of my eyes too. I have double eyelids already, but I notice that I started getting an extra crease above one eye about 6 months ago. It's kind of weird-looking, but it's "natural"...so.... I don't know if I should leave it?
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I am 10 days post op and the blood in my eyes have almost disappear. My body is very sensitive so it reacts differently.. If you don't bruise easily then i think recovery should be fine. I suggest staying there for 10 days. Enough time to recover! And bruising shouldn't be really noticeable. I went with somebody on this forum. She actually emailed me cause I posted on the forum looking for a buddy. from there we just emailed each other through hotmail.
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I'm 10 days PO and my ears have settle back in place.. Bruising is also gone! My tips is now a bit smaller then 7 day PO.
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Im sorry but I had really great experience.. with this clinic. I don;t know if it was I was a foreigner or ? but they treated me really well. After hearing some people consult didn't go so great because its short.. I was a bit worried mine will be like that. But it didn't! Im not advertising either! Im giving info/details to others who are choosing BK to do their cosmetic surgery. Isn't that what were all doing? Asking questions and looking for answer? Anyways I only have one account on here. And one on Makemeheal which is Pocacocoa. Since some people on there does not want to join Purseforum. I have to post what I post here there too!! I've seen lots of day by day pictures but never seen anyone faces compared to mine..Everybody heals differently and those that don't heal very good should know how they might look like. Since some people usually stay for 7 days. I have experience everything that could possibly happen. Dr.kim try to stop me from bleeding after surgery since it wouldn't stop. swelling in the whole face. weird bump on my forehead, blood in eye, caught a cold on the 2nd day in korea.. til now I still have it. bruising around eye and inside lips. I hope you understand.

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October 20 (korea time) Left home early since I had some errand to run.

I arrived at Incheon Airport about 8 1/2 hours early since my buddy flight was at 11am. My flight back home was great.. I almost missed the flight cause I was too busy updating my post on this forum and checking email *whew*. Since we departed at night.. I slept like a baby after I had my gravol. After getting our baggage and waiting for 1 hour to check in the vancouver I was sent to custom. Waitted for 3 hours there! I was then fine $400 for not declaring my canon 450 d camera I bought at Inchron airport ( I got 20% off and if you use mastercard you get additional 5%).
I had to pay for it otherwise they would seize it since this is my second warning. I wonder what happens the 3rd time? I missed my connecting flight to Toronto. I waited an additional in line for 1 1/2 hour to renew my ticket. There was only two workers at the Air Canada station. And they knew so much people have to connect to other flight and took their time chit chatting and making conversation with each other. One man stood up and complain. There was also a few people who ask the Air Canada workers for directions and they replied so rudely! This will be my last trip with connecting to vancouver. I used to live here and don't remember it was this bad. But know that they rebuilt there airport. everything is so strict and confusing to get around unlike the korean airport. They had way more worker, more friendlier, better service, easy to get around . I almost missed my flight to Toronto because I didn't realize what time it was and was ordering food to eat on the plane. Spilled a cup of tomato juice inside my Louis Vuitton bag. I was lucky enough to have brought my earphone cause this airline does not provide to you for flights 5 hours and under. You can purchase them for $3. I finally arrive in T.O at 1am. Im soooo GLAD to be home. I miss my daughter terribly!

I will post a one month picture when the time comes..
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Hi Everyone, I randomly stumbled into here and have really enjoyed reading all the posts!
Wondering if anyone will be making a trip to Korea in early January perhaps?
If so, then would love to hear from you :smile:

My email is [email protected]
BTW, I'm a 2nd gen Korean female living in Ontario, Canada

Thanks for posting your pictures up, and great to hear that you had a good experience!
I was curious to know how your friends and family have reacted to your decision?
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I have not seen my family yet.. My fiance seen it and had only one thing to say " your not the same thuy i fell inlove with" (look wise) but overall he likes my new nose..haha. We can't wait to see how it will look in the next few months. Im seeing my mom tomorrow. and she notices and suspect everything *yikes*
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