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Thanks sliverlight.....I can't really see the new nose yet because it's all taped up and so swollen. I can see the tip is no more POINTY and deviated. The nose bridge itself is also shorter than the silicon one, which was long for my face. I can't wait to see the new nose and will update more about it.

As for messed up eye, Dr. Park basically said the same thing that I mentioned: it's too shallow which creates an extra fold above the incision, when i saw him this morning. He suggested to do another operation. I got so worried but didn't have a choice. He reoperated the eye to make it deeper. Now, the eye has only 1 double fold, but it's so swollen right now and looks bigger than the other eye. I hope that there won't be any unevenness after this. Dr. Park is a nice and caring doctor, but no one wants to go through this twice like me. We all want to get it right with 1 operation.
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if it is natural looking and doesn't look bad, it's beter to leave it.....mine, however, was horrible because one eye with a nice deep crease while the other one has multiple shallow folds with a long incision on the eye. The doctor made a mistake because he didn't make it deep enough like the other eye
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how was the checking-in at Incheon Airport? My flight will be at 6 PM and I am wondering how early I need to get to the airport to check in.
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the cotton ball really bothers me a lot because it hurts my ear. I was told that it will be removed on Saturday. I can't wait for it!
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Last night the tapes on my nose started coming off on the sides because they were so oily, so I took the tapes off and saw my nose for the first time.

It looks huge and... slightly crooked. The bridge is ridiculously high that it doesn't look like an Asian nose anymore. I don't think this is the look the doctor intended, so I'm trying not to freak out here. I'm assuming that I am still very swollen and my nose will look better with time as the swelling goes.

However, what's with the crookedness? The bridge seems to slant slightly to the right. I know it's not because I slept on my right side and gravity caused it, because my right ear has a wound from the rib cartilage so I couldn't have slept on it. Is it uneven swelling? I hope I look nothing like I do right now when I'm "healed" because my old features were much better.
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Sometimes your nose isn't swollen symetrically. So it might look crooked. But it's possible that the implant moved. Most likely when you go back to the doctor he will adjust it by hand before it's set in place (If it's goretex). Height should come down a lot, in about two weeks then a bit more until 6 months. That when it's basically the final shape.

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Curious, did you have an incision for the previous double eye lid surgery? I didn't know they could lower these kinds of folds, I thought they are permanent.

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The cotton ball bothered me too but after it dried up and the wound healed a bit, the pain went away and became less bothersome.
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Asian Fox, the funny thing is, I never got my eyes done. I think one day I just woke up and noticed one eye has an extra fold than the other. It actually looks weird when I notice it, but it's not caused by surgery, which is what I meant by natural.
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2 hours before departure is good if you want to browse around.. they have lots of good deals at Incheon Airport. Just make sure all receipts/warranty make up box..etc are thrown away and your item look as if it was used.. make sure you also remember what you bought in cause you run into trouble like me
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Yes, they're permanent but skilled doctors can lower the folders or make them higher. Dr. Kim's website has some good pictures of these cases
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The doctor will adjust it when you go back to see him. Mine is still very swollen and huge :sad:.....it's been 3 days already
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Thanks for the info
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