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Hi sorry this is like so late but
i think i'm 90% going with BK clinic but still not sure yet.
i'm planning to go somewhere feb/march 2009
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I see your from the uk. Who did you go to Korea with?what procedures did you have done?

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Am planning to go round may/june time. I think am leaning more towards taiwan as i want eyelash implants and the doctors are also very skilled there, its also alot cheaper! still early days though.

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Asin, When you first see your nose it will be really huge and weird looking since it will look different. Don't freak out, I freaked out when I saw my nose except my whole face was swollen too. My implant shifted alittle because the implant was alittle too long and there was nothing to stop it from moving up since i asked for a high bridge. All he did was take the implant out trim it and put it back in. It only took like 10 minutes but it was weird since I was fully awake and I can feel my nose cut open and stitched back closed. I really like how my nose has turned out so far, I am not even 2 months post op yet. Its a noticable change but also very natural and it really fits my face.
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just got your nose done? congrats. if you brought your laptop overseas, it still has internet? or you are in a lab using one of the Korean computers?

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you should read some of my early posts from back in May/June when I was freaking out. Swelling at the bridge will decrease in about 4-6 weeks.
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Asianfox, im getting my nose done at hanh phuoc in december. I was wondering if you did the silicone implant with the ear cartilage as tip or ONLY the silicone implant at hanh phuoc? im getting it done by dr. phi.. they said hes the best over there. hes also asian. but hearing your experience over there is making me really nervous. Also, i cant decide whether i should get the silicone implant with ear caritlage or gortex with the ear cartilage. at hanh phuoc the most expensive one is the silicone and ear but then i hear alot of good stuff from gortex.. i just want to get my nose done with the best material. and im so confused.
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She didn't go to hanh phuoc, I don't know what that is. But she went to Korea with Dr. Jung. I think she got goretex.

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Here's an update... I am 7 days post op.

I'm back home now and looking/feeling better. The swelling is going down slowly, and the potato face has mostly gone away.

I went to see the doctor 2 days ago to have the sutures removed, and he said "Your nose is beautiful. It came out perfect." I hope he doesn't tell that to every patient to make them feel good, lol. Did your doctor tell you that too?

I did ask about the perceived crookedness, and the doctor said my nose is perfectly straight. Upon closer inspection, I think it is straight for the most part. I was staying at an apartment with very dim bathroom lights, so the shading + slightly uneven swelling and bruising made it look crooked.

The doctor stuck some bandages around the incision lines when he took off the sutures, and I should be able to take them off tomorrow. When I take them off, I will almost look normal. My bridge still looks unnaturally high, making my nose look fake, but if I wear a hat I can go out in public without stares.

Even though I still look weird and operated on right now, I am loving the way I look with taller, slimmer bridge. It really makes a big difference on my face, more so than I had thought! I am excited to see how it will look as the swelling goes down!

mkryu, thanks for the help and support. It especially helped through the first few days when I was feeling a lot of doubt about my results.
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I think Dr. Lee was being honest when he said your nose looked beautiful. The surgeon actually sees the final result of the nose during the surgery. It's because swelling and bruising usually don't occur immediately buts starts gradually after the trauma. It's kind of like when you bump a part of your body. It doesn't swell or bruise until much later. Dr. Lee told me that I would have a fantastic result in 6 months and that everything went perfectly. He wasn't kidding.

I wore a hat out in public for about a month. My bridge looked so unnatural and I worried sooooo much that it was permanent. My cheeks were also very swollen so my face looked like a lion's. My nose looked crooked too for the first month or so but that went away eventually. I can barely see the scar from the nostil reduction. I used scar cream for the first few months (I tried Mederma and Kelo-cote).
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I know some companies pay people to spend 8 hours a day, browsing through all kinds of web site and leave nice comments about their products. what comfuses me is that there are so many people come here updating their results. I can understand if they did the surgery at where they live, they can still type in their own computer. the thing is, if they travel all the way overseas, how the heck do they still have energy or time to report here online right after their surgery? do they even care about what's happening here after being done with their surgeries?
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nini i can easily respond to that one for you:smile:

It's freakin BORING after surgery!! lol Seriously, after you've been out of hospital for a day or two and your swelling flares up you can't (or don't want to!!) go outside. There are only so many bad daytime movies one person can watch! It's natural to jump online...

That was my experience of it, anyways!! And I went to Taipei:s

I never travel without my laptop...Most good hotels have 'business centres' for you to use their computers. If you can't call home, you have to email, so most people log on at some stage anyway...

Although I don't doubt that there are people who use and abuse these forums (the BK/Dr Kim ones always arouse my suspicion, because they are so in depth!! Like, gosh a paragraph will do it - we get the point) :confused1:
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I posted my results because I'm bored and wanted to share my experience, in case anyone is interested. Is that weird? I haven't gone out in a week now and I don't have a job. Some people just have a lot of time on their hands :P

For a lot of people, plastic surgery isn't something they can talk about openly about to people in their every day lives. This is a place where we can talk about it.
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