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I made this point earlier regarding the patients that went to the BK Clinic in Korea. They leave these really long long detailed accounts with detailed photos. I pointed out that I suspected Thoang86 was an example of these "suspicious" posts. Perhaps it was just a coincidence since she is replying to other posts and continues to contribute to this message board topic. But in the past, I remember another lady by the user name Jang posted a really detailed account, similar to Thoang86's, with photos. I also saw Jang's post on a Soompi forum for Asian eyelid surgery just copied and pasted...exactly the same post. Then there is another young lady who posted her experience (either on this board or on Soompi), again at the BK Clinic, with photos of her jaw reduction surgery with very detailed photos, including the sawed off pieces of her jaw bone. It really does seem like it is advertising from the BK Clinic. Also, most people are very private about their surgery experience and will not post full facial photos of themselves for the whole world to be able to see. Maybe these people are really bored after their procedures. For me, I just didn't have the energy or desire to write anything with such detail and length after such a major procedure. I was still trying to cope emotionally with my lion king swollen face to even want to share anything with anyone. I was in bed resting for 4 days straight watching DVDs on my laptop, icing my face 20 mins on the hour every hour. In my first few posts after my surgery, I was freaking out about my swollen cheeks and high nose bridge from the implant. I felt really helpless. The responses I got really helped me deal. In return, I try to check this message board from time to time to see if I can offer any helpful advice to people that are going through the same ordeal I went through. Plastic surgery is no walk in the park. It's nothing like what we see on Nip/Tuck where patients go in one day for a procedure and the next day, they are fully recovered and beautiful.

Just to make myself clear, I'm not attacking any of the BK Clinic patients' posts. I think they are very detailed and informative and it gives us all a good idea of what to expect. I'm just get the feeling that they are being written by someone employed by the BK Clinic for promotion purposes.
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thanks. you and I have the same point

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Does anyone know if Dr. Lee uses I shape or L shape silastic implants? I should've asked...

I've been browsing a lot of forums and websites and it's been said that L shape implants are bad news.

Right now, I'm kinda worried cause I can feel a sharp-ish, pointy bump at the tip of my nose, and it is on the left side. I think it is the implant? I don't know why there is no such "bump" on the other side. I'm worried that the implant has shifted. I'm also worried that it is protruding.

Is it possible that such a bump is supposed to be on the other side too, but i just can't feel it yet because my tip is still swollen?

This bump is currently not visible, but it's easily felt.
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It's best to ask him, 'cus I think he uses both.

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I have a sort of dent on the side of my nose. I was sort of pressing on my nose to help with the swelling but I think I made it worse on one side, and now I have a slight bruise above my nostril where I was pressing it, and there is a dent the size of my fingerpad which was pressing it!!! I am such an idiot...do you think this will go away??? I think there was a bit of cartilage taken from above my nostrils on both sides to define the tip. What should I do?
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asin, if you are worried you should contact your plastic surgeon. You don't want to wait until the last minute for this sort of thing. It will also calm you down a bit if you find out more information.
Let us know how it goes.

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Hey Asin - thought Dr. Lee used your ear cartilage for your tip? I mean, why did he cut your ear then?
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Hello guys,

Its been a while I have posted on here but I am coming back to bring you guys up to date information on what I have discovered from the surgeon I had my secondary rhinoplasty with. I had nose surgery on the 13th of October and so its almost 2 weeks now. My nose looked euroasian as I write but the day I came back from Taiwan to Canada I was in nervous rack since the custom staff looked at me back and forth from my passport to make sure that it was me. I was a slight bit embarrassed but my nose was so high that it made my over appearance very much like a mix (Asian Westerner parents). It was a weird experience feeling.

I had silicone implanted in my first surgery and over a span of 10 months, my nose lost it shape and height drastically. My nose was very complicated to operate originally and so I don't think its the surgeon false that my nose turned out the way it is. The surgeon actually informed me that I might have to come back again but at the time I met up with him, I was sort of reluctant to come back since I will have to travel half way around the world to see him again. He tried his best to remove "fillers" in my original nose and shaped with silicone afterward.

What I wanted to share with you guys is something about the difference between silicone and gortex use on nose. I did a lot of reading on the difference between the 2 materials used on nose on my first rhinoplasty. The surgeon I went with is big on being natural no matter what material you decide to choose. He is very conservative on height of the nose but he will make it so it looks appealing in Asian culture. I actually had an opportunity to chitchat with another patient who nose surgery after me and that had made me realize this surgeon had an idealistic theology about nose for Asian. I think this is the reason why and the reason I went back to him.

Back to the point about my discovery with silicon and gortex; I understand the long history of silicon usage and hence the reason i choose it in my first surgery. My nose shrank at least 35 percent and so I brought this up with the doctor. Additionally my alar almost seems like it had widen to the point that it looked like my original nose. You know how when you get mad and you make that flare up nostrils to make a point, mine were big! The doctor kept track of all the points I have brought up with him and he fixed all the little hick ups. I don't know how he was able to convince me to use gortex to heighten my nose but I agreed eventually.

There were no wrapping around my nose at all after the surgery except there was a test tube taped to my upper chest and a pliable tube which ran from my nose to the test tube. When I saw my nose, there was no shape or form. I of course freaked out and like one of the member said; I was very much like a lion king. I was a bit depress but I know this is all a part of the initial stage of rhinopasty and so I kept a composure of myself.

Over the next couple of days, I had to show up at the clinic for my antibiotic shots, my fear started to take over me and so I started to ask more questions about the gortex and silicon on my nose. The doctor showed me evidence of 4 silicone noses which 2 were from different surgeons and how it was shrank gradually (span of 5 -6 years). He been keeping tap of changes on them and hence the reason why he favors gortex more because he said he had not seen it shrink like silicon does. He's been using gortex for 5 years now. He even indicated that he have evidence of study done on 500 patients with gortex over a period of 10 years and so far the form/shape had not change. He said he will send me the study via emails. I asked the doctor what is the ease of removing silicon vs gortex and he mentioned that both materials are easy to remove. He said during the first of year of rhinoplasty, if there is no infection found in that time frame, it very unlikely to get an infection afterward on both silicon and gortex nose. Overtime, foreign material is encapsulated since it is not part of the body and thus it’s easy to remove. He is going to be one of the presenters in the coming Rhinoplasty Conference in Seoul and the pictures which was shown to me will be use in his presentation:


I thought these facts were very interesting to know and so I just want to share it with you guys. Anyways I think there is still a bit of way to go before we can say Gortex is the way to go and so I just don't want to alarm anyone about what I have mentioned here.
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I think he did too. He did cut up my ear lol. If he used ear cartilage does that mean he couldn't have used an L shaped implant then?

On his website and videos, he did say that he prefers using cartilage for the tip. He even said that L implants are bad. I would assume he doesn't use L implants, but in another video he was showing the different types of implants in his office, and he had an L one :confused1:

I guess the only way to find out is to contact him.

I took pictures of my face earlier and in some shots my nose looks pretty crooked, especially shots where i had my chin up and you can see up my nostrils. Wow, I am feeling pretty depressed about the results right now. Although my nose is stlil somewhat tender to the touch, I don't think I'm really that swollen. I hardly have any bruising left. I'm terrified that what I have now is close to my final results, which I am not happy with at all. My nose looks huge and fake. The bridge is disgustingly high.

I'm only 10 days post-op, so I'm trying to be optimistic here. My doctor seems to have a good aesthetic sense so I don't think he'd intended this look for me. I've been hiding at home with my ugly new nose and it's hard not to obsess about it and feel depressed. I've wanted a nose job since I was really young. To finally get it after waiting all these years, paying 8k for it, and to be unhappy with the results... is just terrible. I need to take my mind off this and let nose heal a bit more, before I get any more upset.
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Hang in there Asin. I know the healing period seems to take a long time and initially, it is hard not to obsess over your nose but Dr. Lee said your nose is beautiful and perfect. He sure didn't say that to me :wtf:, so, just give it some time and remember your nose will change up to a year is what I've heard but 3 months for that extreme bridge to subside. It'll get better! :smile:
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It's still possible to use the L implant with ear cartilage. It's impossible for us to tell. You really should call him and ask. You could try to pinch your columnar (between your nostrils) and see if you can feel silicone in there. But right now it might hurt so go easy on it. The "hook" of the L shaped implant will go in there to help support the tip and lengthen the nose.

The 100% way is to ask the doc, just a phone call away!

And the initial depression is normal. 10 days is nothing yet! You are still swollen on the inside, you might not feel it by touching you nose. It will shrink alot in 6 months. You should try to relax and tell yourself you'll look fine!

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I don't think he uses L implants. It's probably just the cartilage that you are feeling from the graft. The best thing to do is to try to take a picture and email it to him. If you are close by, then you should arrange a follow-up visit. The best thing to do in the meantime is to leave it alone. You may disturb it and delay the healing.
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Don't touch your nose anymore. You don't want to create new problems out of nothing. Most of the 'deformities' will go away in the next few months. Alot of it is swelling. You should take a picture of your nose and email it to Dr Lee so that he can take a look.
I developed stitch abscess (a couple of pimples along the suture line from the alar base reduction) 1-2 months later and he prescribed an antibiotic to take which cleared that up. It was very minor but it's a good idea to take photos of your nose and email them to Dr Lee to be on the safe side.
I know it's really hard not to touch your nose, but it will probably heal faster and better if you leave it alone.
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