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Thank you mkryu. I want to cry. Yes, I did press on the sides of my nose. Now one side looks weird. I didn't get it done with Dr. Lee, but I've contacted the PS for him to see me.
A lot of the swelling has gone done now, so I"m worried. I haven't touched my nose for a few weeks now, so hopefully it will go back to normal. :sad:

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OK, I thought I'd give you guys an update. So I went to see another plastic surgeon whom I've seen before and who was and is very nice. I don't feel comfortable at all with the guy who did my PS so I wanted a second opinion.
The surgeon I saw today asked me why did I want to change my nose in the first place? It was nice.
Anyway, he did notice a dent at the side of my nose, examined my nose, and said that once the swelling subsides, my nose should go back to normal. If it doesn't I can go back to see him in 6 months.
He also told me that the surgeon that did my surgery was not certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons so therefore he is not a real plastic surgeon!!!
He is an ENT surgeon, but not a plastic surgeon!
Anyway, I started crying, but he reassured me.
He told me not to touch my nose anymore, because that would make it worse. The flattened part which I pressed on should go back up.
I still can't believe that I was such an idiot to waste money, do some surgery that didn't even make that big of a difference, and with a nonboard certified plastic surgeon at that.
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awwww poor you I would feel so awful if that happened to me :sad: don't worry if he say your nose should be fine then it will be. Wow I haven't been on this site for a while and now everyone is getting their nose done while I'm still going to school wanting to get my nose done :/ I'm still debating on weather to go to Dr. Lee or go to Korea and get it done, if I go to Korea my mom said she's gonna take my sister and me so we can go on a vacation while I get my nose done, does anyone know how much American dollar it is to get a nose job in Korea? I know for Dr. Lee he's gonna charge me around 6 thousand and that's pretty pricey.
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oh wow crazygirl, i'm sorry to hear about what happened! who is this doctor you went to, and did you go to him because he was cheaper? hopefully you got fortunate and that he did a good job anyway. time will tell, and i am here waiting with you :sad: i'd never thought surgery would be so traumatic afterwards. i anticipated a healing period, but i didn't anticipate all this stress over how my nose will turn out and whether the job was botched.
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Asin, we can support each other through this stressful period. I can pm the name of the doctor I went to. I don't want to write it out loud because I know he surfs the net and will see that I come here, and this is a refuge, where he shouldn't be.
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I know how you guys feel. After all the work, sometimes I think it was totally not worth it. The pain was fine, but the mental impact lasts a life time.
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I second that, my new nose is way better than my old nose, but everyday I look at it at least for 15 minutes to see if anything is crooked or misshaped. I am scared that it looks ok now, but what if the silicone shrinks and it ends up looking like my old nose or if becomes pig like after a few years. I keep looking up articles on what can happen years down the road. I mean, I don't want to keep getting a nose job in the future if something happens with my nose job now. It is definately stressful, I think a lot of that contributes to being patient and waiting it out to see how it ends up looking. I mean 6 months is quite a long time to sit and see how your nose look permanently. If it was an immediate change and you can see your results right away it probably wouldn't be so bad mentally.
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Remember, your nose right now is still very tender. It will be for months. The first 2 weeks, I kept lightly pressing one side of my nose just to loosen up the congestion inside my nose. Then to my horror, that area became slightly swollen and raised. So I stopped touching it. That area took so long to go down.
Another problem that I had was squeezing out blackheads. Luckily, I didn't ruin my nose, but it got to a point where I was creating red marks from squeezing. I eventually started using the Obagi skincare system which helped reduce the occurrences of blackheads on my nose.

Remember, the best thing to do during the early stages of healing is not to touch your nose unless otherwise instructed by your doctor. Touching may lengthen the healing time (it's already long enough) and also, you don't want to create any new problems.
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mkryu is very right. You need to be very GENTLE with your nose during the heeling process because you might deviate the nose which I was told by the doctor.

The question is when we can squeeze out the blackheads on our nose? When will your ear get back to normal after having the ear cartilage removed (no more bruises or sticking out)?

After the stitches got removed from my ear by a nurse. A doctor didn't check my ear until 2 days later because all of the doctors including Dr. Jung had to give a speech or were out of town. Sadly there was a gap left between the stitches on my ear and some blood clog. It developed some kind of infection. A doctor put stitches on my ear again (the same kind during the surgery) :sad:. It hurt so bad when he squeezed my ear real hard to remove blood and other thing. He was not gentle when he cleaned it at all, and the cleaning liquid (hydrogen peroxide or whatever they clean it with in Korea) was dripping down inside my ear. I told him but he said "it's OK" and didn't clean the "water" out of my ear....My goodness....After it was done and I was sitting up, the "water" was dripping down my ear (thanks God that it didn't get into my ear because I wouldn't be able to clean it with a cotton ball got stitched in the ear), he said "oh you're sweating a lot" LOL....what the hell.....it was not funny at all....Didn't he know it was the cleaning liquid??? My heart was beating like crazy and I was nervous as hell....He's a very new doctor or something because he's very rough when he cleans my nose and ear. I said it hurt when he was squeezing my ear, then, he said let him put another shot of anesthesia, which was near the incision area where he was squeezing. It hurt like hell when he squeezed my ear to a point that I stoped saying it hurt so he wouldn't give me another shot of anesthesia and another one and finish it up soon. It hurt so much that I told him please don't clean it anymore when the cleaning liquid (which he thought it was my sweat) was running down my ear :sad:. Dr. Jung only checks your nose; other stuffs and cleaning are done by his fellow doctor. I hope my ear will heal soon. My ear looks so bad :sad:(((((((((((...It's been 8 days, and my ear looks as bad as it was right after the surgery :sad:
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it depends if your hotel room has internet connection. I stay at Coatel hotel where you can use your laptop in your room
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I was told it was GORTEX when doing my nose surgery at Victoria Hanh Phuoc Cosmetics in Houston. So, I thought the implant was gortex as well as the tip. It was not correct because my nose was hard like wood and had characteristics of silicon. NOW, I know it was silicon implant for the bridge and gortex for the tip. This clinic DOES NOT use gortex for the bridge implant. They use silicon only. There are 3 prices which you can pay: 1 = silicon only for the bridge with nothing for the tip, 2 = silicon for the bridge and gortex for the nose tip (which I had even though I WAS TOLD IT WAS GORTEX IMPLANT), 3 = silicon for the bridge and ear cartilage for the nose tip.

You don't get to talk to your doctor after you go home if you have questions. They don't show you the before and after pictures of the work that they've done during your consultation with the doctor. When you get there, Mimi (a receptionist/sales person - she's the same person that you talk over the phone when you call asking about a procedure) will "consult" with you first. She would suggest you to do another cosmetic surgery that she thinks you "need". This girl has a smart mouth and will say all the good things about this clinic or doctors. This was my experience, so it gives you an idea what to expect. By the way, I didn't have to put any deposit. I think it's a catch to ask a patient to put down a deposit for a surgery when they're from out of town. They would lose their money if they decide not to do the surgery with this doctor if they have bad vibes after talking to the doctor in person. Why don't give them an option to pay for the consultation fee only if things don't work out for them after the "consultation"?

It's hard to know if a doctor is good or "the best" yourself if you can't see the before and after pictures of his patients. It helps a lot to hear from the former patients, but I don't think I can confidently say a doctor is very good when I don't see any proof.

I read through all the pages of this thread and remembered 2 other girls, which got their noses done by "a younger doctor" from Victoria Hanh Phuoc cosmetic, said that they didn't like the result if I am not mistaken. They were seeking for a revision too. I am sorry that you already put down a deposit. I hope that you don't have thin facial skin like me and the doctor will give you the right size of silicon implant. As for me, I was unhappy since I got the stupid ugly fake looking nose.
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Oh I think I read about this place. I believe they hire doctors on "contract" to do the nose jobs. So that's why they can't show you before and afters since they don't know who's going to be doing your nose! I think this makes this place a hit and miss since it's all about profit!

And who puts goretex in the tip? That's kind of dangerous!

BTW, I hope you ear gets better soon. How is your nose turning out? How long will you be staying in Korea?

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AsianFox, maybe you should just go to a doctor where you live (assuming you're in North America) and they can fix it for you?

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wow. your so right. when i had called she sounded very convencing.. i told her i was originally suppose to go to doctor charles lee in LA, but she told me that their place is the BEST.. "people all over the world come".. wow im pissed. .. i even ask her if they have any before and after pics and they said they have a whole book that i can come see when i get there..i had went to their website which had TWO after and before pictures.. And you cant even tell what they did because the picture is so small and their face is caked with makeup..and i DO NOT want my face/nose to turn out like the lady hanh phuoc..

well doctor phi cut the flare of my mom's nose which came out rlly good .. hopefully he'll be good at giving me a nose bridge and tip..

^thats me sohp year..
I dont think my nose is that bad but i hate my nose. i want a more define tip and higher bridge for a 3-d feature. now im affraid ill have to get a revision.. im only 19! cant afford another nose job

Does anyone know if those vietnamese celebrity gotten their nose at hanh phuoc? like celebrities on paris by night or something. if theres a website about a review of hanh phuoc or a vietnamese celebrity hating their nose at hanh phuoc please send me the link please

I have no choice but to go to hanh phuoc..WISH ME LUCK! pray for me :sad:

and Congrats on your new noise asainfox! i hope i will have a happy ending like you!
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