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It is a hard place to be isn't it? You know it is only two weeks post operation and that you are very swollen and look far from what you are expecting, but what you see is making it all very difficult. You will be tempted to look at the progress very critically but try not to do so too much. Analyse it again at the 1 month mark.

Now it is important to eat really well and rest a lot. No strenuous activity for at least 2 months and keep positive. Try to rest at home as much as possible. Do your cold compress diligently. No weight or pressure on your face area (eg. like wearing spectacles or pressing/squeezing your nose).
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Asin i had the same experience as you at first my nose look crocked and looked so swollen ><then i put tape n tried to push it to other side slightly but then few month its back to normal position(i know i shouldnt do that but i couldnt resist lol). it happen like that because the position not fix yet.It just that my tip not high enough so i expecting another shot to upgrade my tip. So i agree with feline to wait few month to see how its going.More longer times more result you can see =]
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Hi gals,

Been busy preparing for my 5th & 6th Group Trip, and have not been updating on this thread.
Also due to updating for those who have meet up Dr Kim which he is in town on last Sept 28.

Here is my 5th Group trip on BK Dongyang Plastic Surgery Clinic.
We have a group of 8 buddies traveling up to Korea and have their beauty enhancement by Dr Kim Byung Gun.

Date : November 2 - 15
Flying by Cathay Pacific which cost $799 include of taxes.
Accommodation cost about $25 per night.

Total of 8 buddies will be there to have different surgeries:
~ Incision Double Eyelids Surgery
~ Ptosis (correction for sleepy eye / bright dolly eyes)
~ Lower Blepahroplasty (eye bag)
~ Nose Job on (augmentation (silicone), tip reduction, alar base reduction, lengthening of nose)
~ Fat Graft on ( cheeks, upper eyelids, forehead)

Pictures will be share for those buddies who are willing to contribute to my posting.

Upcoming group trip will be updated on next posting [​IMG]
For those who is keen to join on our next up coming PS Group trip do e-mail me at : [email protected]
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Updating on December 2008, 6th Group trip to BK Dongyang Plastic Surgery Clinic.
There will be a total of 10 buddies traveling up to Korea and have their beauty enhancement by Dr Kim Byung Gun.
And all of them have already confirm and purchase their air ticket at a promotion fare which I manage to get for them.

Traveling Date : December 8 - 22
Flying by Cathay Pacific which cost $832 include of taxes.
Accommodation cost about $25 per night.

Total of 10 buddies will be there to have different surgeries:
~ Incision Double Eyelid Surgery
~ Secondary Double Eyelid Surgery
~ Ptosis (correction for sleepy eye / bright dolly eyes)
~ Lower Blepahroplasty (eye bag)
~ Prominent Ear Correction
~ Nose Job on (augmentation (silicone), tip reduction, alar base reduction)
~ Chin Augmentation
~ Chin Lipo
~ Face lift
~ Facial Bone Surgery ( Mandible angle reduction)

Pictures will be share for those buddies who are willing to contribute to my posting.

Upcoming Feb’09 & Mar’09 group trip will be updated again [​IMG]
For those who is keen to join on our next up coming PS Group trip do e-mail me at : [email protected]

PS: Those who keen to meet Dr Kim on his next visit to Singapore in coming month, do drop me a mail and I'll inform on the date [​IMG]
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Here are some pictures on the patients who did nose tip reduction & deviation correction.

Picture 1:
~Alar cartilage reduce to make the tip size smaller
~Suture the alar cartilage to make the tip sharper
~Conchal (ear) cartilage graft to reshape a natural looking tip

Picture 2:
~deviation (slightly off-center nose) correction
~rasping (nasal hump shaving)
~Conchal (ear) cartilage graft to reshape a natural looking tip

:biggrin: Thanks for these pictures contributed by Singapore patients who have their surgery done by Dr Kim Byung Gun
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I just wanted to express that I bumped my nose (not hard) while sleeping last night, and though it didn't hurt sharply it still hurt because my nose is still sensitive.
I also noticed that after that my nose became a bit harder (more swollen).
I'm 6 weeks post op.
I hate this!
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asin, im so sorry to hear that! who did your nosee? if it hasnt been a year yet i think you can get a revision for free but just have to pay for the surgery material which will probably be about 500 or so.

and thank you everyone for the compliment ! i think i hate my nose bc my boyfriend used to call me pig nose.. some boyfriend hu.. .. anyways thanks guys

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I don't think they will care. They are your significant other because they like you as a person.
Just ask yourself, how would you feel if you found out your boyfriend/girlfriend had facial implants?
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I was depressed, depressed, depressed...for the first few weeks. I regretted ever having the surgery. I thought I had made a mistake and that I ruined my good looks. I looked really unnatural and wore a hat out in public for the whole month. I would go grocery shopping after midnight at the 24 hour supermarket to avoid getting looked at strangely. My nose looked a little crooked from the implant, I had a small inflamation on one side of my nose from pressing it, I had pimples along the suture line where I had alar base reduction, by bridge looked too high, my cheeks were swollen like a chipmunk's, my upper lip looked stiff... this was all part of the healing process. After about 4 weeks, I started to look really good. I got compliments from strangers on how handsome I looked when I went out to the clubs. Don't worry, you will start to look great but you just have to be very patient. Once the initial swelling goes down you will feel much better looking in the mirror.

You can still continue to keep a photo journal of youself but don't examine the photos for a couple of months. Try not to obsess in front of the mirror. Don't cry, it will make you swell up. You will be fine. For the meantime, just be optimistic because a positive attitude does help you heal faster too! After all, it has been known to beat cancer.
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mkryu, you sound exactly like me right now, except i don't really have swelling on my cheeks. it's really reassuring to know that your nose turned out nice after all that.

over the past two days, i did something that's probably really stupid. i was convinced that the implant was crooked so i tried to shift it several times. i exerted a decent amount of force on my nose with both hands trying to push it over to the right side. i can feel some bruising between my eyes from the pressure. i hope i didn't cause any damage. i am going to accept that the "deformity" i see right now is due to temporary swelling, and keep my hands off from now on.

if my nose looks good 3 months from now, when the swelling subsides, at least i will know that it is sturdy because it didn't get affected by my trying to move it.
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i plan on telling future significant others about my nose job... after i've gotten to know them well and trust them. i'm a pretty open person and expect to not hold much back when i am in a serious relationship. if i'm having a bad day because my nose is bothering me, i want to be able to tell them. i might also want to tell them to be careful around my nose and not do anything like pinch it.

the part about having the implant does make it more difficult though. i worry that they will think that i am "plastic" because i have an implant on my face. but i would expect a significant other to accept me and understand my decisions.
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