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Don't worry, the height will go down at the bridge. My nose looked like the figure on the right for about 1 month. Now it looks more like the figure on the left after all the swelling went down.
At 2-3 weeks, I also thought that there wasn't any swelling left between the eyes and that my nose was stuck with a super high bridge which looked really weird on me. I panicked and regretted ever having the surgery. But surely enough, the raised area between the eyes from the implant swelling went down after a month. It will continue to shrink over the course of the months but only a tiny bit more.
Dr. Lee is also aware that a bridge too high on the Asian face will look unnatural. He states that there should be a break from the brow and where the nose begins on the bridge.
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Hi Asin, I had the same problem when I just got my surgery done. The area between my eyes looked huge and weird. IT looked like it was the only thing that was high while the rest of my nose had an average height. I was really scared that it was stay like that. I asked Dr. Lee if that area will go down and he said it would go down. Eventually it did, I don't know how the face works but it was indeed swelling and now the bridge between my eyes has gone down ALOT and looks normal. Don't worry, worrying doesn't do anything but stress you out. My way of thinking is there is really nothing you can do about it so might as well just wait it out, if you need to get it fixed again, then you can worry about it when you are able to have the funds or time to redo it. But worrying about it now when you can't really do anything about it won't solve anything but stress you out and make you loose sleep. I eventually stopped worrying and just let it be and now my nose has improved dramatically and looks great. I'm very happy with it and it has only been two months. I have a long ways to go, but worrying about it now won't do any good.
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I got a cbc - it's just a blood test to get a count of your white and red blood cells. It's a standard test not out of the ordinary.
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wow seems like alot of people had their nose done with Dr Lee. Must have cost a bomb!!! Is there anyone around here who didn't get that crazy swelling with the bridge during the 3-4 weeks after surgery? Man.. i needa get it done without the people around me knowing.. at least not with such certainty when they see an asian with a caucasian nose -_-
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Hey asussie_nose, how is life living with a goretex nose? Does it move at all? Is there certain things you avoid doing because of it?

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I haven't had any problems with the goretex (as far as i know!!). Sometimes i get little pimples on my nose, but i'm not sure whether that has anything to do with the goretex (i've always had bad skin).

It doesn't move, no. It feels totally natural like a real nose lol!! It is not hard or anything.

And no, there isn't anything i have to 'avoid' doing...I couldn't wear glasses for about six weeks after surgery, kissing hurt for a little while...but that's about it!
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To be honest, i wasn't looking so much for an 'asian' or 'caucasian' doctor - i was looking for the best. I have always felt that for this kind of intricate surgery, a very gentle and steady hand is required. I'm not an expert obviously, but Dr. Chuang just seemed to have a very precise technique that was minimally invasive. If you ever have a chance to see his stitches, you'll know what i mean!! They are so so tiny and neat, it's like art?!!

The majority of caucasians i've spoken to who've had similar surgeries to mine (done by caucasian doctors) have been absolutely banged up and very bruised for weeks. Then, they have to wait a year for obvious swelling to go down....

I never had anything like that - you seriously couldn't tell i'd had surgery about three days after, though obviously i was internally bruised.

I speak a little Chinese, yes, but nowhere near enough to get by on my own. My buddy was fluent in Mandarin so we didn't have a problem. Dr. Chuang also speaks pretty good English, so it wasn't a problem.

I would suggest you don't go alone for your first time if you speak no mandarin - look, you could probably do it, but you would feel a little out of your comfort zone, i would imagine. Most people (hotel staff, cab drivers, dr. chuang's nurses) dont speak much, if any English. You just don't want to have to worry about that when you have more important post-care concerns....

Just my 2 cents though:smile:)
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Thanks so much for the reply =) I'm just worried, 'cus my current silicone nose is so high maintenance. I have to be so gentle around it or it'll hurt. Basically I try not to touch it.

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Wow...that sounds really annoying?!

I am happy that my new nose feels like 'part of' me, not like some strange substance attached to the 'real me'...if that makes sense?

I don't know whether that is normal or not for silicone noses...?!...I never really did alot of research into nasal implants, purely because I had the opposite problem (ie. too much nose!! lol)....Dr. Chuang wanted to use goretex to smooth my bridge out after he shaved the bump off.

But i reckon you should ask your PS about that? Like, whether the implant will ever 'settle in' to you?
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I was actually wondering what my future life with a silicone implant in my nose would be like. I would like to be able to do things like diving, play with kids and dogs, and play basketball without having to worry about my nose. It would really suck if I have to be careful around my nose for the rest of my life. If that's the case, I might just take it out when I get bored with it.

How long has it been since you got the implant in your nose, and what kind of implant did you get? It's a bummer that it's so high maintenance. Is this the price we must pay for beauty?
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do you remember how long did it take for the area between your eyes to go down, and for you to look good? mkryu said it took him a month so i was wondering how long it took for you. i am approaching 3 weeks now and i would really like to start looking good again. i always wear a hat when i go out and i have been meeting cute guys, but i'm super self conscious because my nose is still big and crooked.

you're right not worrying... there's really nothing i can do except wait. i would like to know what to expect though.
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does anyone know if it is ok to use acne medication on my nose, like benzoyl peroxide? i've been getting little zits on my nose (probably due to the scar gel and caking my nose with make up) and i want to treat them with acne meds. if not, when i can start using them again?
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That is a real and valid concern. In fact it's one of the main reasons why i was 100% NOT for a nose job before.. until i found out about autologous rhinoplasty aka rib graft.
Well.. put it this way, if a basketball directly hits a natural nose, you are gonna break some bones too, what more an implant? You probably have to be just as careful with your nose even without a nose job.. As for dogs, i'm pretty sure a dog is not gonna chew on your nose right? But kids can be a problem i'm sure..
I don't think it's as high maintenance as you say though. With most reputable surgeons, their technique ensures the implant is secured in place by sutures and what not. It's not as if it's sliding in your nose without any support.
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