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Hey folks!

Well...tommorrow is my surgery day!!

I can't beleive it has come around so quickly!! I am flying to Taipei tommorrow afternoon and having surgery with Dr. Chuang (again) tommorrow night...

I'm kinda nervous...I don't have half as much time to heal as i did last time before i have to see my family.

I'm having cheek and chin implants (inserted through the mouth).

Last time, I had like five weeks before i saw anyone.

This time, I will be seeing family, friends and boyfriend in about three weeks!! Eeek!!

I'm paranoid about the swelling:sad: Even though i know there probably won't be any external brusing, i just don't want to look like a big golf ball (or like i got clubbed in the head) lol...

I'm also hoping that (like my last surgery) this is nice and subtle - enough to make a difference in 'prettiness', but not so people go "aussie WHO?!"

That would be embarrassing. :wtf:

I'm also not looking forward to not being able to eat normal or hot food for a few weeks:sad:( grr..i like my soup and hot coffee!!

But, as they say 'no pain, no gain'..right?!!
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Good Luck! I'm sure everything will be fine.
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Hi, I assumed you had your nose done before by the same dr.? Sorry but I dont follow this thread in detail.
You sounded like you were very happy with your surgery and with the doctor. Could you send me some b4 and after pics if you don't mind? How much does he charge? TIA.
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I don't think it's good to have this underlying feeling of depression. I think that you should consider getting a revision. Have you considered getting a rib cartilage graft for the bridge? If you ever decide to go ahead with a revision surgery, you don't have to tell the people you work with the complete truth. Take some time off and when they see you again, if they notice, then tell them you had to get your deviated septum corrected...or you had an accident and broke your nose so you had to get reconstructive surgery. Most likely, people will not notice anything. And if you really want to be sure people don't suspect PS, get you hair style/cut differently to distract them.
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Have you tried using google maps? just enter in the address of the clinic and get directions to the next one. It should tell you how far apart the two destinations are.
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I couldn't find BK Clinic's website (my bookmark link doesn't work) but here are directions from Dr Jung's clinic to the OZ Clinic. It's only 3.2 km away.

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If you can find BK Clinic's address, then just enter in that information on that same page. Either their website is down or they have a new web address.
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hi sliverlight, i agree with mkryu. i think you should get a revision if you never got used to your nose and are unhappy with it. you don't have to suffer and stick with it. i can see how it might be harder to disguise changes to your face when you are a guy because you don't wear makeup, but there are still things you can do. if you take some time off, come back with a different hairstyle and a tan, people might not realize the changes are to your nose. i know it sucks if they do notice and gossip, but this is something you are doing for yourself because you are unhappy.
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Hi Mkryu,
in looking at your directions, I noticed that the directions are for a different Dr. Park! I just realized that the Dr. Park mentioned in this forum is Dr. Hyun Cheol Park of the Oz clinic and not Dr. Sang-Hoon Park???
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The address I entered is for the OZ clinic, Dr. Hyun Cheol Park. It's point #1 on that Google map. There were 2 listings for Oz Clinic that google found. If you click on "more info" by the address on the google maps page, it will link you to the OZ Clinic's main website.
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sorry for the late reply :sad: yes i have goretex now as my bridge and for the tip, i cant remember what he used omg lol but he took from inside my nose. he didnt do a good job on my tip, its kinda going inwards (piggy like) look :sad: so after 6 months im goin to have it re-done again which i really really hate and so sad about. i wanted 1 nose job, not 3 *cry*

the silicone implant was done by a different doctor and i didnt bother asking him because i was mad. i just knew i wasnt gonna go to him for revision.
i like goretex so much better. it feels more natural. im scared for you too, if youre getting silicone implants and it moves :sad: after what ive been through, i would strongly recommend goretex but that just me, maybe others are ok with silicone i dont know...
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aww asin*comfort* that is how i feel too. exact emotions.. reading your post made me cry. i look at myself in the mirror and i wish i never had surgery. my surgeries keep going wrong. i dont understand why they cant get it right. i read somewhere that multiple nose jobs can make the nose collapse. i dont want that to happen to my nose but how can i live with a nose im very unhappy about?
im sorry if it kinda became bout me. just wanna let u know that i undrstand u completely. hope ur nose turns out great and u can be happy again after it has healed :smile:
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