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Sounds about right. The swelling at the tip takes the longest to go down. I'm noticing after 7 months, that my tip is starting to look better and better.
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Ditto - it looked like a dude in a dress... it would have probably looked more appropriate if the groom had on the dress instead of the "bride".
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Anyone willing to share with me how they scheduled out their time for their surgery with Dr. Lee? As far as how many weeks in advance you had to make an appointment before you could have the actual surgery done etc...pretty much just a day by day breakdown from getting into LA and the days after. Thanks!!
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hihi cersepn! ahh.. i've much more confidence in dr kao now! keke.. by the way, do u hv any idea which method pose a higher risk of complication after few yrs down the road? rib cartilage or silicon implant? :shrugs:
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you have a good point, crazygirl. a close friend of mine thinks that i should just take the implant out too. i'm still waiting for more info from the doc before i finalize my decision.
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i emailed pictures of my face to the clinic and got a "virtual consultation" and quote. i'd also wanted botox injection so i decided to make a trip down to LA one day to get the injection as well as brief consultation. i scheduled for surgery right there, and was able to book it within 2-3 weeks. i had to put down a 20% deposit in order to schedule the surgery. i then received a preop package which gave me instructions on what to do before surgery.

i had to stay in town for about 5 days for rhinoplasty. on day 5, when the sutures were removed, i could go home.
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Hey Asin, I think the final decision is yours. Maybe I just have a biased opinion against implants right now. So listen to your heart. If you think getting the implant was a mistake then there's no need to continue the mistake. If you think you really don't mind the implant then get a revision. Whatever make you happy is the most important.
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Asin, just remember that your plastic surgeon may not have your best interests at heart.
Plastic surgery is run on people's cash. The bad economy right now is causing more plastic surgeons to be desperate for clients.
When you go to see a plastic surgeon, you are very vulnerable. Be careful, and listen to your heart.
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I'm happy for you CrazyGirl =) I'm sure you'll feel much better in no time. There wasn't much done to your nose anyway, so don't stress over nothing!
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I scheduled my surgery 5 weeks after my consultation. You can schedule something sooner but I needed time to get everything ready. I would recommend giving yourself at least 2 weeks or more since you will want to start taking pre-surgery vitamins 2 weeks prior to the surgery. Bromelain should be started about 5 days before the procedure and Arnica, about 1 or 2 days before the surgery.

I arrived 1 day before the scheduled surgery and had my final pre-op consultation where we discussed details of the surgery and any last questions and concerns. I then went to the apartment they had reserved for me and did my grocery shopping for the week.

The day of the surgery, I took a cab to the Clinic. I was instructed not to have any food or water after 10pm the night before. After the surgery, they had a driver take me back to the apartment. I was so dizzy and out of it, I barely remember anything. All I remember was tipping the driver and then crawling into bed. So I recommend that you just bring your wallet and keys and put it in a bag or purse. You will be too disoriented to want to have to deal with alot of personal items if you bring them along.
I slept most of the day. One of Dr. Lee's staff came to visit me to clean me up and check up on me. Dr. Lee also gave me a call. I remember thinking that I was crazy for going through with the surgery because I was in alot of pain and I looked like Frankenstein in the mirror. I took a half dose of the pain medication that I was prescribed.

The next day, I went to see Dr. Lee. He wanted to remove some extra blood that collected in my chin from the implant. That hurt so much. I got so many stares from people on the street. I thought that people would be used to it in LA from celebrities getting work done all the time. I found $20 on the ground that day. Of course, I picked it up and kept it. I went back to the apartment after seeing Dr. Lee and just watched DVDs on my Laptop all day/night while icing my face 15 mins every hour on the hour.

Stayed in the the 3rd day and just watched DVDs and iced my face. Most of the pain was gone.

The 4th day, I went to see Dr. Lee to have my bandages changed and to get the splint changed. I got to see my nose for the first time since the surgery. OMG! I freaked. It looked so big and I didn't look good at all. It wasn't at all like TV when the Dr comes and removes the bandages, the patient looks in the mirror and starts crying from happiness "I'm so beautiful." I looked WEIRD. But Dr Lee said that everything was "perfect." I remember thinking to myself "is he crazy?"

On the 5th day, I went to get my stitches removed from the alar base reduction and also from my ear where the cotton ball was stitched in. He told me that in about 6 months that I would have "a fantastic result."
I took a cab back to the apartment afterwards and took a shuttle to the airport and went home.

It is now 7 months since my surgery and I do have fantastic results. I just saw a friend of mine this past weekend and he commented to me that the surgery has really made a difference in my looks. Friends of mine that I never told I had surgery can't figure out why I'm looking so good lately. It's nice that the results are subtle, yet dramatic.
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I wouldn't drive the next day since you'll be in a lot of pain. Probably better to get a cab.
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