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you kidding? she is more western? she is ugly as hell, I bet if she was in Asia, her career would be waitress. in America,people look at her differently, some Americans like that kind of eyes and nose.but she is defintely not considered as pretty in Asia
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Thank you for your reply, onetreehill.

How are you doing? How is your nose now? What kind of nose job (and implants) did you do?

It's great that no one noticed it. I hope that will be the case with me because I have to go out into the public after 2 weeks. It's so scared just thinking about it now:wtf:
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ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to ask for your input on this please.

Non-incisional (stitch method) vs. incisional methods for double eyelid: So far I have heard that stitch method is faster to heal and less scar, but it's likely to back to 1 lid after 2-3 years. Is this true?

Has anyone done the non-incisional method? would you mind sharing your experience?

greatly appreciated
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It all depends on how thick your eyelids are. Typically, DST (stitch method) usually takes about 2-4 weeks depending on how fast you heal. Incisional will take many months to heal. You should try posting on this forum:
There are alot of helpful people on this forum for asian eyelid surgery.

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I think Lucy Lui is very white-looking.
Like I was saying, American's are more into hot bodies. Asians are more into pretty faces. Most Asian actors and actresses that are big in Asia would probably not make it in Hollywood and most Asian actors that are big here (Lucy Lui, Margaret Cho, Sandra Oh (Grey's Anatomy), John Cho (Star Trek), Daniel Dae Kim (Lost)...) would probably not appeal to Asian audiences in Asia.
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yeah, my point too. Americans care so much more about bodies than faces. I've known it all along. look at Miss America, they all have plain faces with some makeup on, but their bodies are very nice. yeah Lucy Liu has nice body considered the by westerners, tall and skinny even though she has no boobs or butt. but she can never make it in Asia. coz her face is a piece of ****.sorry for being so rude, I grew up in Asia, so I definitely care more about facial features
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Yea looks like i'm not the only one who went WTF when reading all those american tabloids about how hot lucy liu is -_-

Haha, the other korean actress in Lost, i forgot her name already, she was in the first and second season. She's pretty to asians too, or at least to me doh.
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sheesh, you guys are harsh on lucy liu! i do agree that there are tons of asian women more beautiful than her, including ones i see on the street, but she is still attractive (especially considering her age) in her own way. she has strong features that americans seem to like (strong jaw and cheekbones), and her small slanted eyes make her look "exotic" which americans also seem to like.

she has beautiful skin, a nice nose, and overall her features are symmetrical. i think if she got double eye-lids to make her eyes bigger, some kind of procedure to make her jaw less square, and lost the tan, she'd fit into asia's standard of beauty.

i wonder if her nose is natural? it is pretty tall. i actually really like her nose.


sandra oh, on the other hand... i think is hard to make an argument that she is physically attractive.
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Thank you so much for your response. It's really helpful:yes:
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Are you saying that just because nini said lucy liu's ugly? So she has to post up her own picture to 'prove' she's better looking than lucy?

lol, that's like saying simon cowell can't **** on people in american idol just cos he doesn't sing as well/bad as them. :smile:

lucy liu is definitely NOT the asian type of pretty. All my friends don't think she is good looking; that's a poor representation, i know. But the features that most asians find universally attractive - big eyes with double eyelids, small face, are not found in lucy liu. I'm also not saying that the presence of those features alone make a women beautiful, but it will be hard to find an asian female celebrity who's pretty without those features.

This is what i'm talking about
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