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it's good that you are doing some research and know what you're getting yourself into.

i've had my implant in for only 5 weeks. it was very uncomfortable for the first week. my face felt tight and stiff but it gets better with time as the swelling goes down. i just had my implant replaced so i'm going through this ordeal again, but when i was at around 5 weeks i was starting to feel almost normal. my tip was still pretty hard and swollen, and my nostrils were still a bit numb and tingly though.

i would like to know the answer to that too because im probably gonna get the implant removed sooner or later. i am afraid that my nose will look weird. when i talked to my doctor he said that it should look fine... it will look like my old nose but with the tip work. some people say that if you take out the implant after having it in for a while, your bridge will be slightly higher than the old one because of the scar tissue formation.

when you get a chance to talk to the doctor, please share your findings. i'm always interested in learning more. good luck with everything.
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sliverlight, i didn't know your implant was mobile. has it been mobile from the start? by mobile i am assuming you mean that you are able to move it around with your hand. is it straight if you just let it sit on your nose?

also, since you've had your implant for 4 years, what changes have you seen from the beginning til now? has it become more visible over time? i would like to know what to expect if i leave this implant in for a while

i'm glad to hear that you are going to take the implant out soon because you sounded very unhappy about it in previous posts. rib sounds good, i might end up doing that too one day. i hope you get excellent results!
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omg thanks for your fast reply, you really don't understand how happy I am to find this!

well, like i said im in korea, and i know alot of people that have their nose done and they totally downplay it like its not a big deal, but i feel like it is.

I know i need it because i have no bridge, but like my concerns, i dont want to end up getting sugery 100000 times!

I know two people that went to the surgeon im going to, which is in a part of seoul which is filled with clinics. However, both girls only got cartilage grafting, which came out excellent. I didnt really think much of the implant because my aunt (who get her nose done) told me that the implant wasnt a big deal, but the tip was what really made the sugeon an artist and a good surgeon.

i found out on my surgeons website that they do offer gortex, but its not reccomended on people with a very low or absent nose bridge since it tends to decrease in size.

however i do want to get gortex because i just want this to be a one time thing, but i dont want something to happen where i have to take out the gortex out and have my nose terribly disfigured.

The doctor even told me that if i got silicone (on my last visit, he otld me to get silicone) that it was highly unlikey i would have to get it removed in the future. But due to learning about calcification, i feel like he was kinda suckering me in now, unless hes a really confident doctor,

so when i was there, there it was busy and there were two girls that just got there nose done, so i believe hes a good surgeon and has ridiculous amount of experience

but i really really relaly dont want it to move, or think about getting another surgery again :shrugs:

WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? im thinking silicone, but im just not confident any more about it after reading these blogs -.-

by the way, im also getting the outside corners of my eye cut since raising the bridge of my nose will get rid of my mongolian fold
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Wow, is korean or english your first language? You speak very good english if english's not your first language. The most important thing you have to remember is.. if you don't feel comfortable with your doctor for whatever reason, DON'T go to him. Trust in your doctor's probably one of the most important things any prospective patient must have.

What are the popular clinics that you know about? By any chance, do they have websites? I've been dying to get some info on korean clinics, but i don't know the language, and google translator ain't good enough to translate out some search terms for me.

Your aunt knows what she's talking about. The tip is really what separates a good nose job from a bad one. I'm personally against foreign implants, despite their frequent use in asian rhinoplasty. Korea might be the land of nose jobs in asia, but there's still something really quite unethical about many of the doctors there, who claim that silicon noses willl last forever. Sure the implant itself would, but it doesn't last forever under your skin. Sooo many people have problems after 5-10 years and of course by then the patient can't go back and demand for a refund, plus she wasn't guaranteed of a permanent result.
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Hey Asin. YEah my implant is mobile, I don't know why I kept it for this long. But that's another story.

OVer the 4 and half years (almost). I think my nose got a bit smaller compared with 6 month. Skin stretched more or it's wrapping a bit tighter around the implant. So I guess the implant is a bit more visible now than before. It definitely got more uncomfortable, or I wouldn't be so unhappy about it.

misskimchi420 Korean doctors are excellent sales people. I don't believe a silicone implant will last you forever. Like cersepn said. It will probably last you 5 to 10 years before it starts to bother you.

There's no perfect material for nose augmentation but you have to weigh the pros and cons of each one. I want rib since it should last the longest if done right.

I also agree that the tip is the most important part of a nose job. Everyone can insert an implant in the bridge, but a natrual tip is hard to make!

One day we will be able to get a nose job with Stem Cells, we'll just grow a new bridge in the nose hahhaa. Everyone will be beautiful and natrual!

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haha im actually korean american, but my english is detoriorating, and ive noticed the dumb typos ive been making on this blog

however, i made an appointment with the surgeon this saturday. I know my surgeon is actually the best for eyes, and he did an excellent job with those two womens nose tips. Im thinking i should just go for silicone, and just keep getting revisions. haha

im actually not too sure about whose the best in korea because theres alot of advertisements for the really popular ones on korean websites, but i heard that those clinics have alot of doctors, and what they do is they get the top surgeon to be next to u before your drugged up, then the top surgeon walks away and some lower qualified surgeon actually does your surgery. THe clinic im going to is just a one man clinic which is supposed to be the best

my surgeon has been on korean tv several times, and hes actually my aunts friends friend haha. my aunts friend told me that the surgeon does things for your best intrest, and not for the money but im not sure if i could believe that 100%.

Has anyone gotten a nose job in apgujung in korea? after me *****ing for a several months about this to korean people they yell at me and tell me all the surgeons there are the best, and how the nose implants that they do now there are very hard to move.

btw my surgery is 3,000 bucks but im also getting minor outer epicanthoplasty (is that what its called?) if i do chicken out on my nose job, im definetly getting the outer and inner epicanthoplasty
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btw i know seoulps.co.kr is very popular in korea, but again they have alot of doctors, but they have great pictures if you click on this link


they have diferent cases for each picture, the second from the left top picture is the kind of case i have... a low bridged nose. pics seem really natural looking to me
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haha sorry im like flooding this blog, but im getting surgery in 2 weeks!!!!!!!

so considering silicone is not porous, its basically being held in just by your skin right? is there any way they could super glue it on to my bone or anything hahahaha

theres seriously nothing they do? like put holes in the silicone for tissue growth?

so most definetly ill have to get my silicone replace after awhile, right? like 100%? so if i go see that doctor and he says that i wont have to replace it, then maybe i should think about not doing a nose job with him right?
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kimchi i can completely understand everything that you are saying right now, especially with your surgery being 2 weeks away...
i have the same questions myself, and i'm a korean-canadian looking to go for a nose job in january...can i ask what surgeon you decided on? i know you said that he was a friend of someone you knew?
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They could suture the implant to your tissue to secure it in place. No they can't put holes in there haha.

Well it could probably last you 20 years. I'm pretty sure it'll not last a life time. Since the implant is always moving (on a micro level, you probably can't feel it move) I can imagine it'll get uncomfortable after such a long time.

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i actually lol'd when i read that :wacko: that is really messed up and unethical though, if they really did that.

i like the noses on the site you posted. i wish i could read korean. those are all done with I shaped silicone implant and ear cartilage? they look very natural. i've seen a lot of before and afters where the bridge is too high between the eyes and you can see the outline of the implant in the side views, but not this one.

displacement just seems to be one of the inevitable risks associated with silicone implants. from what i read in this study i posted earlier (where they used a bird implant) the displacement rate was 3%. they talked about how displacement can be lessened by sleeping face up, and some people were instructed to do massages to move the implant back over (for minor displacement). you can probably talk to your doctor and tell him to do his best to prevent displacement. i have read some doctors punch holes in the implant to secure it by tissue growth.

the first implant i put in was displaced right at the beginning, but i had it replaced. i'm getting the cast removed later today and if it's straight, i'll ask the doctor what he did this time to make it straight, and what i should do to prevent displacement.

i wonder if nasal implants can be treated like breast implants. people get breast implants knowing that they are not permanent and will have to be replaced every 10 years or so. can we do the same for nasal implants? they seem easy to replace. it's just a thought. i'm aware that unlike breast implants, there are alternative, longer lasting options for nasal implants, but the alternative options have their own drawbacks. i can see myself being ok with removing the implant when i'm old (just as one would with breast implants) so i won't have to deal with the maintenance anymore. so i'll just have to change this silicone implant 3-4 times until i'm 60.
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Dear Sliverlight:
I am happy for you that you are finally taking the step to take out your nose implant.
I can't believe you lived with it being uncomfortable and unnatural looking, for 4 years!!! Those years must have worn on you.
Just remember that I'll be supporting you throughout the ordeal of taking it out. Don't worry.

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Hey everyone, I'm just wondering if it's normal for some muscle underneath my nose/above my mouth to hurt when i smile a bit wider? It's kind of a sore feeling. Only 1month post-surgery, hope it goes away soon, because it hurts and I'm one of those girls that are constantly smiling........................ :|
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Thanks for the support! Yeah, I don't know how I live through those years. I guess I blamed myself on geting the implant so I was just going to live with the pain. O well. Good thing I found this site, it's been very supportive and informative!

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I am doing well, thanks for asking:smile:
My nose looks a lot better than a couple of weeks ago. I am 4 1/2 weeks post op. I am still not happy with my bridge height, and am contemplating getting a smaller one. I hope that my ps doesn't get offended and that it doesn't cost too much as I have already spent so much on my nose. I got a silicone implant for the bridge and sceptal cartilage for my tip. I am kind of wishing I took the option my surgeon recommended in the beginning. He said that he would use fibrin glue and chop up cartilage from my ear and my nose, and mould it and use that for the bridge. He told me that if the glue might reabsorb that my scar tissue would fill in the gaps and that my nose will be in tact and that there would be no problems. I didn't take it as he said no surgeons have done this before, only one case in Austria. And that the fibrin glue is a mix of cows blood and donated blood. He said there would be a small chance of contracting HIV or Hepatitis. But that there is thorough testing, and he is sure I would be fine. I wish I took that option, and I am going to ask him about it again.

Thanks for your concern.

Also a few posts back I noticed that my posts were irritating some people. I would like to apologise as I was panicking, and am sorry about my overboard rants, if that makes sense. I am really worried, and have learnt to calm down a bit and be patient.

Goodluck Uglyduckling with your surgery and keep us posted on what happens.:smile:
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