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Apparently uneven nostrils are very difficult to fix. It can be from many things. It can be genetic, it can be from an injury, like in my case in which my tip cartilage is slightly uneven cuz I slept on my nose after I broke it in order to try to "keep it straight". The docs were jerks and never gave me a splint after I broke my nose, so I had to improvise! Anyway, the X ray showed one hairline fracture that was not displaced, so I tried to sleep on the other side to keep it straight. I did not know that my cartilage at my tip was also shattered, cuz when I touched it, it felt kind of crunchy. I remember thinking, I only hit the area around the top near my nasal bones, not at my tip, so my tip should not be affected and I can sleep on it fine. So I think my tip cartilage healed slightly asymmetrically now, which doesn't show much except for at the nostrils which shows very slightly and most people don't notice it except for myself.
I went to 5 different, good plastic surgeons afterwards to see if they can fix it, but they said they don't see any deformity, and that they can't do anything about it! All of them told me that most people don't have even nostrils to begin with, and most noses aren't symmetrical. I was kind of upset because I always had even nostrils and a symmetrical nose, and I'm a perfectionist, so it bothered me for a while.
2 of the plastic surgeons told me that it can get worse if I operate on my nostrilz cuz they can end up looking even more uneven than before when it's healed.
So that is my 2cents from my experience with fixing uneven nostrils.

Anyway, my nose ended up healing after I broke it, and if I hadn't slept on my nose the first week, it would have been perfectly fine and even.
4 years later I opted for plastic surgery as an excuse to fix my breathing. I know, it's usually the opposite, but the health care here is so slow and the doc would not have operated if I did not want something else more "expensive" done. I was on the waiting list for 1 year already, so I had to think of something else. I'm still healing from that operation, but it was very, very traumatic to do plastic surgery on my nose!!!

as for the whole uneven nostrils thing- they are able to fix them.

im assuming that they didnt fix the other board members nostrils because going back into fix something that isnt that noticeable isnt worth the risk.

but if he'll be doing your nose then the symmetry of your nostrils is definitely something they will be able to repair- after all the procedure is done for reshaping purposes whether its your tip, bridge, or nostrils.[/quote]
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On some people who already have small noses, having a bridge actually makes them look older.
However, on some people with really flat wide noses a bridge looks better.

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Asin I like your nose. Compared to before surgery, your alar were bigger, but now your alar looks nicer and more refined.
As with your implant, I don't think it makes a huge difference from before and after. I don't think you needed the bridge to begin with.

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i think it looks great, it looks a little high, but im sure thats due to the swelling. how many mm did u get? my doc recomended 3-4 and i shrieked when he said 4 i know its only 1 mm more than 3 but thats alot. so then he siad he was just going to do three.

hmmm im scared im going to become a plastic surgery addict! this is a big deal... geting a nose job for asians... ughhh i just wish i had some bridge on my nose haha
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Asin - your nose is swollen. Especially your tip, it's really swollen but give it time since you did go back and technically have to go through the whole healing process again. Otherwise, I think it will look nice once the swelling goes down. In regards to your old nose, it looked more unrefined, whereas your new nose looks more feminine...just give it time.
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Asin, I really like your nose. It looks swollen though, and I'm sure it'll get better in time. Did Dr. Charles Lee show you other before/after pictures when you had a consultation with him? How many mm did you get for your bridge?
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thanks for the feedback guys.

i don't know how many mm was the increase. i should've asked and specified what i wanted. my first implant was too big, so i asked for a smaller one, and the doctor said he'll give me something that is between what it was (with the old implant) and my original nose. that is what i want, but unfortunately, it's not what i got. i don't know why my nose with the smaller implant still looks the same as it did with the bigger implant at the moment... i guess we will see if there are any changes in a couple of weeks. i kinda doubt it because i have taken pictures of my nose almost every day and i didn't see much of a change in height from week 2 to week 6.

when i look at a ruler one mm looks very tiny. if i were to guess how many mm was the increase i would say it looks like 6mm but that sounds unreasonable.

finkle, i only saw a couple of before/after pictures at the consultation.
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Asin, the tip will definitely shrink. Mine was swollen and big for many months. It just started getting more refined and less bulbous in the past couple of months. The bridge height should decrease. You just had another operation so there will be swelling associated with the trauma to the area. I'm sure most of the swelling will go down in 1.5 months but give it 2-3 months before you decide to remove the implant.
I like your new nose better, especially the nostrils. I think once you are fully healed, your nose will be gorgeous.
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Splendid..i'm on topic with y'all.
Ok i Just got mine done.like 5 days ago. Alarplasty with some reshaping.

My concerns @ the Moment.......
My tip looks Huge, and my nostrils are also wider than i expected.
So, it looks like almost no surgery was done.(exageratin)
I still have my splint on, so it has to come off before i can see the whole diff.

Please tell me this is just because of swelling....
Please o please...i really do not want another job on the nose.

anyone have expereinces with swelling concerns, and did they subside? or.......:confused1:
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Oh and ASIN. I think your nose looks very good.
I think maybe a pic of your Whole face includin the chin would make my opinion more valid.

But yeah, its nice!, looks natural. Its a long shot from your old nose though,both of them are, since before you virtually had no height on your bridge.

Now its suddenly there ya know?, so maybe thats why you're contemplating?
Personally, i think its very nice.

p.s. people thought you were mexican? lol
either they're really ignorant on ethnicites, or you are a very hispanic-looking chinese girl. LoL
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this sounds promising. i guess i should wait a little longer before removing the implant. i mean i was unhappy with my old nose for a reason. i wanted a slightly higher bridge but i didn't expect my nose to become so huge. i would really hate to wait and be miserable for 2 more months, only to see that nothing changes. i just want to move on with my life soon.

adorissio, at 5 days you are definitely swollen. i took pictures of my nose almost every day and there was big difference between day 5 and week 2. there wasn't that much of a difference from week 2 and week 6 though. you still have the splint on so don't worry about it yet.

i'd like to put a pic up of my whole face because it illustrates how my new nose does or does not suit my face, but i don't want to post my face up in a public forum. i'll email whoever wants to see though.
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i think it looks great, and i wanna see the picture haah

in particular, i want to see what effect it has done to ur eyes.. do ut hink ur eyes look bigger after getting an implant?

if and when u find out how many mm u got can u let me know? my face is really small and long so i dont want to look really wierd hahaha i want to see what 3 mm looks like when its really in haha
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