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Cheer up! :smile: I'm sure it is just very swollen right now... I know it could be really hard to adjust to this and question your surgery but keep in mind it's very swollen like what the other posters said who have gone thru the surgery. I agree with mkyru, that your nose is gorgeous; it reminds me of an asian movie star nose really. I think when it heals all the way through, you'll look so great. I wish I can pull off that type of nose, looking very natural, if/when I get mine done.

Could you e-mail me your picture? I would give you my honest opinion. I'll pm you my e-mail.
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Some people didn't even notice my nose job, they thought I had my eyes done. It made my eyes look more closer together, before they were kind of wide from each other. It actually gave my eyes a better look to it for some reason.
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hey finklee! i knoww exactly what you meannnnnn and im so glad u said something! it actually made me feel sorta better that you understand the situation im in!

but i did a lot of research about doctor Phi Nguyen at hanh phuoc. hes actually very honest doctor and will be honest and tell u if u need it or not. he actually told me that i dont need it, if anyhting ishould use the ear cartilage.

my consulation is next thursday and surgery is fridayY!
after talking to him and seeing the before and after pictures i may change my mind and cancel the surgery date.

but i do know that every place will have good and bad results after surgery! i think that im taking a risk either way. doctor phi nguyen seems like hes very honest and isnt there just for the money.

I will deff. talk to him next thursday and ask more questions. Most important look at the before and after pictures of nose jobs that he has done.

asin did her nose with doctor stanely at hanh phuoc. to which when i called and asked about that doctor she told me that theres no such doctor over there.. I wonder if doctor stanely is translated in vietnamese to doctor phi? if so im screwed hahaha

im very upset that i made the deposit, my mother told me that hanh phuoc is the best.. (only because shes anti social and thats what she heard from my sisters friend)

i think i will be taking a bigg riskk. but either way i will be taking a risk anywhere i go.. i could be the bad luck girl that gets a bad result from even the best plastic surgeon or i could be lucky and get a good result.
. i rlly want this nose jobbb (ever since i was like 10!) .. pray for mee :sad:
hopefully everything will come out well! i will keep youguys posted after surgery

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Asin - sorry, I'm confused...did you get your nose done by Dr. Charles Lee or what Vannyvan10 is saying a doctor Stanely?

Vannyvan10 - are you talking about the asin on this forum?
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coz first of all, same reason you don't wanna use your real name as your username here,crazygirl. everybody need his/her privacy. second, even though I don't post pictures here, I'm 100% sure I'm prettier than lucy lui, and I'm sure so are many of us here in the forum. I just don't think she is pretty, everybody has his/her opinions, I don't see anything wrong with it
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you are wise as you are nice
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lol, guess you don't know anything about Simon Cowell, he has said something just as bad as what I said. once he told a guy"that's absolutely unhaman." to hint the guy sounds like an animal. and he also said"you look like one of those in the jungle.." to say the guy's image is not made for the music industry coz he looks like a monkey. I'm sorry I said a lot bad things about lucy lui, I take it back. she is so pretty, I'm sure you look just as pretty as her, I admire you so much. I'm sooo sorry for talking people like that, my bad
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sorry it's not my interest to post my private pictures here, if you wanna see me, post your real address here, I will go visit you. jeese, how old are you? you take "I'll kill myself" so seriously, it's just a saying like "I'm freezing", that means you are cold, doesn't mean you are really frozen like a piece of ice. I said I would kill myself if you think she is pretty is because that would be extremely unbelievable to me. sorry I caused all this drama by talking **** about lucy lui. I apologize, I should have said anything like that about a person I don't even know. but I didn't say that to offend anybody, I was just expressing my views a bit angrily, I think I've gone overboard. so, I'm sorry...:shrugs:
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ooohhhhh i think lucy liu is not ugly but shes def not pretty... nnot trying to offend any chinese people here, but she looks very typical chinese....

heyyy my surgery is in 9 days and im freaking out!! does any one recommend my doing anything?

btw, I want a nose like im soo jung [​IMG]

its not the best nose, but her nose job made her still look young and cute, just the way i am >.< hahahahahahahahaha
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I am chinese and I don't think Lucy Liu is "typical chinese". Her eyes are way too slanty and I have never even seen another chinese person that looks like her....be it in real life or in movies. I think other than her rather strange-looking eyes, she has quite delicate features on the rest of her face.
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You know, Lucy Liu does have chinky eyes, and it is my least favourite feature of hers. However, I think she's beautiful in her own way because she chose NOT to round up her eyes with plastic surgery. She just stayed herself, looking like an Oriental, and she wasn't ashamed of it, even though she was in the midst of Hollywood trying to get a part when not many Asians were even popular in Hollywood.
Beauty is also about a person feeling comfortable with themselves.
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I wouldn't exactly call her eyes "chinky"....if you mean "chinky" as in "chinese-looking". I have seen japanese people and koreans with eyes just as slanty....that is, if they haven't already had surgery to correct them. The slantiness of the eyes is caused by the high cheekbones ...which is common on the asian face. The higher the cheekbones...the slantier the eyes.
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No offense taken. Promise. I was just surprised that there was all this talk about Lucy Liu being fugly then you said she looked typical chinese...which insinuates that chinese are fugly. I think Lucy is an exception rather than the norm.

With all that being said, I think she is decent looking. She is beautiful in her own way....no matter if she is chinese, korean , or japanese. Just like everyone else on this forum and elsewhere. Everyone is unique in their own way. Some just choose to change it with surgery while others just accept it.

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