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That does make me feel much better. :roflmfao:

Dark under eye circles are caused by the thinning of the skin in that area....or thin skin in that area to begin with. Because of the thin skin, the blood vessels underneath that area shows through. (I watch alot of discovery health). I think lasers could be used to shrinks those blood vessels. It could also be caused by fat loss or hyperpigmentation. The treatment options will obviously depend on the cause of the dark circles.

If you are young...most likely it is just caused by lack of sleep so just get more rest!

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Ok, is it just me, or are her nostrils slightly uneven?

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I think Lucy Lui is sexier than the other 2 Asian actresses posted here. The actresses from Asia just look too polite and behaved for my tastes...they cover their mouths when they laugh. They are very good-looking but not sexy. Sexiness is cultural. Asians like women to be soft-spoken and well-mannered while Americans like rowdy bad girls like Britney, Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan.
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I don't know the size of the implant, but I think I got the smallest one. My bridge was raised just a bit too so it makes my nose look longer.

I look much better now than before. I'm more careful around my nose now but I'm constantly thinking about my nose. It's like I'm obsessed with noses now. I look at other people's noses too. I was at K-town in NYC yesterday and couldn't resist looking around to see if anyone had any work done. I saw a couple girls who had their eyes done...it looked great on them. But the good thing is that no-one gave me any weird looks/blank, long stares so I think my Doc did a good job in giving me a natural looking nose.
My problem now is that I find it hard to resist squeezing out blackheads. I told myself that I would stop and I did for a while. Then I noticed some last week and I started picking at them. I damaged the skin and got blemishes. The skin peeled in areas and now, I've got hyper-pigmentation. It will probably diminish in a week or 2.
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I agree 100% with you.

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haha of course they wont look at u! its ny! i was born and raised there, oh how i miss being back home :sad:

did u get work done in ny?
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I think your nose is nice. It has a defined shape and looks straight. Like you said, to me, it looks like a cute nose. I think you'd look nice either way. This is from a guy's point of view.
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To be honest.. I saw her in a magazine and took a picture of it so I could show my surgeon what type of nose I don't want. And when I showed him, he said she doesn't have a nice nose and told me not to worry. haha.

BTW, nobody is symetrical... They're small differences, it doesn't affect the way anyone looks overall at all IMO.
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