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wow... there are a LOT of guys that get this stuff done. I had no idea! When they set their minds to it, they DO IT! :smile:
Jez is so brave to get bone-shaving! And, he even has a blog about the whole ordeal... pretty amazing. I'll tell you right now, I don't have the guts to make a blog about it. ;)
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I noticed on your blog that you're from Korea... did you communicate through English? or do you know Mandarin also, and are multi-talented? :graucho:

Also, if you're from Korea, why did you go to Taiwan? Korea is plastic surgery center for Asia.:P

Your nose looks not only taller but longer too! And, the shape is very balanced.

Thanks for your input!!!!!
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I didnt want a typical korean celeb look so I went with the surgeon which paid most attention to what I wanted in terms of beauty and style. It was quite a difficult task and I did spend a long time and screen alot of surgeons including ones mentioned in this forum from taiwan and korea. I jumped back and forth between surgeons but I went with my gut with the one which gave me the most confidence they could give me the results I wanted. Since beauty can't be clearly defined, what one surgeon considers as beauty on a male and female can differ and hence its better to find the surgeon who has same views as you on what is beautiful.

Also feedback he gave on the style and look I wanted he wasn't just agreeing or doing what I wanted but had an opinion if it fitted the face or not.

He put aside alot of time to understand what I wanted and set aside a whole day for my surgery.

I told him I wanted to keep the unique features in my face which made me look me but compliment them with the operations we were going to do. So he understand my persuit was for what we considered an ideal balance in the face and not to look like someone else or another star.

Dr Chuang has very good english so was no problem in me discussing with him in english.
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Hi, Jez,
I begin to consider going to Taiwan after seeing your result. Dr Chuang defenitely has very good skills. I like your new nose especially the profile.
Thank you for you input and please keep us updated!:smile:
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Jez! Thanks for openly posting up your before and after pics - I know alot of people wouldnt do that, goes to show that there are people genuinely want to help each other out and not just weirdo!

Anyway Jez I think you made the right decision on your surgeon, you look totally great and your swelling hasnt even gone down completely.. imagine when you've totally recovered - woohoo girls will screaming at your door! Yup youre surgeon def made the features suit YOU, and the most important thing is.. you still look like yourself!! I mean there are many girls ..and guys that have surgery and even though they look great, they dont look like themselves at all!! I think thats a real shame.

The most important thing for me is enhancement of my existing features, I also dont want a perfect nose, eyes etc.. i just want to look like a better me!!

Well done Jez, congrats on your new improved you!
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hey thanks meowgirl for the compliments =) Yeah I think its important that the features suit the person and I did tell Dr C that I wanted to keep my ethnicity cos I didnt want to end up looking euroasian or something. I know that doing surgery is a pretty daunting decision and its hard finding good information on the net especially when you have to sift through real and fake stories as well as rumours and photoshop'd pics. I just hope my posts and blog helps others who want to make that important decision!

Yeah will definitely keep you updated on my progress. He is a skillful doctor and one I havent had any problems with so far!
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Jez's experience inspired me to research a little further about silicone implants. It looks like there are a number of places here in the states that also use silicone implants for nose for ONLY Asians.
Asian skin is usually thicker... there is not a correlation between skin color and thickness.
However, there are higher risks when using silicone... but most docs except for the REALLY skilled (top of the cream) can achieve the same results using goretex.

Now, the risks are lowered significantly when using goretex...
I'm just not sure how high the risks of a silicone nose implant is... I think this has caused a lot of confusion amongst many of us.

Jez, I've got a couple of questions for you. Can you play really rough sports in a year or so, without worrying that your nose will shift?
Second, is there such a thing as a silicone I shape implant?

ok thanks...
I read that comment by the girl on your blog today... what a mean spirited person. She should keep her negativity to herself... especially since you're healing.
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Hey Badboy!
thanks for the really useful info on this website and on the singapore website. U know u said ur implant was 5mm, well, is ur skin really tight now? cause I would like a 2mm implant, and I've tried squeezing my nose alittle then smiling and found that I cant really smile fully cause the skin is so tight. What I dont want is for the skin to become thinner because my skin is already quite thin. I suppose it's still early days for u, so u may not be able to smile fully, but do u think the skin around the nose is thinner at all? Also, u mentioned that u had a bulbous nose, did Dr Jung take out some tissues/cells from inside ur nose/tip? Thanks!
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Hey mask,

This is what I know from Dr C when I discussed silicon versus gortex.

1) If you have thick skin there is very little risk of extrusion or contraction if you use silicon L-implant inserted by a skillful doctor.

2) If you use gortex if you wish to take the implant out after 6 months you need to goto a very skillful doctor since it is alot harder to take out and can deform your nose.

3) If you wish to take a silicon implant out it is a very simple procedure and they can do it via closed procedure with minimal complications.

4) Its alot quicker to spot issues with a silicon implant e.g. infections or problems - this can surface within 1 month but with gortex it has to be monitored closely for months.

To your two questions I am not really sure I can ask him next time I get a chance.

Also remember all the cases of extrusion, retraction etc from silicon implants it did not state who the doctor is who performed the surgery, the patients skin if it was thick/thin because silicon is the more commonly used material the cases of problems which will arise from it would be more commonly known. I still am not sure how widely used gortex is in the plastic surgery community.

I think all in all its better to weigh the pros and cons of both materials and decide which one is better for you.

Also we used medpor implants for my chin which you can read about the material here. It also looks like it can be used for nose enhancements as well but not sure if any doctors yet are using medpor for nose.

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Hi keropijennifer - You're very welcome. I'm glad my post was helpful. My skin is definitely not thinner, but it did feel a little tight immediately after the surgery because of all the swelling. I can't really smile too much because my alar incisions are only 2.5 weeks old, so I'm still healing. Now, at 18 days post-op, my skin feels normal to me. The only place where it still feels a bit tight is the area above my upper lip right beneath my nostrils, but I think that's due to my alar incisions.

I did hear Dr. Jung mention something about removing some tissue (or fat?) from my tip in order to reduce it, in addition to using my septal cartilage to make it more defined.

Hi maskd2003 - I agree with Jez/imjase that you need to weigh the pros and cons for each of the implant types you are considering. For me, I wasn't concerned about future revisions. I wanted to do it right the first time, and have it last for a lifetime, with minimal complications. With goretex implants, there is only a 1% chance of infection based on well-documented studies conducted over the course of 25+ years. That's the same rate with any surgical procedure, so that met my requirement for safety. Dr. Jung told me that the greatest chance of infection is in the 1st two weeks immediately following your surgery (something like 5%), and then it goes down to 2% at the two week mark, and then 1% after a month. Since goretex is perforated, your tissue will fuse with it, so that it becomes a permanent part of your nose. It definitely won't shift over time - so that met my requirement that it be permanent. Goretex was originally and is still used as a replacement for blood vessels and to fix heart defects, which are more delicate than your nose, so in that respect, goretex has a proven track record of safety and was meant to stay in your body for a lifetime.

If you want to keep your options open for possible revisions, then silicone is the way to go, because it comes out way easier than a goretex implant, though Dr. Jung assured me that he could remove/replace a goretex implant without deforming your nose. But then you need to weigh the risks of extrusion, calcification, and shifting of the silicone implant based on the thickness of your skin. There's also the possibility of the shrinkwrapping of your skin around the silicone implant. As Jez mentioned, thick Asian skin would minimize those risks.

And yes, there is such a thing as a silicone I-shaped implant. Dr. Kim of BK Clinic offers that option.

Good luck with Dr. Chuang! He did a great job with Jez, and since Dr. Chuang is a student of Dr. Jung, I'm sure you'll be in good hands.
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Badboy and Jez,

glad to hear that both of you are happy with the new noses!
Best of healing!
thanks for your experience and advice!

I'm so excited... I hope I will have a similar story as you guys! can't wait to meet Dr. Chuang...
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Hey Badboy!
U said the taxi fm airport was paid by Dr Jung, is that only if ur def having surgery with him right? Did you have to pay for it first then have Dr Jung take it off ur total cost of surgery once u paid for the op? Thanks!
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I already booked my ticket to SEOUL for beginning of July. anyone going there? Althought my plan was fro Dr. Kim, I am considering Dr. Jung from Bad_Boy's experience.

About me:
From the states
24, male, Chinese
do not speak Korean

I already pmed some of me asking when you guys are going. pm me if you are considering to go around beginning of July. I hope to meet somewhere there w/ a surgery buddy.

Thank You.
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Hi Jen,

From the start, I told Dr. Jung that I was coming to have surgery with him, so I don't know whether he would still provide car service from the airport, if you were only having a consultation - probably not. The car fare is prepaid by Dr. Jung, so I didn't pay the driver anything. In fact, Dr. Jung never asked for a deposit or even a credit card number prior to my arrival, so I'm not sure what he would have done to recoup the cost had I backed out. It's only after the consultation when you confirm your surgery will they ask you to pay the entire fee up front.
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How did you pay for your Surgery? Cash? credit card?.. does he accept credit card..?
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