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It's normal to feel depressed after plastic surgery. I felt really helpless because I looked like a cat for over a week. I thought I had made a huge mistake. I looked weird for about a month, then I started looking better after the swelling went away. Recovery is really tough emotionally. The physical pain is nothing compared to the emotional stress.

When did you have your eyes done? Is this recent? I wanted to get eyelid surgery too but when I make the crease with a paperclip, I look like I have down syndrome. I'm too scared to get the procedure done because it might mess up my looks permanently. My upper lids are pretty thick/fatty, IMO, so when I make a crease, it just adds to the thickness.
I've been keeping up on Asian eyelid surgery on this forum:
I see so many fantastic results but I'm wondering if this procedure is best suited for women than men since women can apply makeup to enhance the eyelids or cover-up flaws.
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i've only told two people about my surgery. they'd known i wanted a nose job long before i got it. one of them is a girl friend who also wants a nose job somewhere down the line, so she was supportive. the other is a guy i'm somewhat dating, and he'd always thought i didn't need a nose job and was surprised when i finally went about it.

i moved to a new city about 6 months ago so none of my old friends or family have seen me. i'm sure my parents will flip out when they see me, unless my nose continues to shrink to resemble my old nose more.

i don't really know how to tell my parents. i wonder if it's better to just see them and deal with their reaction, or tell them beforehand to prepare them.
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Hi everyone,
after reading this forum, I have decided to get a nose job, primarily fixing my breathing problem. I have very weak cartilage, very small nostril and some deviated septum. To make the problem worse, I had been trying to lift up the tip of my nose to try to breath better. I think that actually made my nose even weaker. I went to have consultations with plastic surgeons and ENT doctor and have decided to settle with Dr Charles Lee. My surgery is in 19 days!!!!

Dr lee recommended Gortex and use ear cartilage to build up the tip and take out some tissue around the nostrils to make them bigger to allow more airflow.

He also recommended me to do EPI to make my eyes look closer. but after reading What_2_do, I am not sure about that anymore. Does anyone's eyes seems closers after the implant?

Any other question is, I need to fly back to asia two weeks after the surgery. Dr Lee said it should be safe to fly back but I am worry about the pressure and the swelling. Should I postpond the surgery till i come back from asia? but i dont want to take too much time from work thats why I want to do it during the holiday and have time to rest. and I am very frustrated from not able to breath well thats why i am egar to have it done as soon as poosible.

I am so confused:shrugs:. Can anyone give me some advice? Thanks so much!!
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I think for males (as a male my self) double eyelids should be very very small, when you open your eyes there should be almost nothing showing. Male double eyelids should be lower and "longer" than females. If done right I think you will have good results. SO maybe incision at 6mm above eyelash. I know if I knew what I know now, I would have asked for a tiny tiny fold. Big folds look girly and unnatural on a male. Also, sometimes males look better with almost just an inner fold. Kinda like Jay Chou. But it's all personal preference.

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Hey what did Dr.Lee say about goretex? Will it have good definition? I wounder why he recommended goretex, he usually uses silicone.

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Hi silverlight,
I didnt ask why he prefer goretex, maybe I told him my main concern is fixing my breathing problem. I told him i dont want a drastic difference and I emphasized that I don't want a Caucasian nose. He said he will add a little to the bridge of the nose to balance out the tip.

Did you have ur surgery done? do u have a pre-op consultation before the surgery? They only schedual me to go in the day of the surgery...
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i dun have a scar, only if u really spread the skin on my eyes, well i guess it depends on whree u get it, but def having a scar on ur eye is less evasive than having a piece of plastic in ur nose

omg omg surgeries in a day in a half :nuts:
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i want my eyes done too..should i do them together?
i have a fold but my eyes r pretty small..im thinkin of doin the medial something..plasty. lol where they cut the inner corners....im goin to look a MESS but i figure itd b better to look a mess all a once than twice right? :shrugs::shrugs:
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Usually it's just consultation and then operation. I never had a pre-op consultation.

I'm considering him for a revision. He also suggested Gore-tex to me, maybe he's starting to use it more now. How much did he quote you??
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he is quoting me $7900 for everything including fixing the deviated septum. $1500 for the EPI.. but i seriously dunno if i need to do the epi if getting an implant would pull the eyes closer...

Does any of u guys' eyes become closer after getting the implant?
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i didn't notice the nasal implant making my eyes become closer together
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It didn't technically make my eyes closer together. It just appeared to look closer because I had a very low bridge, like almost not there, so my eyes looked really wide apart. If you already had a descent bridge it probably won't make much of a difference on your eyes but if you are getting a bridge when you didn't have much to begin with, it probably will make a difference.
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