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to further elaborate... my nose from the bottom-up view used to be pretty flat and round. now its more triangular and projected. is this due to the implant or ear cartilage projection? if i remove the implant, the tip of my nose shouldn't go back to looking like it did before, right? note: i also had alarplasty.

i apologize in advance if the up-nose pics are gross and offensive, hahahaha
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i just had my consultation and i was told that if i wanted to do my nose and my eyes, i should first do my eyes. he said if i did my nose first, it will stretch my skin so when i do my eyes, it'll leave a bigger scar and we dont want that. Also, the tip of my nose is hard and that means i wouldnt see a drastic change in the tip like i wanted..but the bridge will def be noticeable . i didnt care as much about my bridge as i wanted the tip changed though. so now im wondering what my nose would look like if i did get it done. and bc i want to do my eyes too, he sed to first do my eyes and then my nose a year later if i still wanted to.
what a suprise..i went into this thinking i'd have a rhinoplasty done tomorrow but thats put on hold for now.

im disappointed but def glad i was told the truth (hes my uncle afterall n does want the best for me) so im going with what he says........
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ur only 6 weeks P.O!! im def sre with time itll look more defined... so u used an L shaped implant? i'm 3 days p.o. and i still have bandages, but the tip of my nose looks a lil more defined, but my friends say it looks the same but just a lil higher... I know two girls who just got only cartilage grafts on their tips without implants, and their noses look very defined. after a year and u dun like ur implant i would say take it out and not get another implant. it sounds like ur nose was fine to begin with, but looking at those pictures u posted previously i think ur nose looks very feminine! ask ur doctor how many mm u got put in... my dr. told me he put 3.5 mm so im kinda freaking out bc that sounds really high to me

so im taking all these drugs, i know this sounds gross but did ne one get diarrhea from the antibiotics or drugs u got? i dunno if its this or if its because i ate something bad but its been happening since the day after i started taking the antibiotics
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She looks like she has an L shaped implant that extends down to her tip. I can't be sure but it looks too straight from bridge to tip.
Tip work can bring definition to the tip. I guess it depends on what's done.
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I wouldn't worry too much about seeing the imprint of the implant from the side. I see it in Caucasian people's noses.
Are you taking photos with flash? Asians and Latinos look awful in flash photos. Our skin is oily so it flattens our features and adds weight. Makes me look like the moon. My Latino friend and I have this theory that Caucasians look better with flash. I've noticed that Caucasians are more photogenic too. When I look at party photos, my White friends look better in the photos than in person (I hope they don't see this post!!). I always try to avoid getting my picture taken. It's so funny, my Latino friend and I are always running from the camera at parties.
Also with mirrors, we are used to seeing our image reversed (mirror image) that when we see ourselves in photos (how others see us) it looks different. When I see my friends in front of the mirror, they look weird to me.
Here's a video I found on youtube about facial asymmetry after plastic surgery.

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Your tip should still maintain it's height. You've had a collumellar strut placed in your tip for support.
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mkryu-thanks for the video.
This dr. seems very experienced and caring. A sharp contrast to the doc I had!

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I am just wondering what doctor in Taiwan does both face shaving (any procedure that has to do with chin and/or jaw) and rhinoplasty the best? I'm planning on flying there in June, and I would love to do both procedures with the same doctor. Thanks!
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omg I was gonna save up money for Dr. Lee after I finish my school but someone said you can get your nose and eyes done at Korea for less than 5 thousand wow, now I'm getting 2nd thoughts. I want to get my eyes done but that's not what I really want atm, what I really want is my nose fixed. My nose has a bridge but it has a bump and the tip is pretty droopy:tdown: I don't want silicon because I've been hearing a lot of cons about it but I'm not sure what they'll be able to do with my nose. Dr. Lee saw a picture of me and said he could shave my bone down a little and add a piece of my ear cartilage but I want my bridge a little higher if they were to shave the bone down. Well here's my picture: http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd221/lovelytiffa/l_134fec65dd1a421c91c91a9b0813461b.jpg
As you can see I need my nose done boohoo but I don't know where I live in Los Angeles btw, any suggestions?
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Maybe you should try botox to the jaw muscles to slim the area down.
Here's a video on Youtube pertaining to botox to the jaw line. Dr. Lam feels that the result from bony jaw reduction surgery looks non-human and animal-like.
Start watching from 3:58

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I think ur a very pretty girl, and i dunno if its the angle u took the pic, but ur nose looks kinda high

i say dont get an implant. i think dr. lee's suggestion would make your nose look a lot better, but it looks fine now as well :smile:
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Your nose look fine. I won't suggest getting an implant. I think tip work would be fine.

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That looks like my nose. Probably an L implant. Is it me or is the front view damn ugly?
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I suggest you remove the implant. You sound like you really do not like your new nose. So just go remove it, don't hesitate. You won't regret it. Stop looking at yourself in pictures, most ppl do not like how they look in video and pictures. From what I see you are a very pretty girl so don't be so obsessed with how you look in pics.

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