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That nose doesn't suit her face. Maybe if she had smaller cheekbones and a slimmer jaw, it would work. I wonder why the doctor decided to use her photo as an example?
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I think you are right, her nose is too sharp for her face.
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i think her nose looks pretty fake... yet she still looks better than before because her nose was so flat and undefined. people who aren't familiar with nose augmentation probably can't tell it is fake.

i probably will get the implant removed. i just want to give it a few more weeks so see if anything changes.
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hmm, i've never noticed that. i have many asian friends who look stunning in pictures. all i hope for is that i look more like what i see in the mirror and not the pictures.

i think the flash does make a difference, as well as the angle. when i take pictures of myself with the camera pointing right at my face, it makes my face look distorted. i actually look fine in webcam pictures. i look like what i see in the mirror in webcam pictures.

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Hmmm thanks for your reply guys:heart: I was just talking about it with my mom today blah saving up the money would be a hassle with this economy..so yea I guess ear cartilage for the tip and nothing for the bridge shall do.
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booking it early is essential so you can get the dates you want as some doctors are extremely busy and get booked out. however as you're going in april you probably don't need to worry so much as a lot of people don't do anything at that time of the yr. In fact, doctors at most of the clinics told me the busiest time is Winter break, because that's when most people go on holiday and can recover from surgery. Having said that though, I think if you want to consult with the doctor in person and then decide the date for surgery, it might not be ideal. Especially because you might be left with fewer options for a surgery date -e.g. end of the week and late at night when the doctors are tired and may be more prone to making mistakes.

i think just correspond as much as you can with the doctors via email. and lock in a date with them for your pre op consultation and surgery itself. I myself actually booked with both Dr Park from AT Aesthetic AND Dr Shin from SS Beauty, and then when I got to korea, I made the executive decision to choose one, and forgo the other, without contacting them beforehand. This was like 2 days before I was scheduled in for surgery!
It was probably a bit discourteous of me to do that but at the end of the day you have to think of yourself, as it's you who has to live with the results, and you need to make everything as ideal for yourself as possible.

Most responsible doctors over here would tell you that you can't have a virtual consultation and go straight into surgery btw. They need a pre op in person to look at everything and so they can 'feel your nose'. This will allow them to give you a recommended course of action/surgical plan. There;s only so much they can determine from pictures.

BTW I find doctors in australia are ok..especially if you go to a board certified doctor as you get the additional assurance that they know what they're doing. But korean doctors would perform upwards of twice as many surgeries yearly. so its likely drs are a lot more experienced in Korea.
Moreover if you get the right doctor, the price would be probably 50% to 2/3s of that in Australia.
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Ah i see. yeah I think that's the right course to take. LOL I didn't realise you live in LA..thought lived in Asia.

As for the surgery helping my breathing, yes it definitely has. My deviated septum meant that I couldn't really breathe out of my right nostril, and now post surgery both nostrils are pretty open which is a wonderful feeling.

it took me about 10 days to breathe more or less normally, which is the time it took for internal swelling to go down and the packing to be removed from inside my nose (the packing stops up the nostrils to stop the discarhge and it prevents nasal breathing).
during the first week I couldn't sleep properly (like getting up every couple of hrs) because I had to breathe through my mouth and was left with an incredibly dry feeling and left me with the worst sore throat. I guess this is slightly worse than what you seem to have gone through so I would say the recovery for you won't be so bad.
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make sure you have some distance between you and the camera when you are taking self portaits because the camera lens causes some distortion at close distances.
some people just know how to compose well for the camera...like getting the perfect angle, smile size, eye squint down to a tee. So do your Asian friends who look great in photos look just as good in person too or better...or worse?
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they are already good looking to begin with... and they look just as good in pictures.

i agree, some people really do know how to pose for the cameras. there is a famous blogger chick who always poses with her head pointing down so that her eyes look bigger as she looks up at the camera. she also always tilts her head to the left and faces left (even when everyone else in the picture is facing right), and has hair framed over her face. looking good can be so high maintenance.
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Have any 1 did their nose @ Dr. lam... cause i watch his videos and he sound extremlely friendly and he also do revision for bad nose job... he also like goretex instead of silicone... which in my opinion is better.... so if anyone did their nose in his office .....plsss tell me!@!!!
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fukin snaggle tooth ***** hahahahahaha! she needs keep her mouth closed or get some braces :huh:

OMGGGG i got my bandages off today and my profile looks awesome, but my nose bridge is sooooooo swollen! dr. said it will go down 60% after a month (just the nose bridge) when is the earliest time you feel like your nose actually looked like how it does after a year?

when he took the bandage off i wanted to cry because i looked so scary!
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