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OK, I'm pretty fricken worried... It's been over 6 weeks now since my surgery, and the tip of my nose is still so ugly. At first I thought it was just swollen, but now I'm not so sure. It kind of hangs down... slightly witchy and hooked.
I went to an experienced Dr., so I assumed he would have foreseen this right? If I had wanted a sharper nose, my skin was medium thickness, maybe it would produce a result like this or something? God, I don't know. ****. And after seeing certain pics posted above, some of the nose tips got even bigger after 5.5 months. Omg.
I read a tiny part about steri-strips or something, is it meant to prevent skin from healing too quickly (which er, causes the skin to be tougher and thus, thicker?). Has anyone heard anything about this? I don't even know what they are :/.

I'm just ranting... I know there is nothing I can do except wait... Just thought maybe someone here would have some input or experience with such... Thanks.
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wow, warping is scary :sad: i hope that never happens to the ear cartilage graft on my tip. imagine having the tip of your nose become all twisted over time *shudders*. can ear cartilage grafts to the tip be removed if complications arise, and your nose will go back to the way it was before and not deformed?

mmmaggie, i think 6 weeks is still really early for tip work. the tip takes the longest to deswell. my nose somewhat hangs down too. one side of the ear cartilage graft to my tip is harder and more pointed than the other. bleh. did you get ear cartilage grafted?

dr. toriumi has talked about the healing process on his website, it's an interesting read. i'm not sure how much it applies to us who have silicone implants with ear cartilage but it should to at lesat some degree.

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sorry to hear that maggie, which doctor did you go to?
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How did those Nassif patients end up with such uneven nostrils???
It is really scary to think that even reputable surgeons can give such questionable results. I'm actually afraid of rhinoplasty now.
I hope I will heal up fine (I'm at 3 months so far) and I'll feel like I've dodged a bullet!
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hey guys i got my surgery friday and i love my nose already! there is one thing im alittle concern about though. when looking down at my nostril, its alittle uneven!! (like the nostril hole). i thught at frist its uneven because he did close rhinoplasty on one of the nastril and thats why its uneven.. but do you guys think itll go back and be even?
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Just incase any1 is confused. . im just talking about my nostril hole.. not the nastril itself.. left hole is a different shape from right but u cant really tell unless i lift my head upward.
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Hey Jas - can you pls post the websites of Dr Park from AT Aesthetic AND Dr Shin from SS Beauty?
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vannyvan, what did you have done? did you end up going to that vietnamese doctor in TX? i thought they only used L shaped implants and no ear cartilage. anyway, i think it's normal for nostrils to look uneven at first because your nose is so swollen. mine were pretty uneven at first but they became more even as swelling decreased.
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asin im glad to hear that its normal.

my nose is tape up but i think i like it a lot as of now. im alittle nervous to take off the tape !

i actually went to the doctor in TX and he is AWESOME! i know theres been bad reviews about hanh phuoc but the doctor himself is doctor phi nguyen and he has an awesome reputation! the person that did asianfox nose was stanlee who got fired!

if you google him he has a really good review from other patients too.

doctor phi nguyen is honest and does a really great job. he gave me the nose i been wanting and it looks super natural/ almost perfect. (besides the nostril hole that is)

but he used an I implant and ear cartilage ! he said he used the smallest implant and had to reshape it because i already had a really good height. he also removed alittle of my nose cartilage from my tip to make it less bublous.

right after surgery i loved my nose already! he said i will have awesome results because i already have a good profile to work with. my nose isnt even swollen, the only thing that is swollen is around my eyes.

i got the 3d look that i wanted and a bit less bublous nose!

One more question, does it seem like u could feel the ear cartilage around your nose tip? when i put alittle pressure on my tip i can feel something poking the inside of my nose.
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