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CrazyGirl: I got an i-silicone implant and cartilage grafting from my ear on the tip...
Right now im exactly a week post off and i look hideous. oh yeah and i got it done in korea

I know its only a week. the doctor told me i got 3.5mm implant, but my nose bridge is soo high it looks disgusting. I can feel fluid in there from all the swelling, but still... its quite depressing and I keep crying because i feel like a prisoner in my own house. I cant leave because i feel like i look like this guy:


all jokes aside... i guess i was naive about how much it was going to swell. i really regret this bc i really think i was pretty before i did this... and the way my face looks completely changed. i look like a man... the man in the picture above!!!!

here are some pictures to show... after pics is 1 week p.o.


it doesnt look too swollen in the pics, but relative to my face its huge and gross. i really had an issue with the bridge..

btw my before pic, the front view, my nose looks crooked bc of the way i was smiling hahaa
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misskimchi... i felt the same way as you did when i first had the surgery done. i still feel like my nose is too big and masculine sometimes. one week is definitely early though, and you are still swollen especially at the tip of your nose. i believe i see some yellow bruising in your pictures. i hope your nose will look great in a few weeks when the swelling goes down. if not... you can always get the implant removed, like crazygirl said. implant removal is a pretty easy procedure.
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^I also just went thru rhinoplasty & double eyelids - just past a week & I am feeling the exact same way as misskimchi.

i feel i look like a clown, with a man's nose & extreme swollen, high creased eyelids.

my nose looks huge & the tip is BIG - sometimes when i catch myself in the mirror, i thought i saw a tranny witch (me!).

can any 'old birds' here chime in & tell us how we are feeling is normal during recovery/deswelling period?

I dont know how i can face anyone with this face esp. with x'mas approaching.

& how come i dont recall reading that healing is the most depressing time, lol
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Bobochap: what did ug et on ur nose?

i think that day i was super depressed and perhaps i was overreacting a bit... plus my whole face was swollen, so i really look like a man and a complete different person.

my nose is still huge, but i met a few people today and they didnt even realize i just had nose surgery untill i told them so i guess it was just all in my head

like my dr. said. ur eyes and ur nose is the focal point of ur face, and when people look at you, they look at u in those places. and we're just self consious whether or not they are wondering if u have surgery, and this kind of behavior actually gives it away mroe than being confident in ur self and pretending nothings wrong.

asin: i really think you should wait at least a year, a year and ahalf to get ur implant taken out. i say this because u didnt really let ur nose heal from the first one.

normally drs say that ull get final results 6~12 months, but my aunt's friend saw my aunt in three intervals... 6 months, 12 months and 18 months.... she said that there was a huge difference from 1 year p.o. and 1.5 year p.o. everyone is different... it would just suck that u went through all this pain, money, stress when it is possible the results you want just takes time... but then again, if u REALLY cant wait that long...
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misskimchi, thanks for the advice. i've been thinking about that. did your aunt have the same procedure as we did - I shaped silicone implant with ear cartilage? i know when white people get rhinoplasty, it takes them up to 1-2 years to see the final results because they have more traumatic stuff done like bones broken, cartilage reshaped, etc. i don't know how long it takes for us to see our final result. from what i've read in forums it seems like with asian nose augmentation, there is not much change after 2 months, especially with bridge height (which is my main area of concern). i am willing to give it 6 months though, if i'm really convinced my nose will get better....... we'll see. at the moment i'm not too happy with the width of the implant either.
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hi Misskimchi,
here are some images for an asian girl who did rhinoplasty. The images showed the changes from 5 months to 1.5 years. Hope this would help.

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Hey Bbbochap, it's normal to feel depressed in the beginning of the recovery stage. Because it's still healing and you're not used to your new nose. Unless there's something obviously wrong, otherwise I'd suggest to give some more time and try to focus on other things & let your nose heal.
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I think that horizontal scar along the collumella from the open rhinoplasty is too visible. (after photos looking up into the nostrils)
A couple NYC plastic surgeons who perform the open method told me that only dogs and lovers will notice the scar. Well for someone who has many lovers, open rhino is just not an option. Dogs could care less.
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about those before and after pictures...

-i'm assuming the before pictures are of her nose with the silicone dorsal implant. i wonder if something went wrong with it so she got a revision with gortex instead?
-her "after" nose does not look that close to the computer imaging from frontal view; it's much wider.
-i've seen other post-op photos of open rhino where the columnella scar wasn't as visible
-that last picture of the "silicone dorsal implant" confuses me. what is that? presumably it's a picture of her nose cut and "opened" up but it doesn't even look like a nose!
-the doctor calls the rhinoplasty "westernization" and that is somewhat disturbing. maybe the patient wanted to look caucasian??
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Dr. Kim of Atlanta describes his Asian Eyelid Surgery as "Westernization Blepharoplasty"


I think if an Asian person wanted to look more Caucasian, they would also have to do something about their cheek bones too, not just their eyes and nose...otherwise they may end up like this girl:
(nose and eyes from Dr. Kim)

Her cheeks are too broad and her chin is too weak to support her new nose for achieving the "westernized" look which I'm assuming she is aiming for judging from the color contact lenses she also has decided to wear.
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