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I think I waited 1 month. Boy, did that drink feel good!
I also notice now that whenever I drink, my nose gets more definition at the tip. It looks really good! Am I beer-goggling or does alcohol actually help de-swell the nose temporarily?
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So many students like to get work done during the break so they have time to heal before classes start again.
I wonder why they would book so many people on the same day? Do you think the bad economy is making Plastic Surgeons desperate for patients so they end up over-booking?
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i did it today cuz i have to leave the country in 2 weeks. I was about to walk out the office when they told me they don't accept checks. but the thought of being able to breath normal made me stay. They girl I met during the first consultation didn't add up the nubmer right. its supposed to be 7900 for the nose and 1900 for the eyes, the total should be 9800 minus the consultation fee which is $100. but she didn't use a calculator and wrote down the total for $10700 instead of 9700. I called that day after i realize she made a mistake and they said they will update my account immediately. I called last week again to make sure and she said dont worry about it, she will fix it. so today when i sign my paper work, the invoice was still the same wrong amount. It took them more than 30 mins to change the amount and it was still wrong! so finally when they give me the right amount, the lady told me no check is accepted!! i told her no one told me about it and she said she is only there once a week so its not her fault. she insisted that i should split it to differnet credit cards. At that point, i was quite furious.

When i go in to see doctor lee for the pre-op consulation, he was trying to sell me the DSI method for my eyelid (which i dont need). then wheni reminded him again i am here to try to fix my breathing problem and he told me he can't. And he wont be able to take out some tissue to make the nostils bigger like he siad he would during the first consultation. and for some reason he changed his mind from gortex to silicon. so at that point, i am just like whatever, just try to the best to fix the breathing problem.

my surgery was 3 hours LATE and it hurts a lot. I was tearing all over (eventho i have high tolerante with pain).. anywayz i can't see my nose right now, i hope at least it will look decent. Before they pack my nose, I was able to breath better that before. so hopefully everything will go fine.
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i'm already really skinny to begin with and i guess i have low cheekbones (?). the masseter muscle extends from the lower jaw up to the cheekbone, so it seems to make sense how reducing the masseter muscle can create a sunken cheek look.


i haven't called the office regarding cheeks because my nose has been a much greater concern. and like i said, i'm happy with what the botox has done with my jawline... but not my cheeks. perhaps it's a trade off. how long ago did you have the botox injections? from what i know the results last for around 9 months. have you seen some of the results diminish?
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it's hard to illustrate my point without a visual, lol. but this is a before/after of the outline of my face at an oblique view (the two pictures are not at exactly the same angle, but very close). notice that in the after, my cheekbone has become more prominent and cheeks look sunken in. you can also see my alar in the before picture because they were so much wider, haha.
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Actually after looking at your photos, I realize that I did notice my cheeks looking different about 1 month after I got the botox. I got a better jawline and my cheek bones just got more definition on the side.
I think that once the botox wears off, your cheeks should return to what it looked like or close to it. I think if you want to speed up that process, you should start chewing on ice and eat lots of nuts and chew gum. That will bring those muscles back into use and the effects of the botox will wear off quicker.
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hi berry eyes,
i have the epi to make the inside corner of my eye bigger. i dont have big eyes but i like them the way they are. I was born with single eyelids but as I grow older, the folds started to come out. Dr lee thought my eyelids were done but i told him they are natural. Then he said do they come and go? i told him they are pretty stable. then he recommanded me to do DSI to make them stay.....

today is my second day and i feel good. no pain, not much swelling. I went back for follow up and the the follow up was less than a mintune... he didn't tell me when do i take the medicine, when to put on the oniment and when to ice my nose... he just told me to clean the stitches with peroxide and i have to ask him to show me how.

Honestly, with the amount of money i am paying, i expect better service than fast food style. but as long as i can breath better, thats all it matters to me.
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Oh pursebao, when I read about your consultation at Dr. Lee's office today, I wanted to write that you should leave and go to another doctor. He sounds very unprofessional. And how would sticking a silicon implant in your nose help with your breathing?
Even if you paid for the surgery, I think you could have demanded your money back if you hadn't had the surgery yet. They can't legally keep your money for nothing!!!
They may have taken off a cancellation fee charge or whatever bullsh*T they do, but still you could have gotten a good portion of your cash back.
I hope you will breathe better though, and that at least he fixed your deviated septum. I used to not be able to breathe through my left nostril, after a bad sinus infection. I suffered for 10 years. I broke my nose 4 years ago too which made it worse. It was very annoying! Now that I am finally able to breathe through BOTH nostrils, I feel more normal again. I hope you will feel normal again too.
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Pursebao - begin icing if it doesn't bother you. I did it immediately because the first 72 hours post surgery is the most important from my understanding. If you can clean anything at this point, trying cleaning out the blood and gunk that have built up. I cleaned my ears too with peroxide. Start using the ointment in the eye as well as bacitriacin in your nose and wounds. Wonder if he used dissolving stitches on you? If he did...those stitches will go away or when they've healed you can peel them off. I did. Drink Green tea, it will help you detox.
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i think we should embrace our asian features!! i love our cute small nose and our eyes are beautifuL!! but if you feel you need to do this then i suggest to do it in the u.s because i hear that it is more risky to have surgery done somewhere far... so for emergency purposes i would stay here in the u.s
Good luck!!
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Thanks berryeyes and crazygirls,
for some reason, dr lee only put a cotton strip on my right nostril. when he took it out, i was able to breath so well from the right side. it feels like hurricane going in to my nose, hahah.. but the left side feels stuck. i told him i can't breath out from my left side, he said there might be some blood clot in there and told me pour peroxide into the nostril to rinse it out. I am too scared to do that... i tired using Q-tip but doesn't work, what do u guys think i should do?
he didn't use the dissolveing stithes, I have to go back next wednesday to have the stitches taken out. i will start drinking some greentea too, my husband will make me greentea!!!!!!!!!!he promised me to be my slave for a week hehhe (he is reading what i type)
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