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thanks berryeyes,
i realize the left nostril is more like congestion than blood clog. last night when i slept, both of my nostrils opened up and i was able to breath very well, much much better than before the surgery. I am so glad it works !! but when i woke up, the congestion is back again. Now i am having running nose from both sides, i am thinking maybe it is the cold weather. do any of you guys have running nose after the surgery?
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I remember maybe a couple weeks after my surgery, I was in the shower and made a point to get some warm water up into my nostrils to loosen up the dried blood clump. I blew my nose afterwards and a big chunk of it came out. I just couldn't believe that it was stuck up my nose for that long. I could really breathe much better after that.
I have really bad allergies so I always wake up with a runny nose and congestion. I have to clean out my nose daily with a q-tip so that I can breathe a little better.
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how did u get the water into your nose? i have one of these at home, wonder if i should use this later to clear the nostril.

anyway, now i think about it.... i wonder the reason dr lee changed his mind from the first consultation is because he was super busy that day and didn't want to spend too much time on the surgery. at first, he told me he wants to use gortex and reshape my nostril. and during the pre-op consultation he said he will use silicon and he wont be able to reshape my nostril. does using gortex require more time than silicon? is it hard to reshape the nostrils?

i am just thinking how long does the silicon last before it needs to be replaced? after i take out my stitches, i will post up some pictures of what he did and what he showed me during the first consulation. i feel like i was being cheated.....
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I just snorted the water into my nose to loosen up the congestion. Then I blew out of my nose and a big chunk of the blood came out. It really felt refreshing. I would wait a couple weeks first so you don't damage anything in there.
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I had that happen to me in the shower after surgery too! It was a blood+booger clump.
I wasn't allowed to blow my nose until after 2 weeks.
Don't blow your nose aggressively until your nose heals more pursebao.

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Pursebao, it is completely understandable that you feel cheated. You may have been cheated. I don't think the silicon implant had anything to do with your improved breathing. Usually, septoplasty does not require any silicon implants, just removal of some cartilage on one side to straighten the septum. The silicon implant was just cosmetic, and I think it was extraneous and just added to the cost!!! Also, septoplasty should be covered by your medical plan.

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I was watching A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila a few nights ago (there was nothing else on late at night and I don't have cable) and I noticed Tila's nose. It's fake looking and I'm quite sure she's got an implant plus tip work done. Her bridge kind of goes straight down too, and has a "Roman" look. Oh well, I guess even though her nose job looks fake, most people can't tell. I don't know how but she's got a "career" for not doing much and acting trashy.
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yea, i actually went to and ENT doctor and another Caucasian plastic surgeon who works with an ENT doctor before i went to Dr lee.

The Caucasian plastic surgeon told me my breathing problem is from both inside and out. the deviated septum, weak valve due to very little cartilage support and small nostril. He told me he will graft cartilage from my ear to give support for the valve and inject something (i forgot what it is called) to build up the bridge to balance the tip, the injection will eventually become part of the bone. And he will work with the ENT doctor to fix everything else and most likely the septoplasty will cover by my insurance. I was going to go for this doctor. The reason i changed my mind is because the office lady (who is a female version of Dewey Cox, i swear, she looks just exactly like him) delawareonline.com/blogs/uploaded_images/walk_hard-765974.jpg being so rude and unhelpful. She never called me back about my insurance and just simple told me insurance wont covered without even knowing what procedures I am going to do. So i decided not to do it there anymore.

And i went to this famous ENT doctor. He charged so much and he wasn't being helpful either. He told me to rinse my nose and use the nose spray ($100 for a small bottle that last for a month...thats with insurance already :wtf:) because my turbinate is very swollen from allergie. I tried that for couple months and the nose rinse doesnt work welll for me at all. because my nostril are so small and i had a broken ear drum before, the water pressure actually popped my ear drum again and my ear was bleeding..... i went back to the ENT doctor and he just said becareful and thats it. My breathing at that point improved about 30%. I asked him about the divated septume and the valve. he said he didn't recommand surgery and I just have to deal with it for the rest of my life. He said he can build up my vavle using cartiligue but he doesn't think he can make it work without making my nose look too wide. Thats why i finally went to an asian plastic surgeron......

I think building up my valve definately helps a lot. I can breath normally now and i think my nose looks better than before. But I am just worried how long will the silicon implant last until i have to replace it again. I was also helping he would reshape my nostrils bigger to allow more air flow. But i will just wait till all the swelling go down first and decide from there.

Crazy Girls,
how is ur nose doing?
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oh i dont like her at all. she is so trashy and her boobs are so fake..
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tila has a nice body though! hahaha

well im 2.5 weeks p.o. and my nose looks really natural. In fact... TOOO natural. i think the doctor didnt but a big enough implant in (3.5 mm) and my tip, even though he took a huge chunk of my ear, looks completely the same the only difference is i have some what of a bridge, but i personally think its not that noticeable...

no one even knew that i got a nose job, even my college roommate from last year didnt notice, and shes korean! im kinda feeling like i wasted my money on this surgery now.... im just hoping my tip will get some more definition, but my main concern was my bridge, but its really not that noticeable!!!
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Your tip will start taking shape after 5-6 months. I'm almost 8 months post-op and I still noticing more shape in the tip area. I feel that whenever I go out drinking, my nose gets really defined at the tip. Then when I wake up the next morning, it doesn't look as defined. Later in the day, the swelling goes down and my nose looks better. Did you get Goretex for your bridge? Your bridge will shrink more in the coming months due to absorption/tissue integration. Goretex shrinks more than silicone since silicone just gets encapsulated.
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It seems the nostrils' shapes will not change much over-time. Could it be your sleeping posture e.g. side sleep?
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Pursebao - We hope you'll get well eventually. Initially I also considered Dr. Lee in L.A., but I decided not to when they wouldn't provide consultation by email in the initial stage.

As for deviated septum, I had a separate surgery done in UCLA's medical center. I opted not to do cosmetic at the same time because I know health insurance wouldn't cover that part. After the surgery, I had very little problems with breathing; and that was almost 4 years ago. If your breathing problem persists, I'd recommend UCLA if your health insurance will cover.
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Hi Pursebao. I think by weak valve (I'm guessing it's the external valves, not the internal one(s) because you're referring to your nostril openings) the doctor usually means that when you breathe in, the valve closes up and doesn't stay open so you don't get enough air into your nasal passages.
My problem was the internal valve, as one side was stenotic (narrowed). That ENT doc (my first surgeon) was so good and figured it out, but he did not reduce my hypertrophic turbinates, which were also swollen because I have had allergies for a while (hay fever, dust, etc). That was why I had some pain at the side of my nose near my sinuses, but the second surgeon (who masquerades as a plastic surgeon but has no board certification) saw that my turbinates were inflamed and needed to be reduced. What made me wonder was that the second surgeon operated on me only one month after my first surgery. He really was desperate for the money I think.
Anyway, I'm doing ok, my tip is still swollen when I wake up, and it still feels hard sometimes, but towards the end of the day it feels less hard.

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