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hi crazy girl, happy new year to you too!

yea i have alar base reduction too! but i am kinda worried now cuz the tip of my nose is lopsided. I can feel the grafting is off to the right side. As the swelling goes down, it becomes more obvious.... dr lee said he can feel some grafting there but it is not visible to the eyes... :wtf: i can see it tho! it is quite obvious! I really dont want to go back to the surgery room for the third time.
as far as breathing goes, my left nostrils is starting to clear up and i sleep good at night. But i will still go see the ENT doctor before i leave for asia. The ENT doctor is not on the premises but it is close by his office.
I really dont get how some people can go through plastic surgerys multiple times.... one time is more than enough for me already....:Push:
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Hi Titimo,
I'm actually thinking about getting an alarplasty done with Dr. Rival. I am wondering if you can tell me a little bit about your experience with him. Did he do a good job? Are your scars healing over well? and How much did it cost? I was thinking about getting the procedure done with Dr. Wong but I've heard so many nasty things about his demeanor and his lack of care for patient's concerns. It would be great if you could shed some light on your experience. Thanks!
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Pursebao...did you tell Dr. Lee that your tip looks lopsided and you don't like it?
With implants, they should be addressed sooner rather than later.
I'm glad your breathing is better!

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yea i mentioned that to him 2 times already. he said maybe wait till the swelling goes down first and he said it is not easy to fix. I am going to see him tomorrow and I am going to address that again...:sad:
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hi!! i'm new and in need of direction. planning on a nose job. i'm half korean/half american and i have a decent bridge, but the end of my nose is a wide bulb. way too big. i know that i've put on some weight recently and that a miniscule amount of fat stores in your nose...so i'm losing the weight to see how it affects my nose, but i doubt it will be anything dramatic. i've wanted a nose job for as long as i can remember, and now i'm old enough and looking for a great doctor. suggestions??
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Hey guys! I've also recently done a nose job at Dr. Lee's office (2 weeks ago). However, I feel like the bridge is a bit too high for me, and I've also discovered that I really don't want to augment my nose -- i just wanted to correct my flaring nostrils. I really want my old nose back and I'm going to take the implant out (and the ear cartilege in the tip area as well? I'm not sure) as soon as possible.

I've got some questions for you guys and I'd really appreciate your answer. First, how much swelling will there be if I simply take the implant out? I hear it's really easy to take it out -- under local anesthesia it takes only about 2/3 minutes. But will there be a lot of swelling just like the first time I do the surgery? Will there be more swelling if I take out the ear cartiledge as well? (A related question is, how long do I need to stay in the area after removal of implant? Will there be a splint put on my nose just like the first time? Do I need to go the the doctor for follow-up?)

Secondly, I did alar base reduction as well, and I must say Dr. Lee has done a really awesome job.. I used to have flaring nostrils, no more... However, one effect of alarplasty is that it makes my alar disappeared... there used be a curve on the sides of my nose, but no more--it's been straightend. This makes my nose look more bulbous than before, especially from a distance / on photos. This is something I'm really worried about. What should I do? Will simply taking out the implant do the trick? (My implant is huge, Dr. Lee said it's the largest size he can get...) Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!!
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But one of her eyes is also always bigger than the other haha. I don't think it's such a big deal if nostrils are a bit uneven actually :confused1:. Not even really noticeable unless you analyze.

**ok whoops, i missed a whole new page, sorry for being OT. I was talking about jess. simpson.
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The swelling from bridge augmentation implant takes about 6 weeks to go down. Then in the coming months, you should notice a slight decrease in bridge height. In some cases, your bridge may end up slightly higher even after an implant has been removed due to scar tissue formation. From what I read from people who have removed their implant, there is swelling after removal.

Your alars/nostrils should still have a curve. Sometimes without the natural curvature of the nostrils, you would end up with a pinched look. I wonder what method or nostril narrowing Dr. Lee performs? I'm sure he could redo the alars.
Here's an interesting article on 3 different methods of nostril narrowing (alar base reduction).


Your tip will be swollen for many months. I didn't notice definition until about 5-6 months. At 8 months, my tip has gotten better definition but I feel that I may still have a little ways to go until I'm completely healed.
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kind of off topic but..i went to dr. park to get my eyes done. he's realllllly good. if i decide to get my nose done also, i'll be going there.
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Thank you, mkryu, that's very kind and helpful. I do think I've decided to have it take out. The bridge will surely go down but not to a point where I'm comfortable. As I said, Dr.Lee used the largest implant he had. It's just too drastic a change for me.

I'm not sure about the possibility of redoing the alars... I guess some tissues have been taken out. Can the curve be restored?

I also suspect that the loss of curve on my nose may be due to the sheer size of the implant...If it is too large, you know.... it will tend to make the sizewalls flatter than before.

It's sad to know that there's swelling after removal... But I guess I'll just have to live with it...
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Pursebao, maybe it may be easier to just take the whole graft out and do it again? Sometimes it has to do with carving the graft and not just the insertion of it.
Also, while he does that he can also reduce your turbinates. It's easy, the doctor takes an instrument to chip away at the lower inferior turbinates to make them smaller so you have more passage way for air to come through. Good luck !
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yeuyeu, i am on the same boat as you. i got my rhinoplasty from dr. lee in mid october and i'm not happy with the results. i feel my nose is too big and bridge is too high. i have decided to remove my silicone implant but i don't know if i should remove the cartilage graft as well. i'm worried that my nose will look weird, with an overprojected tip, if i just remove the silicone implant and leave the cartilage graft in. are you planning to remove both the silicone implant and cartilage graft?
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thanks for the advice, I will ask him again today. I really dont want to go through another recovery... but i guess i have no choice....

asin and yeuyeu,
are u guys going to go back to Dr Lee to do it? Is he goign to charge you guys for the removal? I am quite disappointed at his work. It seems to me that he is always overbooked and he can't spend enough time to each patient and listen to what they have to say. If he could just spend a little more time when he worked on me, I wouldn't have to keep going back to do revisions... :sad:
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