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local anasthetic- scale from 1-10 3 being a shot... i give it a 5-6!!! only bc of the actual injections, after that it just feels like their moving stuff around ur face

the most disturbing part is the noises... i heard them scrapping the cartilage out of my ear (gross!) and the silicone rubbing against my bone... besides the noses, it wasnt too bad. i felt so well that right after my srugery i took a cab back home, but right when i got home i felt like ****!! the pain hit, but itw asnt too bad

4 weeks p.o. and my nose is too low. but i guess i cant complain bc it came out really natural. however, i think i look exactly the same besides my profile... i supose it fits my face -_-
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you didn't get general anesthesia when you had your surgery :wtf:? i was completely knocked out when i had my primary for which i'm glad. it's good that your nose looks natural and suits your face!
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I did the local anethestic but I have a high pain tolerance. It didn't hurt like a 12 for me, more like a 5.. it feels really really weird b/c you feel your nose open up.. The shot hurts but more like a sting, somewhat like you are getting a normal shot..

and you definately do not want to walk afterwards.. I was traveling with my friend and she wanted to go see the hollywood squares and i walked around and i had to stop and rest and then my nose was still bleeding it was awful.. you feel lightheaded and i felt like i was going to faint a couple of times..

I am getting tattoo laser removal and that hurts wayy more..
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hey guys. so i like my nose . my nastril hole is alittle uneven but i can live with it. it came out pretty much how i wanted it to. gimmie your e-mail if u guys want pics.

i have a question though, my 18 months baby bump into my nose about 4 times.. HARD. on the tip! it hurts for a moment then im okay again.. u guys think itll ruin my nose and make it look UGLY? i hope not :sad:
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monster -

Thanks for the info though. It really helps me feel better about the planned trip to Seoul next month.

In terms of general or local anesthesia, I heard general anesthesia has faster recovery than local.
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asin- i'm sorry that your nose didn't turn out as well as you wanted to. i was hoping after the swelling went down it'll look great... but i'm wishing you well when you get your implant removed.

misskimchi420 - which doctor did you get your nose done in korea? i looked at your pics and your results look so natural. i'm looking for results like yours.

vannyvan10 - i'm really glad you like your nose! good thing you were aware of the doctor that operated on you. did you get silicon or gortex?
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misskimchi, do you mind sharing with these with me? hope everything's great with you post-op - sounds like it! thanks very much.
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(above message is me too)
sorry, forgot to include my email: [email protected]!
i'd really love to see pictures! thanks again.
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I just had my implant removed yesterday... it really hurts, especially some of the shots... it's not paintful when my surgeon takes the implant out though...

When I got home, I can feel that the area between my eyes is very hollow..you can push in inwards. Today it's gotten a bit better, but still hollow. I wonder whether this is just swelling or because skin was stretched by the implant... Guess I'll have to live with this for some time...
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thanks for updating yeuyeu. i'm getting mine removed in a few hours. ::s:: i can deal with the pain, i just hope that it will look okay and i won't regret it. i had my primary 12 weeks ago and implant replaced 6.5 weeks ago. i think i've given it enough time to heal and decide that i'm better off without it. it doesn't look like my nose is going change much more.

hopefully the hollowness is temporary due to the stretched skin. i wish you a speedy recovery yeuyeu.
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Thanks asin! I hope your surgery went well. For me the most painful part lasted for a few seconds; after that it should be okay. My nose is getting slightly better, but the bridge still looks pretty high. Indeed my profile has not returned to before. I think there's a lot of empty space under that area of skin... My tip has also become a bit more bulbous, I guess. Hopefully all this will improve in a few days!:okay:

Thanks CrazyGirl, that's really helpful! I've also heard others who had their implant taken out report loose skin for a few days after removal. I did touch it a little yesterday, but I'll definitely try not to from now on. It can be hard to resist sometimes!:sweatdrop:

Btw, I just found out about this article
, which says that to reduce swelling one must avoid (i) sodium and (ii) overheating. I wish I didn't have that big meal a few hours ago which I believe is very high in sodium. I will definitely avoid sodium from now on.... there is some useful information here:

I'll continue to post my recovery... Hope everyone has a beautiful nose!
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yeah i took it out on the 5th day... I'm not sure if I should say dr lee recommended it... He says 'for balance at some time you may wish to place an chin implant'... That's a heavily hedged sentence in retrospect... I guess. But I think I have only myself to blame.. I should've done more research and known just which areas of my face I want to improve, rather than just leave it all to the doctors... but oh well.
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hey guys, i just got my implant removed an hour ago. i took a cab there, but they still only put me under local anesthesia cause they didn't want to discharge me to a cab driver when i'm semi conscious. i'm a big baby so they had to inject more and more anesthesia in my nose because i kept squirming. as a result, my nose is super swollen due to the multiple injections. it looks like a huge blob right now and i feel the hollowness too when i press down on the skin where the implant used to be. i hope my nose will deswell soon and the skin will retract.

my friend just sent me some picture from a party a few months ago before i had any surgery, and i actually think i look pretty good in them. i guess you don't realize what you have til it's gone. i just hope i can go back to lookint like the way i did before surgery. the botox injections to my jaw has made my cheeks sunken in and it's made me look worse too. i've always been considered an attractive girl before i had any surgery done, and i think i've learned my lesson in self acceptance and not being so critical of the way i look. i'm gonna try to be happy with the way i look from now on, even if my bridge is a little low and my cheeks are a little big. i
ok im just rambling here. i'im so disoriented from the meds. i should go crash out soon. i hope ill look better when i wake up
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