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I will assume you are asking for a nose surgeon. Seems like the one to go to in Korea is Dr. Jung. He's the most expensive there (he almost always charges 4000 for the nose)... at least from what I hear. But from the information posted on the web, he is very good at what he does, aftercare, consultation... I think he is also very careful about longterm effects... hence, he only uses goretex or rib cartilage for implant.
There are also a lot of people on the web who like BKclinic... however, if you are doing anything complex, they are probably not the best place because the doc rushes everyone, and aftercare seems like it is not the best, but people still say if you can stand for it, he's still very talented.

You can find contacts for both of these throughout the forum.
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Hi All,

I've been obsessing about this nose thing as well. Thank god I found this forum but some of the stuff posted actually made me even more indecisive about where to go. I hear positive things about Dr. Jung from the Singapore forum but I don't really like the way his noses come out. They're manish for me.

My problems include not being able to speak any Mandarin or Korean. I keep reading about how there are Plastic Surgery tours available but have not had any luck with google searches.

Maskd2003- I would love to see the results of your eyelash implant. I'm considering that as well of course after I get my nose and face contouring.

I'm not even sure where to go at this point. I wanted to go sometime after May 15 because thats when classes end for me. I was wonder if anyone is anyone else going around that period?
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I understand that those of you that have decided to have rhinoplasty have thought over this a lot and have done your research (hopefully!), but I want to tell you my story.

I had asian rhinoplasty done years ago. I was in my early 20s at the time. I was never unattractive, but was always self conscious of my nose because it wasn't as high as I liked. It wasn't particularly ugly and now looking back on pictures prior to my nose surgery I think my nose was quite cute and balanced well with the rest of my face. But I was super self-conscious back then and was so fixated on my nose that I was determined to get it done no matter what my friends and family tried to tell me.

I went to a prominent doctor in Canada to get it done. I did my research and was well aware of the risks involved. And trust me, I wasn't planning on getting revisions or getting the implant removed. I thought over this long and hard and was prepared to live with the consequences of ending up with a nose that may not be my "ideal." After the surgery, my nose looked nice but it wasn't what I wanted. I wasn't totally happy with the result but I grew to accept it.

After a couple of years, I became less and less worried about possible complications, such as infection and extrusion because these tend to occur more frequently in the first year. Imagine how normal everything must have felt after 7 years! Then a few months ago, I noticed that my nose was crooked, started having a dull ache. Then I started noticing the nasal implant was becoming more mobile and I could wiggle it around. I went to my family Dr. and she didn't really believe me at first because she had many patients that experienced similar complications but it occurred within months post-op for them, not 7 years. I was informed that because the nasal implant was no longer stable, there was a high risk of extrusion. That really scared me. But at the same time I didn't want to go through surgery again and have to go through this again 10 years down the road. So I decided to have the implant permanently removed.

Sounds simple? Not really!! My previous doctor, although well known for his rhinoplasties, wasn't the best at writing operative reports, so the new doctor I was going to wasn't sure what kind of implant was used on me and if any cartilage was removed from my nose. At the consultation with the new doctor I was informed of this, and the risks involved if the nasal implant was gortex rather than silicone. Because silicone has a smoother texture, the nasal tissue encapsulates the implant so it is easier for removal. But if the previous doctor used goretex, removal of the implant is extremely difficult and can actually do a lot of damage to my nasal tissue, leaving it deformed. Imagine how I must have felt hearing this. I was lucky enough to have silicone and the removal was successful. Yes, I know goretex has less chance of mobility, but remember, there is ALWAYS that chance that you can be that statistic.

I hope those of you who have made up their mind about having surgery have really thought over this and I want you to understand that the risks will always be there as long as you have the implant in, no matter how many years you've had it.

If you have any questions, please post here or send me a private message. I can honestly say that having my nose done was possibly the worst mistake of my life.
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Hey Jeunesse!
Hope ur nose is looking ok now. Does the skin look a little loser now that the implant has been taken out? Also, how big was the silicon implant? 2mm, 3mm, 5mm? Thank you for sharing ur story with us, and I know as with all surgeries, there is always a risk, big or small so everyone has to be prepared for all the risk that imay occur. Doing all the research u can and finding the best surgeon poss will help reduce these risks, and I and most ppl here have chosen to use goretex, so hopefully the risk of pretrusion is V V V small.
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Dear Jeunesse,

Thank you for sharing your experience. It is very beneficial for me to hear your story.
This is one of the reasons why getting an implant is the toughest decision to be made. So far, I have decided against getting an implant.

Goretex really hasn't been used long enough to know the long term effect, although it is the preferred synthetic implant for safety by many doctors.
Silicone has already been proven to be risky.
Rib cartilage (grafted from one's own rib) is the number 1 preference by most docs. But, even this has its own potential complications. For instance, it can be almost totally reabsorbed, and after a few years, your nose can be very deformed.

Jeunesse, do you know why the implant became mobile?

Also, I remember asking one of the Korean docs how often he does revisions on noses. He responded saying (30% of all his nose jobs were revision!)
And, this was not Dr. Jung, and as you can see on his website, there is a LOT of revision cases. Dr. Jung has been doing goretex for 6-7 years... who knows what long term effects the material has.

goretex and silicone is different. goretex is lighter and also known as e-PTFE (teflon)... it is a solid white color, and rubbery.
Generally, silicone is kind of transparent, and can be rubbery or hard.
The main difference between the two is this:
Goretex is lighter, and it is porous, whereas silicone is heavier and nonporous.
And, some scientists and doctors say that goretex has a lower risk of extrusion and other complications because the bone cells will grow into the goretex and it is not as heavy. The goretex will have a formidable bond to the nose by the 2nd week. But, I think it may still have these risks in spite of all of it. And, you always have the risk of infection, although the risk is highest initially.
But, I wonder if after many years, it will warp or not.

ok... as a final note, I'm not a doctor, so take everything that I say with a grain of salt. Make your own decisions and do your own research, and don't rely completely on this forum.

Plastik, I will keep you updated about the eyelashes. ;)
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Ladies and Gents,


This website shows some makeovers... most of them have had nose implant.... Please note, that some have had other procedures such as eyes.

I feel like you can't judge implants just by looking at the nose; you've got to take a look at the entire face.

Tell me what you guys think and your feelings on it... if it is worth it, etc...
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thank you for the website. most of them are not that noticable of the surgery they had. mostly facelift?
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usernameblah... thanks for telling me what you think. :smile:

there's a lot of stuff that was done... almost all of them had nose augmentation. Some had chin implant, double eyelid procedure, fat grafting, botox... etc... Usually, people only got two things done in those pics.

If you look at the nose first, assess it with their face, and then look at the old nosed face, you will see a distinct difference.

exoticasian, It's somewhere in Taiwan... I can't read Chinese... you'll have to dink around with the site... also, I don't really know anything about this clinic...
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