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@babistyle: thanks for your advice. poor for me that the local doctor have a lil knowledge about asian nose, and I dont want to take risk. You know, I'm living in the old continential, not in the states. We dont have as many asian as in the USA...
I'm just finishing my 1st exam, and in the break for the second. Still read all of the posts here, so long. I'm at the middle of page 60, and so far, maybe my choice is Dr Jung.
Anyone here want to go to Korea in this summer. Clearly I know nothing about korean language, and will go by myself. Is it possible? I only know English :sad:.
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Hey sushitown,

Yeah, I did not get a good feeling from BK on first visit but I went through with it because like you I found it difficult to find another English-speaking clinic. After my consultation, they asked for a deposit which would not be refunded to me. So even after I left the clinic, I wanted to cancel but I would lose my money, so I put faith before logic and went through with it. Yeah, I can imagine if you're in the UK it must be difficult to find a clinic that specializes in Asian noses. But are there not Asian doctors who cater to the Asian population? Eitherway, hope everything goes well.

Good luck with your research and more importantly procedure~
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do any of you feel like you have lost your ethnic identity since plastic surgery? i'm being told that i "don't look chinese at all" and that i look mexican ever since i got rhinoplasty and botox jaw reduction. i took out my nasal implant 5 days ago, and thought i'd look more like my old self, but i am still getting those comments constantly. it really bothers me and i have been depressed.

i went back to my hometown to visit my parents. i saw my dad and surprisingly he didn't say anything about my appearance except that i look thin and my cheeks are sunken in (it's the botox). i haven't seen my mom yet but i will see her tonight, and i have a feeling she's going to make very negative comments about my appearance and i don't know if i can handle it. we are going to dinner and if she says something like "WHOA you look sick... what happened to your face? you looks gross" as soon as she sees me (those are comments she typically makes), i am probably gonna break out in tears and walk out. i am for sure going to wear a hat when i see her.

i feel like i've ruined my looks and i want my old face back. granted, i've had my share of "ugly" days in the past but i've never felt this upset about my appearance before. hopefully my nose is still just swollen, and the botox will wear off and i will gain some fullness back to my face so i won't look so haggard.

i've just been really depressed and needed to vent.
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Hello people.. I have been wanting to get a nose job since 2 years ago but I haven't done it as there are still some issues I am trying to grapple with... and I would like to ask people who have done rhinoplasty (or intending to get rhinoplasty) some questions.. would really appreciate it if some kind souls could give me a reply! thx

I would like to request for subtle refinement of tip and increment of nose bridge height such that the change would be subtle and no one could really pinpoint the difference but myself...I really can't imagine being questioned and having to explain myself to my friends when they spot a dramatic change in my nose.. so i'd just request for a subtle and natural change. i really do not want people to know that I have actually undergone a nose job (since my friends are people who generally still can't accept cosmetic sugery)... do you all think that it's possible that people can't tell if i request for a subtle and natural change? (or people can definitely tell since nose is the central feature of the face?)

I have actually seen many before and after nose job photos and I notice that the change is actually quite subtle and not dramatic... I really hope to achieve something like that as I am not going to tell anyone that I am going for a nose job other than my parents.., not even my bf.. what do you all think of my decision? Is it unwise..? I don't know if it's weird of me.. but I am still not comfortable with telling people I got a nose job if I were to do it.. Do you guys feel the same?

In addition, how is the recovery time like? How long will it take for one to look normal and as though "no surgery has been done". Is 3 weeks enough? cos i have only 3 weeks of leave to spare before I "return back to my social life"...

Hope people who have gone thru the surgery could share with me what they think... a million thanks...
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Hi, I'm pretty new to this forum, however, I plowed through the past 50 pages and you noted a "NYC" plastic surgeon. I'm just wonder who it is. Because I went to Dr. Eric Choe for my eyes (located at Lexington Ave.) and he did a spectacular job and they call me every other day about follow-ups. And although I didn't pay for the follow-up appointments, they told me that I could make an appointment twice a month to look at the results, in case something does go wrong -- since I'm considered one of their younger patients who independently paid for the entire procedure (I was 19 at the time).

Now I really want to do a nose job (been thinking about it for 3 years) in my home state/country -- NYC -- b/c my worst fear is language barrier and if my implants (if needed) were to be rejected by my body or any other abnormal symptoms. It would be extremely hard for me to fly to another country to meet with my surgeon if that's the case.

So in a nutshell, a question to you and anyone else that can help, have you heard of Dr. Eric Choe doing successful nose jobs on Asian noses? He's not wellknown for his double eyelid surgery yet my results were much better than what I envisioned in my dreams. If he's not, could you list or note any noteworthy plastic surgeons in NYC that are elite in nose jobs for Asian patients?
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Dear ladies,

WARNING ABOUT BK!!!!I noticed that a lot of you guys went to BK for whatever reasons. I am not here to intrude or start anything but while I was doing research on getting my nose done, I found numerous complaints about BK. PLEASE BECAREFUL!

I am sure a lot of BK's patients are satisfied with their outcomes and I am very glad. However, do some research for yourselves. I am fluent in Korean so when I typed in "Blacklisted Plastic Sergeons" in a korean search engine, BK was one of the notorious place to mess up even famous korean celebrities faces.

Just a warning! There are so many better reputable PS you can go to in Korea...very odd how so many of you guys are going to BK. :confused1:

PS - if you can read Korean and want to see this "blacklisted PS" list, email me. I will be more than glad to share.
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it will take more like 4-6 weeks for you to start looking unoperated. The swelling from the implant doesn't go down until after 1 month or more. The tip will take 6 months or more to take it's final shape, but if you had a bulbous nose to begin with, then people will not notice any difference to your tip while it's healing. After surgery, most people will think you lost weight or got a new haircut. That's what people thought of me after 4 weeks. About 1-2 weeks after surgery, I accidentally bumped into a friend of mine on the street while I was running errands. He thought I looked White and no longer Asian. My bridge was really high from the swelling. My cheeks were also swollen from the osteotomy, so they kinda looked like a Caucasian person's cheeks.
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thanks mkryu for the reply! so none of the people whom you know knew that you had a nose job? they just feel that u looked more attractive but couldn't pin-point what had changed? :tup:that's great!

hym.. i guess i have a very slow healing rate.. 6 weeks is the maximum that one would take right?

did you increase ur bridge height substantially? did you refine ur tip as well? in addition, may i know did you do an open rhinoplasty or a closed?

thx! and sorry for posing so many questions!
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I started to look good around week 5. I went to visit the Plastic Surgeon who did my lower eyes and he thought that I had just gotten a new haircut.
I just had my bridge raised so now my nose looks longer. There is a slight increase in height from the side view but more noticeable by the eyes. It's not as flat there. I had alar base reduction and cartilage graft to the tip. I also had the bridge narrowed (osteotomy). I got closed rhinoplasty. Dr. Lee feels that there is better circulation to the tip with the closed method, plus there is no visible scar.
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wow.. even a plastic surgeon can't tell! ur nose must be looking very natural! congrats =D

hym..i went to consult my doctor but he employs open rhinoplasty for tip work using nasal cartilage with I shaped implant.. i wonder if open method would actually mean longer recovery time as compared to closed... :confused1:
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It's only been 5 days so I'm sure once all your all your swelling is gone, you should look like what you did before the surgeries. With the tip work and alar base reduction, I'm guessing that your nose will look nicer a few months from now.
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I met with Stephen Pearlman near Lexington in NYC. He and Pastorek are regarded as experts in Rhinoplasy in the area. Pearlman does open rhino and uses donor cartilage for bridge aumentation. I ended up traveling to LA to get my nose done by Dr. Charles Lee.

I'm not sure if Dr. Choe is experienced with noses. I have heard many good things about him with eyelid surgeries. Did you get incisional or DST? I was thinking about going in for a consult for my eyes to get a second opinion.
Dr. Lee recommended that I get a brow lift and then DST. I don't know if I want the brow lift since it will leave a scar near the hair line and since I'm a guy, that will become visible when my hairline starts to recede as I get older. I just have thick/fatty eyelids so maybe I have to get the incisional method?
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One reason why I chose to go with Dr. Lee was because he does closed rhinoplasty. I didn't want to have a scar that would be visible upon close inspection. Some people heal well and the scar is barely noticeable, others...it's obvious. You never know which group you will fall under.

Also, pertaining to what you mentioned earlier about being judged by friends who don't approve of plastic surgery: People who are against cosmetic surgery are against it mainly because they are jealous, for whatever reason (probably because they can't afford it or they don't have the guts to go through with it). That's what my therapist told me.
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when requesting a subtle increase in the height, i'm not sure how subtle it will be. i wanted a subtle increase in my bridge height as well, and received a small or medium silicone implant to my nose. the change was however dramatic. many people noticed and pointed out that i look different. i think they know i got plastic surgery.

however, i remember there are a few people in this forum who said they got subtle results and that no one noticed they had surgery done.

i think 3 weeks should be enough for you to return to your social life, although you will still be swollen.

i don't really care if people know that i got a nose job, especially those who i am close to and can trust. i know they won't judge me harshly and will still like me as a person regardless of my decisions. i wouldn't announce it to the world though, because i don't want to be gossiped about. i only told 2 friends about my surgery, and unfortunately, one of them couldn't keep quiet and told another guy (who i am not even good friends with) about it. it doesn't bother me that he knows, but i am mad that my friend has a big mouth and the guy who found out is so goddamn nosy (no pun intended).
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