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L-implants tend to look really fake. They also have a risk of extrusion.



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Mkryu - the last link you posted shows the extrusion coming out from the bottom but do you know why her nose looks completely disconnected? Is that what happens when you have open rhino? I mean doesn't scar heal? Those are really horrible nose jobs gone wrong.
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I actually had went through twice general anesthesia. I however had not done local, so I cannot compare the two. But I know the less you remember the better as less memory (of trauma) would fasten body's healing process.

The GA experience I had was that they'd inject something (valium?) first to make one feel really happy. Then right the way I went to a deep sleep - w/out remembering anything at all. The next thing I remember was that they woke me up from the surgery.
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while i was researching for my own rhino i have found various sources that say L-shaped implants are bad. like mkryu said, it has a risk of extrusion (which is no fun as you can see in the links he posted) and produces a result where your nose stick up in the air, kinda like a pig. i think L-shaped implants are the "primitive" way of nasal augmentation these days, and doctors may still do it only because it is very easy, cheap, and quick. it may give you good results in the short term but bear in mind the potential complications in the long run.

although gortex has a lower infection rate and looks more natural as some say, it has its own shortcomings. it's been around for only about 7-9 years while silicone implants have been used for like over 30 years. that means there haven't been any long-term studies of the use of gortex. also, gortex may be hard to remove if complications arise because tissues grow around it. silicone is really easy to remove.

i didn't even notice that her nose looked disconnected. do you mean that crease she has at the very bottom of the columella? i think it's just a "fold" caused by the implant extrusion and swelling. i think the incision is typically made higher in open rhinos.

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Thanks for the replies. As far as the complications of silicone, do you guys think it has to do with the surgeon's skills or the implant itself? If the surgeon is really skillful and knows what he's doing, do you think it's possible for the silicone to not have any complications? It's just that all the surgeons I've talked to who use silicone have told me that all those bad stuff that happen with silicone is from having an unskillful surgeon do the job using an implant that is the wrong size and doesn't exactly fit the patient's nose. That's kind of my dilemma. Goretex sounds good, but I'm thinking what if my nose changes when I get old and need a revision or what if I don't like the result? I know revision would be hard....Decisions, decisions.....
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hmm, i think the problem with L-shaped implants has more to do with the implant itself, not the surgeon's skill. otherwise, a lot of the top surgeons would still be using L-shaped implants instead of abolishing them. i don't really know though. Maybe a skilled surgeon who uses a conservatively sized implant is capable of lowering your risks of complications.

why don't you look for a surgeon who uses I-implant with ear cartilage?
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I consulted my surgeon a few days back and he commented L-shaped implant is not advisable as it is more prone to shifting as compared to I shaped since L-shaped implant extends all the way to our collumela and any movement on the collumela would increase the risk of mobility of implant. Also, L-shaped implant may lead to higher chance of extrusion.. that's wad he said..

Anyway,thanks for the replies to my questions in previous posts.. just wanna comment that i think this forum is really warm... everyone is just so helpful & responsive as compared to other forums i've been to..!

i will be getting my rhinoplasty later this year.. either may or august when i can have ample time to take a break from school. (i still have to wait SUPER long.. i have been waiting for 2 years! LOL) Anyway, my doctor actually recommended I-shaped implant and some tip work with nasal cartilage...

My concern is mainly my round and bulbous tip..so i'd definitely be getting some tip work. However, i am not sure whether to actually get an implant to increase my bridge height.. i think my bridge is not exactly flat, but not very high either.. just moderate.. i am in a dilemma now.. i am not sure whether to get an implant... i am afraid just tip work alone would not result in a observable improvement in the overall appearance of my nose (having a refined tip w/o enuff bridge height might look weird?).. but i am also afraid getting an implant would lead to a drastic change to the appearance of my nose..

AH! i am contradicting myself (not sure what to do...!), but just want to get advice from people around here.. what do u all think? anyone just did only tip work to their nose? or do u all know anyone who has done only tip work? how does it look? in addition, if i just want to increase my height by say.. 1-2mm.. do u think it's worth it to get an implant.. any experience?

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I-shaped implants should be a lot better than L-shaped implants. it looks more natural and has a lower risk of extrusion and infection. however, it will require a larger operation because you are using ear cartilage for the tip instead. your ear will be cut open so that cartilage can be harvested, and a scar will be left behind your ear.

i had an I-shaped implant with ear cartilage, but i removed the implant because i didn't like the way it looked. my nose became too high for my liking. i also had a problem with the implant shifting.
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it's hard to say whether an implant, or only tip work alone, will benefit you without having a picture as reference.

as mentioned above, i had i-implant with ear cartilage plus alarplasty, but i removed the implant, so now i'm left with only the cartilage graft and alarplasty. my nose is more narrow, my nostrils no longer flare, and my tip is pointier and more projected. i don't know if i like it. my tip looks big right now and too projected, but it may still be swollen. perhaps you can try photoshop and computer imaging to see what your nose would look like with only the tip altered.

my bridge is also not completely flat, but not really high either. i opted to not have the implant since i look ok without it, and i don't want to deal with hassle.
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you shouldn't do it because you're still growing. I think age 21 or 22 would be the earliest. Most doctors would probably not perform the surgery and if they do, then they're just out for your money.
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Anyone went to Dr. Lam in Dallas? Is he good? Can you share your experience?



I had a consultation with Dr. Charles Lee last October. Like most of the girls here, I just want a subtle change on my nose. But I felt like Dr. Charles Lee were trying to sell more then I need, so I gave up on having a surgery with him. I just want to find a doctor who is experienced, and I'm comfortable with...
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