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i haven had any experience with dr lam but he seems impressive and he does know what he's doing.. too bad i live in singapore and i can't get him to be my surgeon... maybe u can have a consultation with him to gauge whether he's good?

i think it's most important that ur comfortable and confident in the surgeon operating on you.. if you are doubtful about Dr Lee, think u should find another doctor..
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I've been contemplating rhinoplasty for quite some time and am 100% sure I'll go through with it. Unfortunately, there seems to be no perfect surgeon. I'm so grateful for this thread and have been trying to read all posts (for the past 2+ weeks). From what I've gathered about surgeons:

Dr. Lam (I can't seem to remember the rest of his name)
- seems very knowledgeable in asian rhinoplasty
- pretty conservative in his work
- too conservative (I'm not too impressed with the pics on his site. It looks as if there's no discernable change)

Dr. Charles Lee
- great tip work and alar reduction
- great deal of experience in asian rhinoplasty
- to some members, he seems to try to sell people more than they need
- since the clinic is busy, surgery is not punctual and seems kind of rushed
- not too experienced with gortex (which is what I want)

Dr. Toriumi
- considered one of the best
- spends a great deal of time on surgery
- great after pics on his site
- incredibly expensive ($20K to 30K)
- bad bedside manner
- there are many reports online that claiming that their nose is slanted to the left
- essentially rebuilds the entire nose (as opposed to tweaking it)
- some claim that he 'experiments' on patients with new techniques without their consent

These were the doctors I was considering. I know most are travelling overseas (where it is apparently cheaper and doctors have a great deal more experience with asian patients), I feel safer knowing that it's done in the US (because its where I live and its more accessible than flying overseas).

I've weighed the pros and cons of gortex, silicone, and rib grafts. I don't want a super high bridge (I just want it to be a tad bit higher). I'm more concerned with alar reduction and tiplasty. I'm considering Dr. Lee because most people seem to like his work on the tip and alar. I have a round face and just want small changes to improve my side profile.

However, nothing is set in stone. I want this to be my first and last surgery (I'm sure like everyone else here). Are there any other suggestions for surgeons in the US??
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Hi to all,

I'm interested to undergo rhinoplasty surgery and it's quite a time that I'm read this thread. By the way, my first language is French and I'm not perfect in English writing. I'm impressed by the posts of mkryu, pursebao and asin that are very interesting. I live in Canada and I don't know any plastic surgeons that are really qualified in asian plastic surgery, I know that Korea are really experimented but can I afford a travel to Korea and two-weeks stay? Also, I read many horror stories about BK clinic and others clinics that they only want money and not your sastifaction, I think your dead if they have a problem after your surgery in Korea, the after-service is horrible as the stories say. I know that in the United States, they maybe have good plastic surgeons qualified in asian plastic surgery, I think I can afford to go to New York as they have Dr Eric Choe who is good in eyelid surgery. Can someone know any good plastic surgeons in NYC?

As for me, I really don't know how to describe my nose, it seems that a picture can be good to see a idea how my nose looks.


My nose looks like the nose in the before picture, it's not really worse like her but in general, it's like that. My nose is smaller that the nose in the picture but the structure is mostly the same. My nose is flat, as flat is describe as not have a bridge? So, I don't have a bridge, yes. But my nose is especially short in profile view also as my tip is quite bulbous. In general, my nose is quite fat and fat, as not really defined. Am I right?

My goal? I want a really defined straight nose (bridge and defined not-bulbous tip), as in the picture, the after picture is horrible, I think the 45 degree view is quite nice (I want my nose to be like this, in the 45 degree view picture, real defined and straight nose), but the front view is just uber ugly, it's like the nose is gonna explose and the tip or bridge is way too big and bulbous. After that description, can I know what procedures I need to undergo? I think I need a implant augmentation (but what type? silicone or goretex) and tip augmentation (ear cartilage?) or maybe the alarplasty? I really think of the alarplasty procedure, as you can see in the picture, the nose is quite broad, as the same for me.

Thanks for your help and good luck to the ones that gonna undergo to a surgery.
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hey nissy

i'm also an asian female living in Canada (toronto). I was also considering going to the Bk clinic in Korea but decided against it because of the horror stories I heard so I decided to get my nose and jawline done by Dr Joseph Wong in Toronto. He is a world renowned surgeon and have only heard good stories of his work. He's one of the best and his an expertise in asian surgical procedures. Go look him up!!! He has won numerous awards and is certified by many medical boards. I hope this helps
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A guy on this forum, sliverlight, is very dissatisfied with his results from Dr. Wong. Dr. Wong also refused to give a revision because he felt that looking Eurasian was good.

# href="#" class="internalLink">#
What is your face shape like? If it is like that woman's, round and full, then you don't want a thin straight nose because it will draw too much attention. The main focus on a person's face should be the eyes. The nose should blend in naturally without attracting attention to itself. In those after photos, you are immediately drawn to her nose. It looks out of place and unnatural for the rest of her facial features.

You may need alar base reduction but sometimes when you get tip augmentation with cartilage graft, the nostrils will appear less wide because it will pull your nose forward. Rib cartilage can produce the best results. I think goretex is ideal for a minor augmentation, while silicone is good for a sharper and higher nose bridge. I don't know for sure but that's what I gather from reading people's posts here. For the tip, a cartilage graft is the best.

Check out these before and after photos from a patient of Dr. Toriumi. IMO, I think this is one of the nicest nose jobs I've seen. He used rib cartilage for the bridge.



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I have a really good shape, not round and full, it's that the reason why I want a straight nose because my undefined nose looks it's like apart of my face. By the way, I'm a guy.

mkryu, as I read your posts, you live in NYC, Manhattan? Daniel Baker as you suggest is one of the best but also one of the most expensive plastic surgeons and I think I prefer going to a asian plastic surgeon who knows how to fix my nose. Do you heard of Edmund Kwan? Just by typing his name and horror together, they have a website saying that he is just incompetent but his website seems like he is one of the best surgeons. For you, you prefer to go to Dr Lee in LA? I heard also that he takes many people and his procedures is just too expensive.

For Toronto, they have two surgeons, Wong and Rival, I heard stories about Wong that he is not really good and Rival takes too many people (money).

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I know that plastic surgery is more expensive in United States that in Korea, also, the exchange rate sucks for Canadian dollar. But I don't want to take the risk to go to Korea and having a problem after, it's seems like going to overseas is risky because you are a foreigner. Also, plastic surgery is important, is your face. School and plastic surgery is my top priorities now and I don't want to scrap my life because of that, I need to take the right choice.

I don't have much money too to spend to Dr Toriumi and Dr Lee procedures, it's too way expensive. I know that I just say that plastic surgery is important but having a 8000$ nose job procedure, I need to finish my school for having this money. As I know I really don't want to finish my school before undergo plastic surgery, I fix in my mind that this summer, I gonna undergo plastic surgery. Now, I can't because I don't have sufficient money and I have school.
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I would probably go to a surgeon that specializes in Asian cosmetic surgery. Most of the doctors that I consulted with aren't as familiar with Asian facial aesthetics because they don't have the experience. With me they only wanted to narrow my bridge. I think it would have been fine, but I would not look as refined because of my bulbous and wide tip and alars.

I've only heard bad things about Edmund Kwan from the forums. Dr. Kim of Atlanta just doesn't seem to have a good eye for what works on a patient's face. I think he just uses the same size and shape implant for everyone because everyone's noses look like sticks.

I'm a guy also and I feel that Dr. Charles Lee did an amazing job. He is busy, but it's because he's popular and good. Compared to the New York surgeons, Dr. Lee's prices are very reasonable. The top surgeons in New York charge between $10,000 and $12k for just a rhinoplasty. Actually, Daniel Baker was just cheapest in NYC, but then again, he gave me a discount ($3000 off). There was a doctor that I consulted with in Rhode Island, Patrick Sullivan, who has experience with Asian patients. He quoted me around $17,000 for my rhino. So when I got quoted $7000 by Dr. Lee, I felt that it was cheap! And it also included the apartment for 5 days. I didn't settle with Dr. Lee just because of his price. I did my surgery with him because I felt that he was the only doctor that understood what I wanted. I think that you should also not settle for someone because they are cheaper. You don't want someone to mess up your face.
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I just had my consultation with Dr. Charles Lee and debating whether or not I will have him do my rhinoplasty revision. Yes revision! My first nose job was done by a well-known, expensive surgeon. If you're asian and have "thick" skin opt for CLOSE RHINO and NOT OPEN rhino or else you will scar...like me resulting in a more bulbous nose, ugh!

mkryu - Sounds like had a nice experience and great results with Dr. Lee.

Has anyone else had work done by him or know of anyone? I remember reading a post in 2007 that he wasnt' very good. Want to hear a few more testimonies before I go in for my 2nd surgery.
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That's so expensive compared to Korea, in BK clinic, with augmentation, tip plasty, ear cartilage, you get it for 5000$. I know that Dr Choe in NYC does incision double eyelid surgery for 2000$ but what procedures you undergo? Just a implant augmentation? With 7000$, you have the surgery and 5 days in a hotel/appartment?
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heya jadedjessica... sorry for asking, but why can't one go for open rhino if he or she has thick skin(all asian typically has thick skin though...)?
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