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Panache397, Your description of Bk Clinic is 100% accurate. I had a similar experience last november. I was lured in from all the marketing they had in the subway, newspapers and online.

BK CLINIC gave me a botched job, overcharged my credit card, extreme lack of post-op care, rude, and just after your money.

Beware of BK Clinic, especially Dr. Byung Kim- he just wants your money!
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Hey guys!

I've been trying to catch up with this thread for the past couple of weeks. I've been meaning to get rhinoplasty for quite sometime. The surgeon I'm considering is Dr. Charles Lee. Are there any other US-based surgeons you guys would suggest? Can anyone who's gone to Dr. Lee tell me about their experience and whether their outcome was satisfactory? Did anyone get gortex from Dr. Lee?
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Heya Nissy, you can read the earlier pages in this forum... i read that quite a number of people had surgery done with Dr Chuang... maybe can read their posts.

Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year everyone... (even if u're not celebrating CNY) Wanna wish you people all the best in the upcoming year and may all our wishes come true! =D

Anyway, i was reading a blog entry by Xiaxue on her experience of rhinoplasty... she had alar base reduction, tip work as well as bridge augmentation. You might want to read as she also talks about her recovery period... Her blog entry is super entertaining!

Here is the url: http://xiaxue.blogspot.com/2007/01/diary-of-nose.html

She took only 2 weeks to look unoperated... and she had open rhinoplasty. Can I ask people who have had nose job done (or people who have relevant experience / knowledge)... Is her recovery faster than average or is it about the same as what you all have experienced?
Mkyru, Asin... you all mentioned that it took around 3 weeks or up to 6 weeks for you all to look unoperated on... But I don't see her nose is visibly swollen (maybe i can't tell from the photos) after merely 13 days... is it what I should expect too cos i am most likely going to the same doctor... or is it safer to give myself at least a month?

Just to ask... when you all have decided to get rhinoplasty.. do you have to wait for some time before you can actually undergo the surgery when you don't feel like waiting ANYMORE? (i.e.have to wait for summer break or holidays to come to get the surgery.. which is like half a year away) I have planned for rhinoplasty more than 1 year ago but I can't find anytime to do it only until August this year... and I am really getting impatient and distracted by this issue.. I can't wait! What should I do? Any similar experience?

Thanks in advance for any replies.
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HI sorry for the confusion . Dr Edmund Kwan did my zygomatic he did a excellent job, now it have had a chin implant which is crooken I also had a revision to be honest I DO NOT RECOMMENT DR KWAN HE IS NOT CONSISTENT with his results. I am 100% positive he does this in purpose.
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Hi JadedJessica,

I went to Dr. Lee and he did really good with my nose. I just had in implant with tip work. it was closed. His staff is really friendly, I didnt run into any problems with punctuality because my appoint was at 7:45 am and I was one of the first patients. When i took the cast off, he noticed my implant was shifted slightly but he fixed it right away since I was out of town. WHen I got home I freaked out when I saw myself in the mirror because since he had to fix it they put the cast back on so I didn't really get to see it. I think the first 1 month i was worried and I didnt really like it, because it looked like it wasnt what I wanted, I thought my nose still looked like my old nose except the bridge between my nose. Now I am 5 months and I am really happy, your nose does really change gradually as the months go by because your face is really still swollen even though you dont' really realize it. I couldn't have wanted a better nose for what my nose use to look like. I think you have to go into surgery with realistic expection and be really unsatifieid with your current nose to even gothrough surgery. I hated my old nose since I was really little, so I went in there expecting anything to be better than my old nose and I told him I wanted a drastic change because I hated everything about my old nose. Even though it was a big change from old nose, alot of people didn't notice I get my nose done, they just think I looked better and thought it was my haircut or tan..
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oh yea i forgot to add that he never suggested that I get any other work and he never tried to sell me anything in addition to what I asked for. Maybe he suggests additional work to enhance or make whatever you ask for compliment your face. I mean he is the professional so he has experience with facial asthetics. Don't get me wrong, alot of doctors could try to sell you on other procedures, but that was not my experience with him.
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my experience as well. He won't suggest any procedures unless you may benefit from them. If you are interested in other procedures but aren't sure if they are right for you, you can ask him. I was interested in the Botox for the mandible (jaw). He looked at my jaw and he said: "actually, you would benefit from it." He was right. I love the slimming effects and how it enhanced my jawline. Then I asked him about buccal fat removal. He studied my face for some time and then said, "no, you don't need it. you're fine." Same thing with Zygoma reduction (cheekbones). He told me I didn't need it.
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I think the advantages for going with Dr Lee is that he is really good, but also they have main disadvantages, some are his procedures are pretty expensive, he seems like he wants too many people and his work is conservative.

I check the before and after pictures of his website and they don't have drastic changes, he also prefers the silicone for implant augmentation. But Dr Lee is one of my choices for the nose surgery.

For Dr Chuang, I see his before and after pictures and I don't like his work, I don't know if is the patient that is uber ugly but it seems like they don't have improvement for a better face. If I want to go with Dr Lee, I need real big money because I need to pay the flight and the operation. But as mkryu said, I check the website and they say that if the procedure costs more than 5k, Dr Lee charges the fees for the hotel? Is that true? If is true, is a good hotel, 3-4 stars at least?

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I'm was more concerned with results than cost. I didn't want to have to go to a foreign country to get surgery. I was worried that if I developed a complication (infection, implant rejection, dissatisfaction, etc.) later on, it would be a lot of trouble just to fly back to Korea to get it fixed.

I had tip augmentation with ear cartilage graft, alar base reduction, osteotomy (breaking of nasal bones to narrow), bridge augmentation with silastic implant. It was $7900 for the surgery and 5 days in the apartment.

If you go to BK Clinic, you are essentially paying the same amount of money. You have to figure in travel costs (airplane tickets) plus hotel costs for up to 1 week.
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You stay in their 1 bedroom apartment with kitchen. You don't get room service like you would at a hotel.

My change was drastic and subtle at the same time. If you compare before/after photos, the results are dramatic. If you just see me, I look really good but you won't be able to tell why. My nose looks very natural and it fits my face. For me, this is great because I don't want people to suspect I got plastic surgery.
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With thick-skinned peoples, the scar doesn't heal as well because there is excess collagen production at the incision site during healing phase. It's too visible
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Hey! Nissy, yes..Dr. Lee does seem to do pretty conservative work and is definitely expensive!! I also had the same thought when I looked at the before & after pics. I can barely see a difference! He is also one of my choices as well though..despite the price. There is someone else on the thread that went to Dr. Lee and got the implant taken out...I guess the work had to have at least some drastic change to remove it.
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i don't think dr. lee's work is conservative. he gave me a pretty drastic change with the alar reduction, cartilage graft for tip projection, and silicone implant. i looked like a different person after surgery. i think he will give you a drastic change if you ask for it. i thought some of the before and after pictures on his site show very drastic changes (as needed).

dr. lee didn't try to sell me other procedures either. when i sent him photos for virtual consultation, he recommended a chin implant along with rhinoplasty. however, when i saw him in person, he said it was very borderline and i didn't need it. however, he would've give it to me if i'd insisted.
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Thanks asin, how much costs the procedure? In the website, they say, with the surgery with juste the implant augmentation, is 6900$. But, with all the procedures (open etc), is 9900$. As mkryu said, he have implant augmentation, ear cartilage and alar reduction for only 7000$, yes?

Is the prices all included the fees, taxes and after post-surgery care?
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