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Thanks a lot, Maskd2003. :heart: The info is really helpful! ^ ^
This is the first time I go out of the US, so I'm kinda don't know what to do, which papers to obtain prior traveling. Soo, basically, I need : a visa (but I'm gonna stay in Seould for about 2 week --> no need to ask for a visa, yay!) , a passport? , and a reentry permit. Is that all?
Btw, I bought my tickets from orbitz.com, so I only have to print out the tickets and then show it to them, right? but it doesn't show properly when I pasted it into Word Document though, is it ok?
I read the instruction from the airline, but it is too long and not very clear to me :P
thank you for answering :smile:
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All you need is these two things if you are only staying for 2 weeks.:
1. passport that is at least 6 months from its expiration date.
2. verification (receipt of ticket) that you will be flying somewhere else afterwards. for instance, verification that you have gotten a ticket for the flight back to USA.

Some countries require Visa depending on where your passport is from. but USA to Korea does not require it.

Also, please HURRY on your passport. They say that they can get it done in a set amount of time... but that's not always so... ok... good luck in Korea!
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You should have gotten an email from orbitz... just print that out.

When you get to the airport, you can get the tickets by either sliding a credit card in one of the booth things, or just go up to one of the people and talk to them about it. They will square you away. Just make sure that you bring a confirmation number... and even then if you forget, I think it is ok as long as you have a credit card with you, with the same name as the one you registered your ticket with.
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Hi Keropi,

My nose skin doesn't feel looser now that the implant has been taken out. I don't know the exact size of the implant used on me, but it wasn't a huge one. It wasn't extruding or protruding, it was starting to become mobile. There is also a risk of this with goretex, in which case you should have it remove. But the scary thing with goretex is that it fuses with your own tissues making removal highly difficult without removing your tissues, and can leave your nose deformed in the end.

The doctor that removed the silicone said that a lot of times, the implant becomes unstable due to the method that most doctors used to implant it. He said that his method is to make a small incision in the nasal bone and slip the silicone into the incision, making it more stable. He said that it's usually not something the patient does that creates the instability of the implant but doctor's method. He said that with the method he uses, in the last 20 some years there has only been 2 extrusion cases. But that is also the only cases that were reported back to him.

And you're right about the goretex. Research so far has been fairly positive with it but it hasn't been used long enough in plastic surgery for us to know the long-term outcome. There are a lot of people on this message board that had goretex and needed it removed due to complications, but this also left their nose deformed. http://www.eboards4all.com/646673/index.html

For those of you who would like to know more about rhinoplasty and possible complications (along with pictures), I found this website helpful. Click on the drawing of the nose, then look under "rhinoplasty reoperation."
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Thank you. I think this will make people think a little more.

umm... Can you direct me to the incidences where people had issues with their implant? I only found one, and I think it is yours.

thanks so much for looking out for us!
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Hey maskd! I just went to the link you gave http://www.sappho.com.tw/xContent.as...e=%B6%A9%BB%F3 the results are pretty impressive.. just the looking at the nose alone i quite like the style.. its in taiwan Im surprised you didnt opt to go there.. is it because you've already booked with the other guy and also hes learnt from dr.Jung so you feel reassured?
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Sappho is pretty good from what I hear... I guess recently they performed a facelift on Harisu's manager..

In case you guys don't know who Harisu is, she is a very famous transexual in Korea and Japan... VERY beautiful. You can just google for her image. She doesn't do porn, so you don't need to worry.

I feel like Dr. Chuang has done equally amazing work, and I feel very comfortable with him. He's very well learned on different procedures such as Korean open rhinoplasty. Of course his photos won't be as impressive as Sappho's since people request censoring for their identity. Also, in a lot of the after photos, they have makeup on too.

Compared with American rhinoplasty photos, these are definitely more impressive. The US is more conservative and have less experience with Asian noses.

One of the docs that I consulted with here (top Asian doc) wanted me to just do a 1 mm increase... so if this is the case with Dr. Chuang, there is no point in sticking a piece of teflon into my nose...

Dr. Chuang did not only train with Jung... he went to Jelim, and many other Korean and Japanese clinics.

Anyway, I will probably post about my experience with him in a week and a half, unless I feel like sh**.
As the time approaches, I become less afraid... and more impatient...
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Hey Jeunesse!
Thanks for the info, now I'm really beginning to get a little worried. I have decided to go for either Dr Jung or Dr Park (most likely) fm dream clinic, but I dont know the techniques they used and whether it's the best ones. It's really annoying that Dr Park doesnt have a consulation board. :sad: For me, it's really important that my tip feels natural and that I can move it left and right like b4, and I know some surgeons have give u that, but with Dr Jung...I asked him a qu about it, and he said only with REoperation. Mask2003, do u know whether after ur tiplasty, whether ur tip will feel natural and that u can move it left and right? Because I want a low profile nose, the fact that u CANt move ur nose the way u can normally move it kinda gives it away (IMO) that u had a nose job plus I feel that it's safer if ur tip is slightly more flexible in case u knock it against something.
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