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hi, a good surgeon makes all the difference. I had Vaser done on my jowls and chin before, and the result was great. all three scars had faded away (im now at 7th month post-surgery) - smallest one right under my chin and the other two slightly bigger ones right behind my ears. They are all gone. And the best thing is it managed to firm up my skin along the jawline as i started to have sagging skin dued to weight lost. No pain at all and minimum swelling and brusing (I had to really look into the mirror to notice to slightly yellowish-greenish bruises, I had none purple/redish bruises) but they are all gone after a few days. Yes, I had to wear the compression garment but it was not that bad. Marena's products are comfortable. It took more than a month for all the swelling to subside though. But it was not that bad. I came out of the clinic looking like I had tootheche on each side of my face. I was out having dinner and shopping the very next day (with the compression garment :P) and noboday noticed a thing after the stiches had been taken out on the 5th day). It was done under LA with sedation. I went to sleep and woke up with three sutures. That was all.:yahoo:
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Has anyone heard of getting a MORE asian looking nose? Dx Im white/korean and have a broad american looking nose and I hate it and people forget Im asian all of the time. Also, I'm under 18, anyone returning from overseas, can you share the experience please? I'm a little scared to go over to South Korea to get work done.
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Hi, I'd suggest that you wait. If your nose isn't broken or crooked, then just leave it for now until you're a bit older. You may like your nose more in a year or something. At least wait until you're in your twenties and then see how you feel about your nose then. I don't think you'd want to flatten your nose anyway. Who wants a flatter (Asian) nose?
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i found another before/after of toriumi's work on asian nasal augmentation. it looks really good! i'm considering going to him for a revision in the future but when i google his name i see so many negative reviews it's scary.


the two asian rhinoplasties ive seen by toriumi are probably the best i've seen.
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I had my nose done, and am only moderately happy with it. (Dr Charles Lee was the surgeon) I feel I need a revision, because the silicone implant is crooked, and something is poking on the inside of my nostrils that is worrying me b/c I'm afraid it's gonna extrude!!

About your nose, you really need to wait a while for your final result. I know how you feel....I cried so many times the first 4 months of surgery. But it does swell down. I still have regrets of going to Dr Lee, but at least I can honestly tell you that your nose will swell down....so be patient.

And to answer your other post, I know that Asin got her silicone implant removed. She went to Dr Lee also.

Which doc did you go to?? And what gender are you??
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Hey everyone,

I have booked my flight to Korea for all of August, i will be travelling alone..and a little scared to do that. If anyone is willing to accompany me so we can share costs/go sightsee please PM me =)

I haven't decided on a clinic yet, but Dr. Park at OZ has been very helpful and seems like a genuinely nice man.

Please let me know what your experiences are at OZ...thanks!
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Hi all, this is my first post. Im planning on going to japan next year (2010) for a nose job. Im thinking how much you reckon it will cost and japan is so expensive and all. Im trying to find a really good surgeon because this nose is going to stick for the rest of my life and i want it to be damn good when its done. Any good suggestions anyone??
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Hey ya'll, I'm new to this forum.
Can I just check if any of you has had any procedures done in Jujin hospital in Tokyo?
I'm intending to go there to get my rhino done so I've been trying to get some reviews about how good/bad they are but it hasn't been very fruitful. I would be ever so grateful to anyone who could share with me anything they've heard about the hospital and the general reputation of it.

Please help me out!
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I am not sure as of yet, but there are quite a few doctors I have emailed for consults. I think I'd better wait till I get there to see all the doctors before I make a decision.

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