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Hey guys....

now im just wondering... whats the different between local and general anesthisia? Which ones makes u barf/puke/feel nasiated less???

Also im using my ear cartiledge.......Will i be awake during the time they get my cartiledge.. or will they put me to sleep and then take out my cartiledge spend half an hour shaping it and THEN do my nose surgery?????? For those who have tried it... did u have to take stitches out from ear and nose? and did ur ears burn when u woke up?
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local is where they numb as specific area usually with a needle injection. general is where they put you to sleep. some people have nausea, but I never did. I was perfectly fine. Never puked, never felt nauseated. It might have to do with your own body's metabolism?
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hi. did you go to korea and get your nose done? if yes are you happy with it and could you give me the details on where you went as i want to go to korea to get mine done. thanx
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Yeh i wanted to ask the same question about the ear cartilage. I was wondering how much catrilage are they taking :S What will happen to my ear after they take the cartilage..will it lose shape and flop?? EWWWW!!! I know cartilage wont grow back so does it depend on how much cartilage they take out? Someone please help me out! As you can see i know barely anything about this stuff.:nuts:
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the doctor will take a small sliver of cartilage from behind one ear and suture the ear back up. for the 1st week, you will have a Dumbo ear from the swelling. i know...i freaked because it made me look like half a dork. but it went back to looking normal. my iPod earbud doesn't fit as well anymore. cartilage takes a long time to heal too. the scar on my ear took many months to get to a point where it's barely visible. the tip of the nose where the cartilage graft was placed, took at least 6 months to start showing noticeable definition. i think it can take a couple of years for the final result to show for some people.
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^ did u use both ears?

Where u awake when they took it out and then shape the cartiledge or do they put u to sleep and then do your ears and nose during that one time ur asleep?

Also Would u say u saw a different in ur nose or barely?
I notice ear cartiledge makes it look wayyy to natural that u can barely see a change. Im scared i wont even get a defined nose at the end =/
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can any of you that have had rhinoplasty done in Korea please pm your before and after photos? I am still trying to figure out which doctor's I would like to visit when I arrive...

Your help is GREATLY appreciated =)
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you are out for the whole thing. i wouldn't want to be awake for any of it. one ear only.
yes. i notice a difference. you want to stick with natural...trust me, otherwise you will get a michael jackson nose...
if your nose is really bulbous, sometimes the surgeon will remove cartilage from your tip but i notice that they do this procedure mostly for african patients. you need to find a really good surgeon for this or your nose will end up looking too pinched if too much cartilage is taken out.
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Hello to all!

Have spent almost a week poring the whole 400+pages, with some cheating of course. =) But seriously, it's really fantastic to have these first-hand information. Kudos to all contributors!!

Personally, I'm more inclined towards rhino w rib cartilege, but seems like it's not very popular within this forum as compared to sgexpat. I know it's painful and defintiely more complicated than silicone/gortex implant but im hoping that it will 'fuse' as one with the original nose and thus less risk of revision? Having said that, what if the outcome is not ideal and i wanna get a revision? seems like using the rib cartilege is not as easy to remove as the other implants?? There's also the issue of warping..Hope I'm making sense here...guess i gotta do more research on the cons of using rib cartilege.

Sorry for rambling and I'll end off soon, but before that, is there anyone keen to go taiwan during mid-june? Dr Kao seems to have rave reviews at the other forum..
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OH MY GOSH i just read something about certain rhino plasty.. Does Dr kao make u go through a BLOOD TEST? So it does involve needles!?!? omg i thought i was gonna end up getting plastic surgery being neelde free T^T
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Could someone please give me a referal to a few good surgeons in Korea? I know it must have been mentioned before in the other 400 and something pages but i really cant be bothered looking lol. Sorry guys! Please help me out here XD:biggrin:
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I am interested in going to Dr Lee for my surgery. How much did your procedure cost? Can you please send me your before and after picture? prelude_bebe@yahoo.com Thanks!!
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The posts about horrible experiences in Shimmian Manila, I almost book myself there. Thank God. Glad to hear about Dr. Jung's skills. I'm definitely going to Korea this May. Anyone wants to go with me? I'll book probably going aftet May 5th or May 12th. I can't wait. After all years of pain. I could not attract opposite sex. I'll take both physically and emotionally pain one more time. Laugh after recovery. I wanna be a handsome man.
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I'm new to this forum and just wanted to get everyone's opinion. I wanted to stay here in the states for my rhinoplasty. I have the typical issues for an Asian... flat bridge, nostril flaring, short tip projection, etc.. So far the top 3 on my list are Nassif, Toriumi and Anil Shah in Chicago.

My main concern is getting my alars reduced while maintaining a natural look.
Nassif seems to have alot of experience with this...

I have not seen much Toriumi examples of alar base reduction, but I was impressed with his asian rhinoplasty example.

Dr. Shah has a great example of a natural looking alar base reduction and bridge augmentation...
His other rhinoplasty examples are limited, but do show a good overall aesthetic taste.
I believe he studied under Toriumi.

What do you guys think?
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