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Hey guys

I just booked my tickets to Seoul to get my surgery a few days ago and while I've been planning this for over 2 years now and I've done my research pretty thoroughly, I don't know if its anxiety or anything but recently I've been plagued with so many doubts. I don't want the surgery to make me turn look like a whole different person... or anything like that.

The people who posted about their surgeries mostly sounded ecstatic about the change which is so encouraging. I don't know, maybe its just the nerves. I'm planning to get an alarplasty and a silicon implant (small, just to provide a little more height in the bridge).

For those who have done your surgeries, how different do you think you look? Are you recognisable to your old friends or can they tell something's been done to you? Are you satisfied?

Thanks for any honest answers I can glean.
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Solus, what's wrong with your nose? I'm not saying that you have issues, but most of the time chicks don't like guys who are insecure, shallow, immature, etc. Maybe it's not your nose that you can't attract the opposite sex. Maybe it's something else. Like BO or something. I don't know. Just don't get so fixated on your nose!
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hey guys just wanted to let you know incase anyone is interested, i finally got my nose job and eyelid surgery about two days ago.

im still very swollen and banged up, its horrible lol. theres no pain its jsut a little uncomfortable because my eyes are all puffy, well my entire face.

um i was reading before and i underwent my eyelid surgery under local, meaning i was awake, it was an incredible feeling because i was talking to the doctor the whole time, however at times i did feel the knife but it wasnt too bad and after telling the doctor they increased the anesetic.

however with my nose job i had to go under general because i was gettin an osectomy (breaking the bones to make the nose narrower). generally nose jobs your awake
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hey wannabepretty18 so when do you arrive in korea?
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hey jennified

i went for a consultation with OZ clinic. his very friendly and i think he can do a good job, however i ended up getting mine done at GRAND plastic surgery, the reason why i choose grand over oz was because they are massive. the clinic i went to had its own blood testing centre and was 4 lvls in totally. i just felt very relaxed and assured because of the place and the doctors. also another thing is all the women that work there look amazing, i didnt want to ask if they had work done but im sure they have.

oz clinic is much smaller it doesnt have its own building like some of the other places. also grand plastic surgery clinic has its own doctors taht specilize in different areas, after te doctor finished doing my eyes i waiting for the rhinoplasty doctor. i think its better that theres doctors that specilize in a particular area. also grand is mentioned in alot of korean magazines. hopes this helps.
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Hey wannabepretty18, I can relate to what you're saying, before my surgery I also specified with the doctor that I didn't want a huge change, I wanted a subtle change that can give me a blooming look, not the look that would make my friends ask me "and you are?" I did not want to end up with a botch job or a nose that looks like a Caucasian's nose (as an Asian, I'm sure it would not fit my face). But at the same time, the change should be noticeable to a certain degree, otherwise there's no point in having the surgery done:smile:

Before the surgery I showed the doctor pictures of the nose that I liked, you can also bring pictures of noses that you don't like so that the doctor can avoid making your nose look like that. After the surgery, I was surprised, my nose looks similar to the one in the picture that I showed, except better.

Important is to make sure that you're going to a doctor that understands what you want and shares the same view or idea of what beauty is, if not the doctor might just make your nose too high or not pointy enough.

Hope what I said helped!

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Hi I'm from Canada and i was wondering if anyone can help me finding a certified surgeon in Vietnam that specialized in rhinoplasty aka nose job.
I am thinking about just doing the end part of my nose, I'm satisfied with the bridge of the nose. Also would anyone know what is the price for a job job in Vietnam? and do you have and any advice I should take in to consideration?

Thanks for the help,
Vixxen lady
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Hi simply.jake

I was wondering if you could give me the link or something to the grand clinic place you went to, i'd like to check it out. I was really setting my mind on OZ but after hearing your story id really like to check this grand place out lol. How does your nose feel? Were u awake the whole time and could you please tell me on the arpund 7th day can you tell you had surgery:biggrin: Thankyou in advance!!!:woohoo:
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hello there

um the website is www.grandsurgery.com
i was also in your position like i really was settling on oz clinic before i got here but then compared all the clinics and oz just didnt seem quite right, however the doctor at oz made me feel very comfortable if i didnt walk in and decide to go further for consultations i would of done it at oz, but my advice would be consult with as many clinic as you can online and then when you get here refine you decisions and then choose. its very difficult to go to korea and then try to 'wing' this, speakin from experience lol. like because you walk down the st where grand surgery clinic is and there are literally heaps of cosmetic clinics around theres like 3 on the same block, a few more if you walk 50 meters down, heaps on the other side and it just keeps going on like it, its a very difficult decision to choose which one knowing theres so many around.

i was only awake when the doctor did my eyes, and they put me to sleep for my nose. however if your not breaking your facial bones to make your nose smaller than you will be awake the whole time. atm i cant really tell how the procedure went my whole face became swollen after surgery and was worst the next day, my eyes look ok like i can kinda make out what it would eventually look (the crease that was made is even all the way around, its what i wanted)like but its still very swollen.
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Whats the cheapest way to put yourself to sleep? general anesthsia is quite expensive.. i decided to pick the method where you "stick the needle into your middle arm, and then u fall asleep" (is that the other choice?) no one is really explaining it well to me..... someone said local anesthesia is when they numb your nose with a needle.. but i watch XiaXue got her nose done.. and she passed out and fell deeply asleep using local... so im guessing they injected into her upper arm??????

The reason i choosed this method is because i found out no matter what option you choose... u MUST face a needle eventually cuz even if u do General (the one covering ur mouth being gassed) u still need to provide a BLOOD TEST!!!

Can someone tell me if the blood test hurts? (i heard they actually need/take alot of blood from u...) and can u tell me is it the same pain as the anesthesia where the needle goes into your mid arm? (whats method is that called? )then might as well do that one and save money unless the needle in ur mid arm is a completely different pain from having a blood test cuz blood test is it true u get to pick where they stick the needle into?
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hey simply.jake, i heard you just had your surgery? how is it? the healing period sounds like it's the toughest so hang in there! :smile:

i've heard a lot about grand ps but i haven't actually talked to anyone who's been there before. did the doctors speak english? :smile: how did you find out about them and how did your consultation go? :smile:

i'll be arriving in mid november, i haven't booked my plane ticket back yet, i'm still contemplating whether i should stay for a week or two to heal.
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hi, thanks so much for your response. :smile: i definitely agree with where you're coming from - i want a change for the better, but i want it to be subtle and i don't want it to change how i look fundamentally. i look pretty asian now, and i don't want to end up looking like i have mixed blood by the end of it. :smile:

thanks for the heads up with the photos - i'll definitely print some out so that the dr and i are on the same page.

thank you for the advice, i definitely feel better now, i'll do my research with the doctors and go with the one who makes me feel the most comfortable and who has about the same idea of beauty as me. :smile:

if you don't mind sharing, how did your surgery go? did you do it in korea as well? did you encounter any language barriers or anything like that?
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hey wannabepretty18,
I just had my surgery done at the end of mar. i went with my best friend who was scared i'd turn out to look like a whole new person. however, dr. lee is very good at enhancing your natural look. a lot of people can't tell i got surgery. they just think i look better but not sure why...at first i freaked bc my nose was so swollen but it gets better each day. it's still getting better each day. i'm glad i still look like me and im grateful everything turned out well. hope this helps! =)
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hey wannabe pretty um i just stumbled across them, like i was going for consultation at ss beauty and there were so many clinics around. at first i wasnt going to get a consultation because there were too many clinics i was just gonna stick wiith what i knew, however the place was really appealing and i was just like oh what the heck im here just get another doctor's opinion so ur sure on what you can achieve, went in and was impressed with everyone there.

um no not all the doctors speak english. they have different doctors which are responsible for different areas, such as eyelids, rhinoplasty, chin etc. the doctor who operated on my eyes spoke english quite well, the rhino didnt however for the whole consult and operation day they hired in a translator from another department for me so that was really good. like i heard that they have translators in english and chinese on standby incase anyone needs them, and so far everytime i've had an appointment there, whether its to clean the sitches they always call in the translator, even if its only gonna take two mintues and even if she only needs to translate like 5 words, so it really good.

the only problem is that grand surgery is fairly booked out, even now, like so its best you try to come korea earlier and stay for a while. when the consult was over and we tried to find a time slot for me, it was gona be either two weeks later from my consult day or a month, this place is in high demand. i thought april every thing would be quiet, because the other clinics like ss beauty, OZ, were quiet, and i asked the doctors if i do decide to do it here how long before i can, and they told me in the next few days, when you want, whereas grand ps theres a waiting list.

i advise you stay for about two weeks after surgery, jsut so you can see the fulll potential of what your gona look like and if you dont like it, it can be fixed. if you stay for a short period what if you get home and dont end up liking the results, just my opinion its really up to you, oh and try to organise your trip with friends lol its much cheaper, hotel stay etc, plus you get bored and need the company
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vivi bee no matter which surgery you opt, or whether your on local or general, theres needles involed, even after the surgery theres needles, because the next day i came back and got an antibiotic shot. the blood test is a standard blood test like when you go to ur own doctors, same needle and everything however they take less blood, only one tube because they dont test for everything. no you do not choose where they stick the needle when you do a blood test, its taken from your mid arm wehre teh vein is.

also when your in surgery they put a needle in ur wrist, so they can put the tube in, thats where they put the local anesthesia, (it runs thur the iv drip). however with general they put a tube down your throat as well.

YES no matter what method you choose there are needles involved. p.s generally you dont chose what method, depending on what your after the plastic surgeon advises what is best. theres less risk with local anesthesia, whereas general theres higher chance but its still rare. i had to undergo both, first local for eyes then general for nose.
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