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I emailed OZ clinic and samsung line clinic and they gave me a price estimation of 2500 000 won- 3000 000won which is about $AU 2500 i was wondering if someone could tell me is this the normal price or should i expect anesthetic fee, surgeon fee and all or is it included in the 2500 000 won- 3000 000won ? Thanks!
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hi gonnawin,

sorry to hear you've had a similar experience. i have a couple of questions for you - how long ago did you take your silicone implant out and what changes did you observe after taking it out? its been 4 months since i took mine out, and my bridge is looks distorted. i think its scar tissue and it isn't going away. do you have scar tissue as well? i'd like to find a doctor who can safely remove the scar tissue.

i've never heard of dr. shah but toriumi and nassif are on my list if i decide to get my revision in the states.

i have been looking at several doctors in taiwan who use rib and ear cartilage for nasal augmentation:

dr. ryan hsu - http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/index.html?categroy=search&s_select=5&search_key=%A6%DB%C5%E9&s_id=hsuyc1
dr. chuang - http://www.wishclinic.com.tw/service_a3-2.htm
dr. kao - http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/face-nose/archive?l=f&id=26

sorry if you don't read chinese; the websites are in chinese. i am pretty impressed with the before and afters on dr. hsu's site. he was also an understudy of/mentored by toriumi. however, i read somewhere that he has not been in practice for that long. i am going to do more research on him.

going overseas will obviously be a lot cheaper. the surgery will probably cost $3000 - $ 8000 depending on the doctor whereas in the states i'm expecting to pay $15,000 - $25,000. price should not be the deciding factor, of course, but if i can get just as good (if not better) results overseas, i'll do it overseas for a fraction of the price.

when are you looking to get a revision?
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I always read about making the bridge higher and making the base narrow. But the main problem with my nose is that that tip is very far from my upper lip and I would like the shorten the distance. Does anyone know if this is possible?
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Hey simply.jake!

I'm curious to know how much you paid for the rhinoplastry? I'm heading to Korea in the 3rd week of May and I'm looking to see which are the clinics I can go to for consultations. I've decided on a few but I'm still open to options.

Do you have a rough idea how long will it take to get an appointment with Grand Surgery? & how are you dealing with the recovery now? Anyway do you think the surgery made you change drastically or anything like that cause I'm really afraid of getting it and looking like a whole new person because I'm still in college.

I really hope you can share some before and after pictures of your nose. If possible can you mail them to me? I would really appreciate it! Thanks ;)[email protected]
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As for the medicines, I mainly took and use those recommended by the doctor (antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, ointments for the scars and bruises). I also read that intake of Vitamin E should be put on hold for one week or one month before the surgery (not sure with the duration so just confirm it with the doctor), and also after the surgery. But as much as possible don't take any health supplements not recommended by the doctor, better to be sure:smile:

Also it would be good to have a facial treatment before the surgery, as you might not be able to do it weeks or months after:smile:

Good luck!

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I think there are a handful of good Asian nose surgeons out there. I have a lot of friends who have traveled out there and here is the word on who's who in Asian Rhinoplasty. I really think it depends on whether or not you want a nasal implant, like slicone or gore-tex, or something natural in your nose. It is interesting because half of my friends would never put a fake implant in their nose (looks like a sterotypical 1980's Asian nose job) while others would never have ear or rib cartilage placed in their nose. I know I would not want a piece of plastic in my nose.

Dean Toriumi is one of the better regarded surgeons and located in Chicago. He only uses rib or ear and charges a ton (supposedly around 30 thousand a nose) but he is supposed to be pretty good although I don't know anyone who has gone to see him.

Samuel Lam in Dallas is all over the place on youtube and is of Asian background. He charges less than others but he uses gore-tex. he seems like a pretty knowledgeable surgeon.

Anil Shah trained under Dr. Toriumi and is considered one of the rising superstars. He only uses natural substances and does not charge an arm and a leg...yet.

Dr. Park in New York also is supposed to be very good and he only also uses gore-tex.

If you like silicone implants, Dr. Charles Lee in Los Angeles does uses these implants and has a large practice devoted to Asian patients.
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Hi mkryu...
I've been following this thread and your posts have been very informative. I tried to PM you, but couldn't for some reason.
After reading your experience, I am considering Dr. Lee to do my rhinoplasty. I would love to see your results, if that's okay. You can PM me.

If anyone has anymore experiences to share as well as pictures with Dr. Charles Lee, please feel free to contact me.

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I'm leaning towards Dr. Lee as well. If anybody has had nose surgery with him, please let me know. I would love to see the results. I heard he can be pretty quiet so you're supposed to go in there knowing exactly what you want & to make sure you are heard. Is that true? I was hoping he'd be able to show me a lot of before & after photos & we can both decide on what would be appropriate for my face.
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does toriumi really charge 30k? i thought it was more like 15k-20k
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Could you send me an e-mail ([email protected]) to let me know where you did your vaser? I was told not to go for lippodissolve for the face as it does not show results. And I read that smart lipo for the face may not be effective too. So it looks like Vaser is the only other way left for removing unwanted fat from the face.
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I had my implant taken out several years ago. The only difference i noticed was that my eyes seemed to have a hollow look. I hear other rhino patients had this problem as well... definitely not an improvement. I'm not sure if i have scar tissue, its difficult to tell. My nose for the most part looks the same prior to the surgery. It was a tough experience, but at least i've learned from it and know what i want for my next one.

Dr. Kao's examples are pretty interesting. He has examples of tip projection and derotation which I need done. The hard part is navigating through the sites since i don't speak chinese. I think the difficult part about going overseas is being able to communicate effectively what exactly you want to your doctor. I want to be sure that me and the dr. are exactly on the same page.

I am thinking of getting the procedure done this summer or next... When do you plan on getting yours done? Is the bridge augmenation the only thing you need done for your rhinoplasty? Here's one good example i found of that here in the us....

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