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weird... why do you think your eyes became hollow? possibly due to trauma from the rhinoplasty?

you're lucky you don't have scar tissue... i think i have it because i've had 2 different implants put in in a short period of time, and one of the implants was pretty big. ugh.

i speak chinese but i don't read very well, so i used a google translator to help me navigate the websites.

translated links for before and afters:

dr hsu:

dr. kao: http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=en&js=n&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftw.myblog.yahoo.com%2Fface-nose%2Farchive%3Fl%3Df%26id%3D11&sl=zh-CN&tl=en

my biggest concern with going overseas is that if something goes wrong, or i want to go back for a check up or revision, it would be a hassle. i may not be protected in case of any malpractice. the doctors in taiwan do speak english, though not perfectly. i can speak cantonese and they may only speak mandarin. i have emailed the doctors and gotten responses from two of them. they both recommend ear cartilage with septal cartilage, or rib if i want more augmentation. i think they understand what i want. i just hope they can deliver it if i decide to go to them.

i have seen the before and after of that asian patient you posted. her results look decent. however, i don't want to go to a western doctor unless they have had A LOT of experience with asian rhinoplasty. there are only a couple of them that i know of in the US, who use rib grafting. i am very impressed with the two asian rhinoplasties i saw by toriumi, but i keep reading horror stories about him on the internet. not to mention he is very expensive. at the moment, going overseas seems to be the best choice for me. there is a thread in a singapore forum where many of the members have traveled to taiwan to get a primary/revision and they had good experiences/results. http://www.singaporeexpats.com/forum/ftopic50308-0-asc-870.html

i'm planning to get a revision probably later this year/early next year. or i might wait a little longer, like next summer. i should give my nose a little more time to heal before i go through another operation.
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Hi everyone,

I am flying to Seoul from the US at the beginning of June to get rhinoplasty with Dr. Jung at the Shimmian Clinic. I was wondering if anyone was going to get work done around that time so that we could share a hotel room and/or other expenses (I'm a male by the way). Even having someone to hang with around that time would be good too. I will be staying for about 2.5 weeks.

Also, if anyone has had PS with Dr. Jung before, any tips as to where to stay nearby that's cheap would be greatly appreciated. Hotel costs are going to be expensive because I'm staying around for so long. The suggested hotel of Coatel still comes out to $100 per night. General tips as to where to get cheap food and maybe do some shopping would be great too!
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Has anyone with a nasal implant has had any experience with the snorkeling mask? I know they have to fit real tight around the nose. I had my surgery in August 2008 so Im not exactly one year yet, but I dont want anything to shift.
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I emailed Dr. Jung but I'm not getting any from him? Flying in June? My plan is to fly in Mid May probably next week.
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I noticed a lot of Japanese and some Korean celeb men are feminine looking and skinny. I understand, it's their fashion. However, I'm getting my nose job to look manly and beautiful (Japanese characters pictures below). I know it's a video game, but I can't find any manly looking Japanese celeb. [​IMG]ec.img.v4.skyrock.net/ec5/tina0206/pics/297172221.jpgsameoldschmidt.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/breakdown_solus.jpg

I have a muscular body, would my healing time be faster after the surgery?
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I should give the doctor a call to make sure, but I think he broke the bone in between my eyes when he put in the implant to make it look narrow. This is the part of the surgery i regretted most. All it did was give my eyes a "hollow look." It made me look like a little older and tired. With all the years that have passed since the surgery it's gotten better but still not the same as preop. I guess its just one of the risks you take with surgery. Although I don't see it, I wouldn't be surprised if there was scar tissue. FYI, the implant I had was pretty big. The space between my eyes looked wierd.

Thanks for posting those links. They're really educational/informative. At this point I'm trying to soak up all the info i can get. The next time I get it done I want to get all the details right. Dr. Kao and Dr. Hsu both have a lot of good examples, just wished there were more frontal views. Did both of them study under Toriumi? I agree Toriumi's asian samples are great, but he's way too expensive... so I figure a doctor who studied under him is the next best thing. Also, do you know who of these two speaks the best English?

Going overseas does have its inherent risks. I really would like to meet the dr in person before deciding to proceed. Having a good relationship with the doc is key. I've heard stories of people having doctor's who are rude after the surgery... this is the last thing a patient needs after going through something as big as surgery.

I think I posted this link before, but I noticed now there's an actual photo sample now... I think it looks natural, definitely an improvement... what do you think?


Here's an interesting link on asian rib grafting with another Toriumi example
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This is better (he's japanese but he looks 100% white):

I'm also muscular but that doesn't make you heal any quicker. You're looking at 4-6 weeks to start looking normal (to go out in public without a hat).

i've read many of your posts and it just seems like you might have unrealistic expectations about plastic surgery. Dr Park of the OZ Clinic wrote me: "Plastic Surgery is not miracle." Surgery really doesn't alter your look that much. Great surgery should enhance your looks. A higher nose bridge isn't going to make you looked mixed unless you already have a caucasian shaped face. You have to consider your other facial features when deciding on the height and width of your nose. You have to consider the width and height of your cheek bones, shape of your chin/jaw, etc. For example, if you have a broad, round face, then a slim and high nose will not fit. It will just draw attention and look fake.

This girl previously had eyelid surgery. She then underwent rhinoplasty to get a slimmer and higher nose. Her new nose looks out of place with the rest of her features. Her cheeks are too broad and her chin is too weak. My guess is that she was going for the eurasian look (notice the colored contact lenses). She just looks weird to me:

I got rhino and a chin implant a year ago. Most people didn't even suspect that I got surgery. they just thought I looked better, maybe a new haircut. My Korean friends think I look more like a mixed Korean. The changes were subtle but I had soft Asian features to begin with so a higher bridge and narrower nose complimented my features. I get alot of compliments when I'm at bars and clubs. I've had caucasian girls come up and tell me: "I not into Asian guys but you're hot" or "you're really handsome for an Asian." I think that my nose and chin makes me look more masculine. I still feel that I look pretty Asian since my eyes are very Korean (monolid). Maybe if I have my eyes done, I would look more eurasian. But even before the surgery, I always got many compliments from people about my looks...especially from some of the Plastic Surgeons I had consultations with:smile: All I'm saying is that plastic surgery isn't going to change your look very drastically (most people you casually know won't even notice anything different). You just have to be careful not to go overboard to a point where it may make you look unnatural.

Anyway, here are some examples of Korean guys that I think look masculine and "western looking."
Do they have the look you're going for? IMO, I think they've got really handsome noses. Mine is more like the guy in the Noblesse video.

see 0:54-1:28 and 1:55-2:07

see 1:20-1:30 and 2:04-2:07

and Daniel Henney (half Korean/half British-American)

Hope this helps.
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I'm staying in Korea for 2 weeks. I don't where to stay though. Yes, I'm flying from US. I'm from New Mexico. When are you flying? June 1st? Who knows I might fly with you.
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Looks like we're going to miss each other because i won't be arriving until around June 1. I wasn't thinking about housing a whole lot at the beginning but if you end up staying at the Coatel Hotel for an extended length of time it can be expensive (at $100/night). I was just hoping there were cheaper places around not too far from Dr. Jung's clinic. I might email or pm one of the members who previously had surgery with Dr. Jung and see what they did. Also, I hope that it's easy to get around and communicate with people being that I don't speak anything but english. I want to stock up on stuff before the surgery so I don't have to go anywhere the first few days postop. I assume I won't be feeling too well at that time.
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What are you talking about? I said I might fly with you in June 1st. I can't get my surgery next week. I got so much stuff going on.
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Bolo, did you email Dr. Jung? I haven't heard from him. I'm still waiting. Does he speak English? Anyway did you buy your plane ticket? In case if I fly with you which I'm pretty sure I will, lets find a cheap place. I'm scared to travel alone. I have friend in the army, he said I should be okay because there are a lot of Caucasians there. I'm still wondering, I might need chin implant to but Dr. Jung does only noses.
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That'll be cool to have someone there with me. I've already bought my plane ticket and I'll be flying from the east coast on May 30 and arriving in Seoul, May 31. I'll be staying until June 19. I saw a cheaper place called EVChain and sent them an email but they haven't responded. You can google them and see what you think. I also saw in an old post someone talking about a cheap apartment above Dr. Jung's clinic but I haven't seen any mention of it elsewhere. Maybe we can PM her and get more info. Either way, if we spit the cost, it will help a lot. As for Dr. Jung, he seems really hard to get a hold of. I never got a hold of him but after about 4-5 days got a response from his associate Dr. Jang, confirming things. In regards to the chin implant, check out the other clinics nearby (BK clinic, etc.). See how far away they are. Going to them for that implant could be feasible.
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Flying on May 30th from East Cost and arrive in Korea the next day? That's fast. From west it will take me 2 days to arrive in Seoul. So, if I fly in May 29th I will arrive in Seoul in May 31st considering Korea is 15 hours ahead of us. I will fly from Albuquerque to LA to Seoul. How do we meet up? I wonder if Dr. Jung does chin implant, I was searching his site and he does other implants like cheeks. I sent two emails already and I'm not getting any. Can you email him and ask if he does chin implants and the cost? HEHE
EVChain looks ok. We just need a cheap place with a functional bathroom to stay in. How far is this from Dr. Jung. Free breakfast would be nice.

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I think if you're really set on getting one done, then quality should take precedent over the surgery costs. The nose is right dab in the middle of your face, so if you go cheap and they mess it up---that's going to haunt you for the rest of your life.

Also, I recommend that, for example, if you're Japanese, go get a nose job in Japan---because the facial features are so different depending on the region, going to get the surgery done in your country of origin will ensure the most "natural" results that'll go with what you already have. Of course, it'll be different if you're purposely wanting a "western" nose, etc.
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