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oh wow, i didn't know doctors broke the bone between the eyes before they put in a silicone implant for some cases :sad: can this space be filled with a graft during revision?

i'm not sure if dr.kao studied under toriumi, but i read that dr. hsu did. this is a link to his profile http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=en&js=n&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ychsu.com%2Fnose.htm%23about&sl=zh-CN&tl=en
it mentions toriumi and that he studied in chicago. how extensively he studied under toriumi, i don't know.

i don't know if things are different in asia, but hsu and kao are both ENTs. its a good thing that they are ENTs cause they're familiar with the internal functioning of your nose and less likely to mess it up, but in the U.S. i'd look for a doctor who is a plastic surgeon.

from my emails with the doctors, kao seems to speak better english (or writes better, at least).

i actually just received a detailed email from dr. chuang, and his english is pretty good. he does do rib grafting, but i dont think its his specialty so i wouldn't go to him for that. he recommends that i use gortex, since i don't want a too-high western looking nose anyway (like the one i had when i had silicone implant and i didn't like it). so i'm going to do some research on gortex and consider it.

as for those links you attached... i don't really like shah's work on that asian girl. although her bridge is augmented, it doesn't look defined. her tip is still very meaty. maybe there are limitations to what can be done to her nose because she seems to have really thick skin. in my opinon, she looks better with a flat, undefined nose (at least its cute) than a tall, undefined nose. maybe the frontal/profile view is an improvement though.

i think toriumis work on the asian lady is a definite improvement. i like how defined toriumi's noses look from frontal view.
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Just an update: Dr. Jung's associate, Dr. Jang, replied about the hotel (Coatel) saying that it will cost $70-$75 if they book it for us. This wouldn't be too bad if we split it. The hotel looks nice enough and it's apparently right across the street from the clinic. Let me know what you think.
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I was considering Dr Kao and Dr Hsu for autologous rhinoplasty. Both doctors are ENT specialists and quite famous in Taiwan. After reading this forum and gathering more infomation, I was planning to go for Dr Kao until I saw a negative review about him from the locals. Check this out (it's a Chinese website):

Right now, I can't decide who to choose. Does anyone have any bad experience or saw negative comments about Dr Kao or Dr Hsu? I would really appreciate if anyone can share to enlighten me. Thanks a million.

Dr Ryan Hsu

Dr Kao Chuan Hsiang
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$70-$75 for both of us? Or we split the cost? Anyway, It sounds good. I have no freaking clue why Dr. Jung is not answering my emails. I want to know if he's doing a chin augmentation and I want to set up an appointment. HOw the hell am I gonna get a nose job from him?

Can you tell me your flight details? Is your stop over in LA and fly to Seoul?
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can someone tell me how long do i have to wait for a revision? i did some research on the net and was told that i have to wait at least a year. I want to know how many of you guys went and got a revision under less than a year after surgery? btw it has been two months since my surgery. I went to a local surgeon who has never done any rhino on asians ( yes, what was I thinking?!?!?). In my head i thought it couldn't be that bad. i spent $4K on something that is so subtle and even made my nose loooook even more noticeably bulbous than before. please help. Depressed.
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You should wait at least 6 months before having a revision surgery. In general, most rhinoplasty surgeons prefer to wait for one year before performing a revision because it can take as long as a year for the swelling to subside and for scar tissue to mature.
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sorry to hear about your bad experience... i'm on the same boat. i actually had a revision a month after surgery, but it was only to remove/replace an implant, and didn't involve work on tissue/cartilage. i am now seeking a formal revision but i am told to wait at least a year. what was done to your nose, if you don't mind me asking? because at 2 months there should still be a lot of swelling, and maybe that's why your nose looks bulbous. maybe you just need to give it time.
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Personally, reading that thing we have to understand that there is two sides of the story. Some of it didnt even make sense. Im wondering if he was suppose to have consultation the day before, thats why everything was so rushed and he came in the wrong day. Anyways the person writing it seemed a little spoiled and had alot of demands. She/He wasn't a good candidate to begin with. And with there kind of attitude im sure any rhinoplasty suregeon can't impress him with his type of nose situation and how he wanted it to turn out. Reading the majority of Dr Kao's patient reviews he seems like a nice kind hearted person. That person who wrote it had a nose problem. I notice he wrote this just a couple days ago too... LOL so... doesnt that mean its still swollen? Im still sticking with Dr Kao on my surgery in December.


Dr Kao responded to the accusations:

"Thank you for sending this email to remind me.

He was a tough guy and asked too much for the expectant result.
I try not to do the operation for him at the beginning because I can feel his is not a good canditate for surgery.
But he asked for functional nasal surgery, The most important point is he service in the military and we are supposed to not reject the surgery for the patient, especially the functional problem. We had already well discussion with him..his reaquirement is not reasonable. We did the surgery for him, the functional defect was corrected and the cosmetic result is better! Not just as he said, it is not true.
But you may know, he was not satisfied.
I already did my best to solve his problem with crooked nose and nasal block, we did not charge the cosmetic surgery fee. He only got to pay the hospital for the 10% copay surgery fee covered by national insurane. Money is not a point, I really do not want to make money by this kind of surgery. I try to help my patient, but his allitude is not good for a young male during the whole consultation, really upset me.

Not every review about me is good, right? I just told myself, should I help these patient who really ask too much? I start to say no to help those patients who had bad surgery done by the previous surgeon, that may keep me safer and would not meet trouble induced by the previous doctors.

Dr Kao"
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well i didn't like it the first day i got home from surgery and i hated it still. I wanted to make my wide nose narrower by trimming the sides. I also told him that i want a "not too high" bridge and he told me that it's not a good idea to add any artificial things in the body even ear cartilage (grafting). So i went ahead and let him do what he thinks is best for me. He trimmed my nostril and tip which i really don't see a difference (slightly). He raised my nose my pinching in the tip cartilage to make it look higher (viewing sideway). Overall my nose looks very funny and uneven in all different kind of ways. Please take a gooood look at my before flat nose and the not so pretty after picture.

before: it was flat but cute looking

after: seems higher without any implant but appear more bulbous and uneven center????

and here is the sideview of the after picture which looks okay

Oh asin, i never felt so ugly in my life. I thought the surgery was going to give me more confidence but i should have just listened to everyone else that was telling me not to do it.
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I can see more nostril definition in your after pictures. You are still swollen. It may take anywhere starting at 6 months to up to 2 years for you to get to the final result. My nose looks better now than it did 2 months ago. I'm currently 1 year post-op.
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Redbenz68: I think your nose in both case are very satisfying, the thing is you had a nice nose to begin with, I would be really happy if i had your nose. I think it will look better in the next few months when it is not swollen any more, so don't think about it too much ;) cheers !
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hey girl, i can tell from your picture even though your eyes are starred out that you're very pretty. there is a good chance your nose is just swollen. it really does take at least 3-6 months or even up to 1.5 year for your nose to fully deswell after surgery, and "uneven swelling" can happen making your nose look uneven in the first few months. you should try to give it some time to heal before you decide you hate the results and regret surgery. just try to take your mind off of it for now as it is still healing and reevaluate in a few months. there's a forum on this site www.makemeheal.com with rhinoplasty patients, and a lot of them complain about swelling months after rhinoplasty and many of them do end up happy with their results as they approach the year mark.
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i've been an avid reader off and on this thread, had actually gone through 2 nose surgeries, and feel I need to give my two cents. I feel that after being influenced by reading some of the reviews here for certain doctors, that I do have to reveal some real facts about some.

first of all, the first time I got my nose done two years ago, was with a really inexperienced doctor. I feel I should of reserached more so I don't blame anyone but myself.

However, the second time around, I did my research. I read and read forum after forum, websites, and people who reccommended certain doctors. My decision inevitably fell on Dr. Chuang in Taiwan. I booked my flight and flew out there hoping he could fix the first doctor's mistake, and change my problem around.

Well, now having spent more than several months healing, his work is not much to compliment about. My silicone implant that I got removed by him to put another one in, suggested by him, is completely unsatisfactory. He said my previous implant was too small. I thought it was the right size but just crooked. He then says he will put in a bigger implant. I didn't argue with him because he is suppose to be the professional and artist here. So I trusted him in what he planned to do for me, and I know now I shouldn't have otherwise. My implant like my previous, is still, still I repeat, shifted to the left, same as before. I brought up this issue with him prior to surgery. I remember he said he'll fix it. He even said he'll shaved down a bump on my nose that could be causing the deviation. My nose is still crooked looking, and now my bridge just looks humongous, from the top to my tip, it is all the same width. I asked for a curve on my bridge. My bridge is straight up and down, very unnatural. I also think the implant he put on my is way too big. I can feel it is too big, so it is not swelling. I don't know what he did, but my nose looks like this | | on my face. There is absolutely no definition. He also made my implant start so close to my eyes, I am just thinking that is such bad judgement for someone who does this for a living. I'm appalled because he knew of my previous situation, and still I am now sitting at home waiting for my next revision. With another doctor of course.

Did he spend enough time with me during surgery? I don't know. Did he make my nose into how I wanted it described? No. Did I bring in sufficient pictures to accurately show him what I wanted? Yes. Am I just unlucky? Maybe.

When I take pictures now, I have a nose that is wider on my face, and for a small face, that is pretty ugly. To make matters worse, he sharpened my tip so its super sharp there, and it crooked so its pointing to my left, and for some reason which i'm VERY angry about, he increased my already high bridge by I think 4mm's, so my bridge height is ridiculously high. So you can say, I walk around knowing people KNOW i've had surgery done.

I ask myself, did I say anything wrong to this doctor to make him do this to me??? I was very polite and nice to him, didn't ask for too high demands, and I feel that he might have took advantage of that and performs a so so surgery on me. It sucks, cause this is my second time around, and I really thought that Dr.Chuang whom was suggested by so many, would be the one to fix it all!

So, i'm telling my story now because it seems no one really has anything negative to say about this doctor, letting a lot of future patients enter in without a second thought. But please, he may have treated others with good nose jobs, but I am certainly not one of them.

I am compelled to write about this now because I wanted to wait for the swelling to go down. But I think that i've given it enough months, and i'm completely mad seeing myself look like this in the mirror day in and day out, knowing I spent so much and so much hassle to get this out of popular doctor.

Sorry so long and drawn out, but I will be getting a revision soon. By whom, I do not want to say at the time, but he is also from Taiwan. I will let you all know how that goes. But please, don;t believe all the hype you hear about certain doctors. I am angry to say that he not only ruined my face, but my eyes as well.

If you want pictures, please instruct me on how to do that here.
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