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What is eactly wrong with putting ear cartiledge??? (I want to know because i'll be adding my own ear cartiledge for my rhinoplasty) what is the negative sides.. did he tell u?
For some reason your BEFORE picture had more of a tip. and now it seems ur tp is gone
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I'm so sorry to hear about your nose. I guess it's bad luck as well and - maybe bad doctor too. I think good doctors are supposed to read what fits best to our faces. I am thinking about shaping my nose tip. I had my nose lift 7 years ago, but i am not happy with my bulbous at all, and i might want to do revision of my bridge too, i am happy with its height but it was L shape so it's kind of off to the right a bit...
I'm thinking about going to Taiwain this summer, but i don't know for sure yet. Where are you planning to go to the next doctor? In anycase I wish you the best for the next - hopefully the last time seeing a doctor for a nose job ! And for me too !
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thankyou gals for the comforting comments but i still feel like crap.
as for vivi_bee
Sometimes with grafting, your body can either reject or accept it. Transplant rejection usually occurs when the recipient's immune system attack a transplanted organ or tissue because it's "foreign". Swelling or infection may occur. I learned that in biology and with the doctor but don't count on me. Correct me if i'm wrong. My tip before was less noticeable but now humongous!!!! i can probably take it apart and bounce it on the floor since it's so round and big like a basketball.
My nose is really bigger than before . It was just flat pre-op but now it's weird looking. I have been making excuses so long b/c i didn't want to go anywhere. i'm just bad luck but Good luck with yours!
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Hi asin,

I think fat grafting could be used to correct a hollow eyed look, as I heard it is used to treat dark eye circles. I just think it kinda sucks to have the problem in the first place, it was just a bad call by my doctor to even do that to my face.

As for Dr. Chuang, I don't think I'll be considering him after reading a forum member's experience with him. I am definitely not going the route of putting anything artificial (gortex or silicon) in my body as I've read several bad things about them and possible complications involved. I think autologous cartilage grafting (rib, septal, or ear) is the way to go for good long term, natural results. Just my two cents.

As for the shah patient, i guess its a matter of taste. I think her results look natural considering her facial features. From a male perspective I do think she looks better with her new nose than with her previous nose. It looks like a nose she could've been born with. Her nostrils show less, are no longer flaring, and she now has a slightly projecting tip. Sometimes a too defined look on the bridge can be a dead giveaway to having something "done" in my opinion. It really depends on how it is done, and whether it suits the patients' other facial features. Overall, I like how it wasn't too dramatic of a change to the point where she looks a totally different person. She looks like an improved version of her old self.

I agree, Toriumi's noses look pretty nice from the frontal view. If you noticed on that article it was co-written by Dr. Benjamin Swartout. He's based in LA, much closer to where I live. It seems like he's co-authored articles with Toriumi on Asian Rhinoplasty, so I wonder if he might be worth checking out. His website doesn't show examples, but since he's in California I might consider consulting with him.
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BTW, Asin, do you know if Dr Hsu and Kao charges for consultations? I can't understand their websites, even when translated it's a bit confusing. They're both based in Taiwan right? thanks
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wow, i'm really sorry to hear about your bad experience with dr. chuang. this is actually the second negative review i've read about him on forums. the other one was about a patient who went for augmentation with gortex, and ended up with a crooked nose. she got a revision with another doctor, and found out that dr. chuang had actually put silicone, not goretex, in her nose. yikes. i guess i'll have to cross him off my list.

i hope you will get the results you want this time. i, too, feel like i have ruined my face with plastic surgery and it is extremely devastating. i honestly would pay any amount just to have my old nose back and not have to deal with this anymore.

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you're right, i think autologous cartilage is indeed the way to go. i want this to be my last surgery and don't want to worry about infection/extrusion. i still worry about warping though... that would be such a nightmare. are you only considering using rib? because kao and hsu recommended septal+ear if i want slight augmentation. however, i've read that ear cartilage is not a good material for dorsal augmentation because it is naturally curved and is more likely to bend. septal cartilage alone may not be sufficient for dorsal augmentation.

i am considering a consultation with shah. my revision will involve removing scar tissue and i really want a careful, reputable doctor to do this. i don't want to end up with a michael jackson nose.

anyway, let me know how it goes with swartout if you consult with him. i'm by CA as well... would be nice to find a doctor in my region. have you consulted with nassif yet?
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i don't know if they charge for consultations. i've emailed both of them and got some sort of a "virtual" consultation. if i make a trip to taiwan i will probably consult with them and proceed with surgery on the same trip, unless something turns me off in person.
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ut my ear cartiledge isnt a foreign object... it shouldnt reject it.. thats why im shock to see you write that the doctor said "even ear cartiledge"
You side profile looks great, but im wondering why your nose tip disappeared. I think you should wait a year.. im sure it will be fine! still a cute nose. sorry who is your doctor?
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Hey! Does anyone have an idea how long does it take before you can have another rhinoplasty?

I had mine just last month, and I had goretex on the upper part of my nose and alar trimming, the nose looks good but lately I feel that it lacks tip projection, and so I want to have tip plasty. I consulted my doctor about it and he said he's willing to do it and I only need to pay the fee for the "operating room", but I need to wait at least 3 months before I can have it done. Problem is I don't have the luxury of time to wait that long. Before I've consulted with another doctor and he said only a period of 1 month is needed before another surgery is done. Any idea?
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i think you should wait at least 6 mos. because it takes some time for your tip to get more defined. Trust me i emailed my dr. right after my surgery because i was so worried about it. then others told me to wait and see before i jump the gun and do another surgery. my dr. told me to wait 6mos. then email him photos and he'll work with what i have then. i'm happier with my nose now so i really don't plan to email me him in 6mos. i might just email in the photos just to see what his opinions are.
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Thanks for the response, that's very comforting to know!

Just curious, did you have tip plasty or the same procedure that I had? How many months did it take before you became satisfied with the look of you nose? :smile:

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i got silastic implant, ear cartilage for my tip, and alarplasty. i got my surgery done at the end of march and didn't really begin to like my nose until recently. i was worried about everything but slowly the height of my nose settled down and now my tip is starting to get more defined. i've been told my family and friends that my tip is looking much better. i'm still waiting bc i know my tip will continue to get more defined so i'm still waiting for at least a few more months to see the final results (well closer to what my final result will look like since it can take over a year for some).
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That's good to hear, hope your final result turns out great!!

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