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Thanks for your reply Gonnawin.

Yep, I had infracture (bones narrowed) with first nose job 4 years ago.

You're right, some lighting worse than others. I've found it helps to put on some weight. If I stay too slim, it looks far worse.

I agree, too much pressing around sides of bridge, near the tear trough under your eye, could probably have made it worse. I think the trauma cuts off blood supply to the fat cells, so they die.

Yeah, I had injectible filler (restylane) done. It helped, but probably only improved it by 50%. It made me look healthier, but I still look older and more gaunt than before rhino.

Wish they warned me about it. I would NOT have had nose surgery. I was much prettier and healthier looking before. It's kind of made my eyes sink into my head. They look smaller and less bright. Feel upset about this!
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Hi ShinAngel

Dr Sam Lam (google him) is in Fort Worth, in Texas USA.

He does a lot of Asian noses, including revisions. If you have a look at his forum called 'Ask Dr Lam', he answers questions from people around the world. He is very good at replying within a few days. It may be worth asking him about your situation.

Dr Lam has removed implants from noses, he also does "revision" noses. He's an Ear/Nose/Throat & Facial Plastic Surgeon. He's born and raised in the US, but has an Asian heritage. A very talented surgeon indeed.

(I wish I had my primary rhinoplasty with him. He would have done a great job)

Hope this information helps!
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I've heard that Dr John Hilinski is very good with all sorts of noses, including Asian noses. He's based in San Diego.
On other forums, his name comes up all the time as one of the best nose surgeons to see. He trained under Dr Toriumi and is double certified (Ear-nose-throat and facial plastic).
I've heard his prices are very reasonable compared to LA surgeons.
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Hey Jez!

You look great in those pics ;)

How long did it take for your bridge height to settle after surgery Did it take a full 12 months?

I'm 1 month post-op with rib to build up bridge. The height is bothering me the most. Hopefully it's swelling and will settle down. It doesn't seem to be going down just yet....early days :nuts:

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Hey Strawberrykiwi

So your bridge started to look lower and more natural after 2 months (you had surgery in March 2009?)

I'm 1 month post-op, need some advice from people who've had rib or ear grafting to augment the bridge. When does the height swelling start to go down?
Right now I'm still very nervous that my graft is just too high. Can't tell what is swelling and what will stay like that!

Any advice much appreciated:biggrin:
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My doctor suggested i change my surgury to RIB cartiledge. IS THERE REALLY MUCH DIFFERENCE using both ears cartiledge + septal? You would think using all 3 is more then Rib.... maybe rib is longer? But i heard Rib is the most painfulest. Also if u do rib... u cannot revise and change it later doesnt rib attach and stick to ur nose really well?
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Hi mkryu! Thanks for the compliments, but I still believe this high profile nose doesn't suit me. Now I look adopted and don't match anyone in my family. Btw, I didn't ask for this nose as such. And I didn't know GORE-tex would give a straight, fake look.
Dr. Lansangan didn't show neither pics of previous rhino's, nor simulations of the outcome to be expected. And when the nasal splint was removed, he even mumbled that my nose was asymmetric.

I agree that operated noses with an imperfection look more natural, but the only imperfections that I wanted to keep, were the hump, the wide bridge in frontal view (not the base though) and the profile.

The problem with Dr. Jung is that

For starters, he is Lansangan's mentor, which basically means he might have the same views as Lansangan on what is beautiful (which I do not necessarily agree with).

Secondly, Dr. Jung performs camouflage surgery using gore-tex cuttings for small imperfections. I want to avoid implants made out of synthetic materials this time. I'd rather go for ear cartilage or the like... There is less risk of infection with cartilage crafts from one's own body. And in case the outcome of the revision is not satisfactory, as a European citizen I don't want to face the same difficulties as the ones I am facing now, which is finding a local surgeon that is used to perform ethnic rhino's with synthetic implants.
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Hey! I wish I could agree with you, but nearly 11 months post-op, I still dislike this new nose. Btw, I am not the only one to have noticed the shifted implant: my mom and sisters and some friends saw it too. One person couldn't point out what was wrong, so he said that I resembled dr. Clouseau from the Pink Panther, which is not exactly a compliment, if you know what I mean.

I went back to dr. Lansangan several times, but he simply ignored me...
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I would say the bridge would look high for about 1-3 months. After 3 months you won't notice so much but most likely take about 6-9 months for it to fully settle. Look at the pics below and you can see with mine.

This is a little timeline of my nose and the way it shaped till now...



Six weeks


3 months

2 years on
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Hey Vivi_bee :biggrin:

I'm thinking that rib is still a longer recovery than ear + septal.
Not sure why, maybe because it's so stiff? I'm definitely hearing many people say that rib takes the longest to scar down and heal.

My surgeon has promised me that rib CAN be revised later. But, keep in mind that I'm talking about him revising it (I know that there are only a few surgeons out there who will revise rib down elsewhere).

He said he'll take out my graft and refine it to lower the height (if it doesn't settle down low enough for my face).
I think you just need to see a surgeon that uses rib a lot. He reckons that making adjustments to my graft would be easy.
Ok, not ideal to have further surgery, but I'll get it reduced if it's not looking lower by 6 months post-op.

Pain? No, thankfully! He used donor rib from a blood bank. Since I was flying home 8 days after surgery, he wanted me to be very comfortable. There's not much difference between Cadaver rib and your own, according to him.
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yea my surgery was in march. i had a silastic implant to augment my bridge though. it settled after about a month. i kind of miss the height. not the initial height but the height it was about 2-3 weeks post op. the height now is more natural though. i'm just now waiting for my tip. hope this helps somewhat.
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your getting it from a Donar!? How much are you paying for it? Its probably more expensive or the same if u were to use your own....

Correct me if i'm wrong.. i thought the whole piont in using your OWN cartiledge is because of DNA and that means no infection or whatever...
but i mean your using someone else's thats been in someone completely different body... maybe even different blood type.............. =/
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hey people! Can anyone PLEASE send me pics of two weeks post op for your rhino? I really want to be prepared to face what im going to look like 10days after the surgery as i will be heading back home and im scared everyone is going to find out!! ahaha

Also if anyone has eyelid 2 weeks post op I will be forever thankful XD

please send to [email protected]
Thanks so much people =] this forum is really good by the way:biggrin:
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