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Ur so funny MAskd2003! I think if it were me....i mite have gone a little red cause when I lie...my face lights up! lol....I agree with you about asians having a sharper eye esp to others who are also asian....but I also think that guys who are checking you out will also have a sharper eye! :drool: heehee :wlae:
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My mom went to this clinic http://www.miniface.com/

I think she did open cuz when I asked her about her surgery, she said her implant is underneath. So, she doesn't have to worry about her implant moving around. Her implant is Goretex and they used ear cartilage for her tip. Yeah, she is very happy with her nose :yes:.

I think her nose looks good. Heres a picture of her nose. http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2080/nosetz8.jpg
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Thanks for the response, Mask. It was very helpful :smile:. I wish you a speedy recovery along with your friend. Your experience is encouraging. I appreciate the warning too. Yes, I want a lot done, and I'll only be 18 when I'm get my PS. I'm 17 atm. I don't know if I'll have the identiy crisis thing though because I've always wanted this so much. But who knows :P, maybe I will.

I really hope I'm asleep for the whole thing though. I'm terribly scared but I still want my PS. I've been wanting a nose job for a looooong time. Getting my eye lids done would mean I don't have to put on make up everytime I go out. I'm looking forward to it so much! Time flys and I'll be in Taiwan before I know it.
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Hey everyone... i have just read through this entire forum~ and i see several people are planning to go to Korea in December? I am also planning to go to BK Clinic in December. When in december were you planning? i speak korean also...and I have family in Korean to help with any problems i run into
I am want nose, eyes, and breast... so i might take longer to recover... >_< hehe
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Hi Glamorous~

Wow your mom's nose looks great! Do you have a before picture?
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Hi Glamorous,
You said that your mom has gortex implant, so how long has she had it? Because I don't know if it will last for a lifetime though.
The result looks good, but I heard some cases the implants shift to the right, so I am kinda nervous. I'm considering to have tiplasty only, no gortex implant, but Dr. Jung still charge the same price $4000 USD, which, in this case, is expensive though... Does anyone know anywhere that I can have my nose tip fixed with a more reasonable price and good result?
Hey Maskd2003, thank you for your advice earlier ^ ^ Wish you the best!
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bad news everyone...

no... it's not my nose or any of the surgeries... my freaking double eyelids disappeared!
So, I think I will have to go to Taiwan again...

arg... I think it went away due to the fact that the first time I did it, I did it in the countryside of China for 65 USD... yes... that cheap...it was pretty but I guess it only lasted for 3 years... just my luck... I spend so much on tickets to Taiwan, GO THERE, and I don't get my eyelids redone and it disappears a week later.

Dr. Chuang actually wanted to make my double eyelids higher... but I said no... arg... should have done it!

I've been trying to use the tape but my skin is a little too thick for the tape to make it permanent.

glamorous, you actually live in the same town as me.

oh... goretex is used in Taiwan, both Wish and LR clinic use it... I know.

anyway, if anyone is planning to go to Taiwan and want me to go with them, pm me...
I actually might go to China since the double eyelid is a simple procedure and I have family there... we'll see...
if you're going later this year, don't worry... I don't have very much vacation time left and can't go in the near future anyway...

nose and eyelashes doing well by the way...
curled the lashes today... looked amazing...
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you have cute little nostrils like your mum too.. :smile:

eh... you know... chances are if you really hate your nose, (btw, your nose is pretty) you won't regret it...

Also, the double eyelid thing... I never regretted that when I first did it... tape is so obvious and ugly... and I've never tried the glue... just seems weird to me.

and, I'm beginning to find out that the crisis is only for like the first month... and then you whack yourself on the head and say, "ah... it is an improvement." lol...
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My mom had the Goretex implant for a few years now. I'm not sure how long, I just know its less then ten years. What she told me is that they put the implant underneath the actual nasal bone. So if you're touching your nose, you are NOT touching your implant. She told me that with this method, you don't have to worry about something hitting your nose and moving your implant.

Taiwan is a lot cheaper then Korea and they do an amazing job, if you go to the right doctor.

I love the height of my mom's nose. I think they did amazing. I think her tip and nostrils are okay. I'd rather have my nostrils a tiny bit narrower and tip more pointy.
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Awww thanks, you're too sweet. I actually never tried the whole tape thing lol. It sounds like a pain though. I'm glad you're already over your crisis :smile:.

Wow, pretty neat that we live in the same town :lol:.

Omg I can't believe that happened to you. It must really suck :sad:. Its good everything else is fine. I can't imagine how beautiful and stunning your eyelashes are! I'm jealous lol. At least eyelids is a pretty simple operation like you said. China would be nice and you get to visit your family too :yes:.

Btw, how much did you pay for your plane tickets? I paid 1,300 for mine :hrmm:. My mom paid the same plus 1,100 each for two of my little brothers. My other brother isn't going, thank goodness :roflmfao:. We'll be there for about a month and we'll be missing the first week of school. It was impossible for us to return on time...
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maskd - im soo sorry to hear about your eyelids, it only proves there is such a thing called 'sods law' - hmm actually not sure if thats a british term or worldwide?! Anyway basically the timing sucks! Anyway I think if you had them redone again it should last abit longer.

yoonyiah - your getting eyebrow implants done? wow i havent heard of that one, doesnt mose asians just get it kinda tattooed instead? Ive seem some girls with this done and looks good.. obviously some look pretty scary!! You getting all your proceedures done at one place?
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the first time I did it wasn't by the cut method... that's why it didn't last forever... for others, it might...
It's not completely gone... it's just not high like it used to be.

Anyway, I paid 900 for my tics... although they're probably a lot more expensive now because of summer...
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