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Damn, this sounds like something very similar to what I've experienced! I only wanted a nose job, but the surgeon suggested in a quite pushy way that I should have a chin implant as well if I wanted to have a higher bridge (to balance the facial proportions). But I thought by myself that I wanted a subtle change, so there should be no need for a chin implant, especially because I have no receding chin.

Anyway, I didn't like his wife neither.

Oh, damn, I thought it was my imagination, but you only confirm what I saw: patients with a very high and artificial looking nose.

Damn, I should have done some more research!
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Hi Caro! I have the same problem as you: a crooked nose because of a deviated GORE-tex implant. And way too high nosebridge as well (tho I asked for very subtle changes).

Could you bring me up-to-date about your revision? It's not easy to find surgeons in Europe willing to revise a GORE-tex and on tope of that, an Oriental nose! Also, I'd appreciate if you could show a few pics. For mine, take a look at a previous post.
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those of you who had alar reduction, how much swelling is there? i just had it done and since its just cartilage at the end of the nose, its difficult for me to tell if its swollen or if my surgeon made my nostril walls thinker (he added cartilage to reduce nostril showing). i can no longer stick my finger in my nose and want to know if i will need to pick my nose with a q-tip from now on. haha!:nuts:
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hey simplyjake,

i think you can upload pictures on the bottom of your screen you when write a post. I see it says to upload an attachment. or i think you may have to link them for a site (like flicker). there's a button where you can "insert a link" next to changing your font and whatnot, when you write a post. i'd really like to see your pics, you seem to be very happy with your results.
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hey guys um thanks finkle for telling me how to post pictures lol well this is me four weeks post op, as you can see theres bruises on the side of my face. im loving the results my eyes are much bigger and they just look alive and not droopy or tired.

im currently two months post op and its looking alot better now but i cant find the cable for my camera, sorry guys i will try to upload more. um let me know what u guys think. my nose is also alot smaller and more projected and defined.
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Hey SHINANGEL, i just looked back on ur photos and i think that its amazing, like i love your nose. Im just wondering did u get alar plasty as well?

i like the way mine turned out but i didnt get alar plasty because the surgeon suggested i didnt because it would look to fake and unnatural, however yours looks amazing, if u did get alar plasty. like my alars look smaller because my tip is more projected however i think if they were just alittle smaller and a little higher so the tip is slightly lower then my alars it would look even better.
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hey jake yeah your eyes look great! are those contacts or do you have hazel eyes?

your nose is hard to see but definitely looks like a stronger bridge and more defined tip. if you took some direct frontals it would make it easier to see the alars.

how many weeks did it take to get definition in your tip?
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:nuts: Great results simply jake!! :biggrin: and thanks for sharing the photos..

May I ask if you did tip-work (cartilage modification with cartilage graft) and bridge..? Which surgeon did you go to? The results are really natural! :biggrin:

Thanks in advance for the reply!

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Hey john um it took about 3 weeks for me to see some definition in my tip, yer it takes a while to see results. Um i wish they were my natural eye colour lol, its thanks to contacts lol.

Thanks rememberme123, um with my nose i had a little silicon implant just at the top of the brigde to add a tiny bit of height, like u can see that my brigde was alreadly kinda high thats why the surgeon did a subtle job. um also i had the bones on the side broken and pushed inwards so my nose is narrower and also tip work. with the tip the surgeon used the cartilage from my nose to projected it more (grafting) and also his added steptum cartilage in the column something to tent up my nose for the projection, making my nostril holes elongated so it looks natural, instead of leaving it and have small nostril holes and a huge tip.

um i ended up going to grand surgery clinic in korea
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Hi all! I've been subscribing to this thread for awhile now but haven't checked it for so long. I really want to have rhino and eyelid surgery done next year. So I need to get cracking with my research. Has anyone here had rhino done in US? specifically NY? or know any good rhino surgeons in NYC? I really would like to stay here for this surgery. Only because I think the best place to go is Korea and I dont know anyone there/speak the language.

simply.jake: I dont know if u are/speak Korean, but did your doc and nurses speak English? Btw, your results are awesome!
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Sorry for asking so much.. really hope you could help me out!

As for my case, i also have moderate nose bridge height.. just needed definition on my tip as my tip is round and bulbous as compared to my entire nose.. and i have a small bump on my nose bridge..

I went for consultation and my doctor explained what he's going to do for me and it's similar to urs.. but i wun be doing silicon implant as i am satisfied with my bridge height..

Just like to ask you some questions..

Did your doctor explain explicitly what he's going to do for you too?

Are you from korea or did you fly over to korea to get the rhinoplasty?

What makes you choose grand plastic surgery clinic in the end?

Did you do open or closed rhinoplasty?

Did you undergo LA (local anaesthesia) or GA (general)? I am given a choice but i dunno which to choose.. LA is cheaper though. haha.

Right after the surgery (in day 1), is there lots and lots of swelling that you could barely recognize yourself?

Also, when u said you had the bones on the side broken and pushed inwards... are you referring to the portion of bridge that is closer to the tip or the portion of bridge that is just beside the eyes?

How long did your surgery take? (if you can remember).. My surgeon told me that it'd take around 4 hours!

Frankly speaking, I am really envious of your surgery results! It's natural and a subtle/ convincing change... and i think that's really impt. :biggrin:

Btw, I am most likely getting my surgery done next year (Jan-Feb).. intended to do it this August but decided to postpone it. patience patience patience patience. (chanting to myself)

Sorry once again for asking so many questions.. but really hope you could help me out! thankss..:biggrin:

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hey! same..! I think korea should be the experts of cosmetic surgery.. judging from how all the korean actresses' cosmetic surgery turn out to be. but i never have the courage to go there as it's a really FOREIGN country to me...

i am from singapore though.. if you are doing it next year, i would be doing it at the same time as you.. :biggrin:

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yah I wish Korea was more accessible. I don't think my family will ever let me have my surgery there. Although it will be cheaper than here in US, it's just a little scary coz u don't know the language and u don't know what their standards are in terms of safety etc (even though I'm sure it's fine my family would flip out if I decide to do it there). I'll probably do it end of next year or around fall. So I still have plenty of time to research. I really hope I can find a doctor here who's good at both rhino and eyelid. U're lucky in that u don't need to build up your bridge that much. That's my main problem
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hey remember me um ok answers to your questions lol and theres alot! haha

um just a note guys, im not korean nor do i speak the lanuage lol. and i was alone when i flew over from australia for surgery. but with grand surgery they provided a translator. i dont think any of the other places do. the nurses dont really speak english and only the eye surgeon speaks fluent english and a couple of the other surgeons however my rhino doctor didnt speak english so the translator was very helpful, shes from a different department and they called her in for me everytime i had a consult, she doesnt work at that clinic so she doesnt have loyalty towards grand surgery.

um initally i had no interest in getting surgery at grand, however when i walked past the clinic i thought to myself it wouldnt hurt to get more advice and check out as many clinics as i could so i could get all the information i needed in order to get the results i wanted and to see if they were gonna tell me anything different from the other clinics.

the first consult they called in the translator for me even tho the doctor i was speaking to spoke proper english. so that was a positive. then the next thing that was different was that all the staff there looked like they were operated on, however great and amazing results, they looked hot lol so that boosted my confidence in the place. um next was the doctors, they were great and werent just 'yes men'. i told them what i wanted and the doctor told me his suggestions, he didnt just say yes we can do that for you, he gave his advice and told me what would happen if i did this or if i didnt do this or if what i wanted was a bit too unrealistic so that really assured me that this was a good place. also he didnt try to upsell anything to me. other places were telling me i should get a chin implant as well, and i do want one however next time lol i thought it was gonna be too much of a change if i underwent all three surgeries. yer however this place just focused on what i wanted. but i asked the surgeon his advice and he said my chin is not very prominent, but we didnt dwindle on my chin.

i had open rhino, and underwent general anestetic because i had the bones broken and pushed in. i forgot what the procedure is called oste something... anyway it was done because i had a wide nose, the bones on the side of my bridge made my nose wide if u get wat i mean, so they were broken and pushed in and down, resected and what not.

your given a choice for either local or general? thats weird because normally it depends on the type of surgery ur havving to your nose and the doctor usually decides which is best. if its gonna be minor like tip plasty then u undergo local however if breaking bones or anything major then its general. i find it weird how your able to choose which anaesthesia you want.

um im telling you the next day when u wake up and the following day, your gonna look like a monster. like i did not recognise myself i was so scary looking in the mirror. this is not an overexagerration, but my whole entire face, eyes, forehead, nose, cheeks, jawline, a little of my neck all swelled up like crazy, like a balloon. i was thinking to myself what have i done for the first couple of days, i seriously looked like something from a horror show, i was having doubts and regrets but managed to find the humor in it and laughed it off. look forward and have faith. yer it took about 4 hours for my nose alone and 2 hours for my eyes.

also another reason why i choose grand was because, i went over in april thinking that its a quiet period for surgery. i was right like all the other clinics didnt have a waiting list and were not booked out, i could of done my surgery on that day or the next, however with grand surgery it was fully booked out! like there is an extensive waiting list and the earliest time i could book in for surgery was 10 days later!!! luckily for me someone earlier had cancelled so i had the option of doing it the very next day or wait ten days.

well anyways i hope that this information helps if theres anything else you need just ask, i think alot of people have gone thur what your going thur prior to surgery, with the questions and uncertainty.
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i was given a choice because for my surgery, the surgeon normally uses L.A. but I can choose general if i'd like to be completely unconscious..

Thank you soooooo much for the reply!! :biggrin:

It is really tempting me to go to korea and check out more..

Anyway, all the best yea... and enjoy the good results of your surgery!:yahoo:

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